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TheProfessor 05-07-2020 11:22 AM

Testing for All ?

Well, for just about all.

The state of New Hampshire is providing testing (nearly) for all with no doctors note or paperwork required. An appointment, though, is required.

fatlazyless 05-07-2020 12:01 PM is an excellent source for information for the State of NH.

HHS Commissioner, Lori Shibinette, originally a trained nurse from Nova Scotia is doing a super job, here here here!

Hillcountry 05-07-2020 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by TheProfessor (Post 334173)

Well, for just about all.

The state of New Hampshire is providing testing (nearly) for all with no doctors note or paperwork required. An appointment, though, is required.

Yes, my daughter sent me a link a few minutes ago...

tis 05-07-2020 02:00 PM

Would you want to be tested if you weren't feeling sick?

Hillcountry 05-07-2020 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 334195)
Would you want to be tested if you weren't feeling sick?

Not me, but at least there’s a mechanism in place if needed...

tis 05-07-2020 03:40 PM

I wouldn't either.

thinkxingu 05-07-2020 03:59 PM

After hearing from a student who was tested this week, I certainly don't think I would want to be!

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upthesaukee 05-07-2020 05:45 PM

Just a swab

Originally Posted by thinkxingu (Post 334206)
After hearing from a student who was tested this week, I certainly don't think I would want to be!

Sent from my SM-G950U using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

It's just a little swab of your throat, getting there through your nose, seemingly by way of your sinuses. 😳


PS, Not personal knowledge, just what a friend who had one said.

thinkxingu 05-07-2020 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by upthesaukee (Post 334215)
It's just a little swab of your throat, getting there through your nose, seemingly by way of your sinuses. [emoji15]


PS, Not personal knowledge, just what a friend who had one said.

The way he described it was horrible. He had to get tested, along with 174 other people, at the nursing home he works at. Oof.

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tis 05-07-2020 05:58 PM

I think that was the original test. I think they have one now that isn't that invasive.

Chris M 05-07-2020 06:08 PM

Probably a good idea for over 60 with health issues. Not for me, though. Given what I've been reading it's pretty much a typical flu event for the rest of us.

Descant 05-09-2020 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 334219)
Probably a good idea for over 60 with health issues. Not for me, though. Given what I've been reading it's pretty much a typical flu event for the rest of us.

So, I'm over 60. I've been self isolated for ~7 weeks. I would likely test negative, but as things open up, many times I would still be asked to wear a face mask, and I could still be positive next week. What's the purpose of the test today for me?

Chris M 05-11-2020 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Descant (Post 334393)
So, I'm over 60. I've been self isolated for ~7 weeks. I would likely test negative, but as things open up, many times I would still be asked to wear a face mask, and I could still be positive next week. What's the purpose of the test today for me?

Agree that testing is not all that useful for most.

Especially since we know that lots of people get it as time goes on and the typical herd immunity benefits us all. I don't really understand the desire to do all the tracking. It's not like it's leprosy or Aids. Like the regular flu nearly all of us are going to get it at some point I would imagine. So long as hospitals aren't overrun. They're largely empty in most places now, so that's not happening.

FlyingScot 05-11-2020 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Descant (Post 334393)
So, I'm over 60. I've been self isolated for ~7 weeks. I would likely test negative, but as things open up, many times I would still be asked to wear a face mask, and I could still be positive next week. What's the purpose of the test today for me?

You seem to think the test is "for" you, or all about you. Or the mask is for you. They are not. They are to identify and protect on a large scale across hundreds, thousands, millions of people. It that context, lots of testing and lots of masks make complete sense--we identify more carriers than we can today, we protect more people from being breathed on by unidentified carriers.

SAMIAM wrote a poignant piece on how our society was better when we were kids--underlying all of that was that people thought about more than just themselves.

WinnisquamZ 05-11-2020 08:48 AM

“Identify more carriers”. Create a list of citizens their phone number and addresses to use for future purposes. Has anyone asked where these lists are kept and who has access to them now and in the future

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Pricestavern 05-11-2020 09:02 AM

Yes Definitely
If I had testing available (I'm in NY), I would definitely take the test whether I felt sick at the time or not. It's so that I know if I am a carrier or not and if so, can take the proper precautions not to spread it to someone who may end up dying. I might not contact that person directly but if I gave it to my neighbor or sister, and then they gave it to a person who was compromised and ended up in ICU, then I would hold myself responsible and that is not something I would want on my conscience.

Hillcountry 05-11-2020 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by WinnisquamZ (Post 334542)
“Identify more carriers”. Create a list of citizens their phone number and addresses to use for future purposes. Has anyone asked where these lists are kept and who has access to them now and in the future

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

This speaks exactly to what you have said and is even more sinister than you can imagine.
“House resolution 6666”? Are you kidding me????
Takes a minute to begin so stay with it.

Garcia 05-11-2020 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Hillcountry (Post 334546)
This speaks exactly to what you have said and is even more sinister than you can imagine.
“House resolution 6666”? Are you kidding me????
Takes a minute to begin so stay with it.

Actually, the government has a new plan - have every person (citizen or not), and even children 10 years old and younger, keep a device on their person that enables GPS tracking and monitoring so that we know where everyone is, who they are with, and much, much more. To keep the government costs low, they are going to have people pay for this device for monthly fees of upwards of $100/month - and allow private companies access to any and all data that the device collects, which said companies can sell to whomever they want without compensating the individual. To keep those who are worried happy, the government will, reluctantly, provide a way to turn off the device, but will make it very hard to do so to discourage anyone from using that option.

