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secondcurve 01-28-2006 07:58 PM

Good News
The silver lining of the lack of Lake Winni ice is that the islanders' property has not be over run by snowmobilers this year. I recall that Rattlesnake Island was hit especially hard last year.

Cobalt 01-28-2006 10:05 PM

Will you explain exactly how Rattlesnake Island was over run by snowmobilers last year? There are many snowmobilers who own island properties, and their only winter access is by snowmobile.

Pepper 01-28-2006 10:37 PM

Cobalt, I believe SecondCurve is referring to a thread that appeared here last winter, wherein a property owner on Rattlesnake came to report severe damage done to their property by snowmobile operators. Over the course of the winter the property sustained rather expensive damage to recently-done landscaping, and other issues. It was quite a lively thread, and many offered sympathy, along with suggestions about how to protect the property from a repeat event.

A search should reveal the thread itself fairly easily, I think. It worked! Here's a link to the thread:

Cobalt 01-28-2006 11:01 PM

Thank you Pepper for the link. Unfortunately, whether it is speed or reckless actions by a few, we all seem to get painted with the same brush.

Pepper 01-28-2006 11:08 PM

Very sadly it is always the actions of the few who ruin things for the many. Several threads last winter illustrate this quite clearly. There is a "Captain Bonehead" piloting every sort of conveyance available, and eventually he finds a way to ruin plenty. :( :(

secondcurve 01-29-2006 08:10 AM

Thanks Pepper that thread is what I was referring to. Cobalt, I agree that 99% of riders play by the rules. Unfortunately, that 1% can cause a lot of ill will.

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