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Old 09-18-2009, 08:44 AM   #15
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I do not like wasting time on stupid lies that are found in editorial pages but this one struck a nerve and caused me to realize what is going on. To attack the lies with facts did not work combating generalities like safety of fear. There was a lack of leadership tactics surrounding the Speed Limit / Lake issue that led to where we find ourselves today.

Here is my observation and opinion on what went wrong in this long political “battle”. It was not lost because we were outspoken or sat at home. It was lost because we did not effectively beat or address the "safety and fear" issue. There was a much more devious game going on and the issue was lost due to an exploitation of a leadership tactic.

Leadership on social issues (slightly different than business since they are not measured by gains or losses) has interesting characteristics and if you study effective leaders you can see how they win or loose. A true leader (weather good or bad – Reagan or Hitler) never debates the facts openly. They champion a cause and let the lower levels debate or mute the merits. This is where the media has all power to either report unbiased or win (steal) battles. The leader stays above the fray while the opponents are painted to look like lunatics with details that can be minimized. The masses that don’t seem to care are really the voters that when forced to make a choice tend to side with the leader that has stayed out of the battle but still stays true to the vision (safety and fear). If the leader of one side gets into the fight and cries foul, points out lies, brings details to the debate the voters are turned off. If you apply this process to historical political campaigns you will see how effectively it works until a revolution erupts.

If you accept this viewpoint then here is how I beleive it applies to the Speed limit issue:
There were 2 sides of the issue leading up to the creation of the law. One side used FEAR and SAFETY while the second group was all about FREEDOM and RIGHTS. To the unaffected masses (voters and lawmakers) we already have speed limits everywhere so that did not seem too resonate with the Freedom and Rights argument. The obvious winner was the SL.

Everyone is right on to suggest the Laconia article is totally WRONG but trying to fight it like last time will probably still end up with more restrictions instead of real solutions. The educated people that have suggested we all need to be active in setting the facts straight are great Americans and what makes this country great but we will still need to get the leadership position in place for round 2 of the debate. The SL group is in the driver’s seat leaving the opponents of the SL on the defensive. It is also hard to gain ground when you are on the defense but I know there are many brilliant minds that do not give up and I see obvious leaders and winners in the forum member’s writings. I have not thought about a strategy but using position like: “a resource grab by Greedy Rich Land owners or corrupt big liberal government may be a start.

Sorry for the long reply but I think we are on a slippery slope and we need to work more effectively the next time. Have a safe boating weekend all!
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