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Old 08-13-2009, 11:51 AM   #129
Bear Islander
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Originally Posted by VtSteve View Post
Sounds like the discussions from years past. Perhaps my memory is foggy. But I don't recall any of the SL proponents being engaged in discussions concerning enforcement. To downplay any other problems, some of the most vocal shills have stated there are no other problems on the lake. A pretty ridiculous assertion. But the main point is this, SL proponents are rarely, if ever, promoting safety. The espouse fear, and have great contempt for those that take the discussion to broader areas of enforcement and safety.
Most of your posts are reasonable, but you are way off base here.

What you call safety threads I would call "Divert attention from the SL" threads or even "Convince people we are interested in safety" threads.

I joined the NHRBA shortly after it was formed. I was soon told to "go away" they didn't want any spies from the speed limit supporters. To bad I wasn't able to take part in the vote they had about supporting HB162 or not. I guess the vote came out that they would oppose it, big surprise.

So give me a break with all this "SL supporters don't want safety" talk.

And please tell me where SL supporters claimed there were "no other problems on the lake". That doesn't pass the laugh test.
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