Scary, huh? :D:D:D

FlyingScot 05-11-2020 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by WinnisquamZ (Post 334542)
“Identify more carriers”. Create a list of citizens their phone number and addresses to use for future purposes. Has anyone asked where these lists are kept and who has access to them now and in the future

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

I agree that this is an issue. The President/CDC should implement a plan to protect privacy and data usage around covid.

Keep in mind that covid status is nothing compared to what's already available. Your party affiliation is required to vote in a primary (How messed up is that?) Your insurance company knows your cancer/HIV/diabetes/etc status. (Just be grateful that Obamacare protects you with preexisting conditions) And as Dickie pointed out a couple of days ago, tech companies know everything else

Seaplane Pilot 05-11-2020 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by FlyingScot (Post 334548)
I agree that this is an issue. The President/CDC should implement a plan to protect privacy and data usage around covid.

Keep in mind that covid status is nothing compared to what's already available. Your party affiliation is required to vote in a primary (How messed up is that?) Your insurance company knows your cancer/HIV/diabetes/etc status. (Just be grateful that Obamacare protects you with preexisting conditions) And as Dickie pointed out a couple of days ago, tech companies know everything else

I'm grateful for nothing that Obama is associated with.

Descant 05-11-2020 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Garcia (Post 334547)
Actually, the government has a new plan - have every person (citizen or not), and even children 10 years old and younger, keep a device on their person that enables GPS tracking and monitoring so that we know where everyone is, who they are with, and much, much more. To keep the government costs low, they are going to have people pay for this device for monthly fees of upwards of $100/month - and allow private companies access to any and all data that the device collects, which said companies can sell to whomever they want without compensating the individual. To keep those who are worried happy, the government will, reluctantly, provide a way to turn off the device, but will make it very hard to do so to discourage anyone from using that option.

Scary, huh? :D:D:D

Sorry. Not a new plan. I's called an Apple watch, Fitbit, CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor), and even those things that tell you when you've fallen and can't get up. Pretty soon, your insurance carrier, picked by your employer as a "benefit", will tell you to wear one of their devices or pay a $200/month surcharge. Wait for it: Medicare for all" the best benefit ever. NOT !

iw8surf 05-11-2020 12:08 PM

Someone said the testing was unbearable.... I got tested 3 weeks ago as I was "exposed" at work and honestly didn't think it was that bad. Uncomfortable? Yea, but unbearable doesn't even come close. Up the nose and a 10 second count down as they scramble ya brain a little with a 6" q-tip, honestly was just a little worse than getting the flu test to me.

Luckily, I was negative for the covid.

So, anyone getting testing. Don't fear it.

Garcia 05-11-2020 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Descant (Post 334557)
Sorry. Not a new plan. I's called an Apple watch, Fitbit, CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor), and even those things that tell you when you've fallen and can't get up. Pretty soon, your insurance carrier, picked by your employer as a "benefit", will tell you to wear one of their devices or pay a $200/month surcharge. Wait for it: Medicare for all" the best benefit ever. NOT !

Or it could just be that ubiquitous smartphone that everyone seems to need to carry at all times!

TheProfessor 05-11-2020 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Garcia (Post 334559)
Or it could just be that ubiquitous smartphone that everyone seems to need to carry at all times!

Oh . . . it's not the gubmint.

It's Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, your new car, etc. The information is already being collected - and sold.

You can do what Ted Kazinsky did. Go get a no address cabin in the woods. Opps. That's illegal now too. Every building requires a street address. Enhanced 911.

TheProfessor 05-11-2020 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 334195)
Would you want to be tested if you weren't feeling sick?

Yep. Just got tested for antibodies in Belmont.
If you have insurance. They take it. If not. It's free.
Also include a quick exam by an MD.

Just to make sure you are healthy enough to get out the door!

Chris M 05-11-2020 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by TheProfessor (Post 334561)
Yep. Just got tested for antibodies in Belmont.

What was the test like? Mouth swab, nose swab?

TheProfessor 05-15-2020 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 334572)
What was the test like? Mouth swab, nose swab?

The antibody test.
The place in Belmont, NH. ClearChoiceMD. That is a for profit clinic. No lab on site. I did provide my health insurance card. A nurse takes a blood sample. A doctor MD also visits briefly.
They take insurance but if one has none - no charge. I had to drive back to get results days later. Although they claimed that they called me. They do state to make an appointment. But I was a walk in and maybe a 1/2 hour wait. An ID is required. I used my passport card.

The COVID-19 test was at the DMV in Tamworth. Done by the New Hampshire National Guard. Two tents outside. No fee. No one asked for any insurance. That one is a nose swab. Not that uncomfortable. Pretty simple and quick. Those results also go to an off site lab. One has to visit on computer or cell phone the results. Results in one day. For me. No line. No waiting. An ID is required. I used my passport card.

Negative for both.

A big Thank You to Governor Sununu for setting all of this up. Again, no charge if no insurance.

ApS 06-15-2020 09:48 AM

Up to May...

More than 23 million tests have been run altogether, more than 3 million over just the last week. In April, 32 million tests were produced, and in May, 39 million, with the trajectory further upward. [Expected] to be able to perform 50 million tests per month by September.

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