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bruinsfan 08-07-2019 02:14 PM

Meredith Traffic
It is worse off than before.

I've sat through three light cycles because the new pedestrian Red Light walkway that has everyone confused.

Drivers need to understand that you only STOP when the lights are red. You don't stop for every person that stands near the crosswalk, because after they cross because you've been "kind" the light turns red a minute later and no one is there, but cars stop again for no reason.

I feel better now that I've got that off my chest.

Have a great day! :)

VitaBene 08-07-2019 02:22 PM

Agreed, they need better signage for drivers. Pedestrians get good info including countdown timers.

Sue Doe-Nym 08-07-2019 02:23 PM

Meredith traffic
You are’s a mess! There should be a sign: STOP On RED ONLY. It pays us to take the “short cut “ around Meredith (25B, past old print barn) during summer months.

Orion 08-07-2019 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sue Doe-Nym (Post 316977)
You are’s a mess! There should be a sign: STOP On RED ONLY.

....... or have a green light when you shouldn't stop. The light being dark (when not red) just looks like it's broken, requiring drivers to stop for a normal non-light-controlled crosswalk.

Outdoorsman 08-07-2019 03:40 PM

For those that may not realize..... Life happens in the Lakes Region 24/7/365.

This stuff may not be occurring while you are in the area, but it happens

jbolty 08-07-2019 03:48 PM

The real solution is a bridge or tunnel for pedestrians.

I found myself going through Meredith about 8 times in three days last week and every time after making the left the whole flow of traffic was stopped and as mentioned a couple times when the ped light was off. Definitely need a full time green,

another option would be to not let the ped light go red when the left turn is green

camp guy 08-07-2019 04:07 PM

Meredith traffic
Hold it!, jbolty, you are starting to make sense, don't you realize that traffic engineers spent years in school to learn the fine art of traffic (out of) control.?

SAB1 08-07-2019 05:08 PM

When we were taught as kids you looked both ways before crossing and only crossed when clear regardless of being in a crosswalk. Vehicles should have right of way when traffic signals are in their favor.

TiltonBB 08-07-2019 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by SAB1 (Post 316998)
Vehicles should have right of way when traffic signals are in their favor.

No "should" about it. They do.

garysanfran 08-07-2019 06:04 PM

I thought a bridge...

Originally Posted by jbolty (Post 316990)
The real solution is a bridge or tunnel for pedestrians.

I found myself going through Meredith about 8 times in three days last week and every time after making the left the whole flow of traffic was stopped and as mentioned a couple times when the ped light was off. Definitely need a full time green,

another option would be to not let the ped light go red when the left turn is green

I was in that mess today and thought a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY nice bridge that would actually be something people would enjoy looking at would be better than the debacle happening now.

There's one out near where I live...painted International Orange that has become quite popular. Cost a small fortune to get over, however, but that's with a car. Still free to walk.

tummyman 08-07-2019 06:04 PM

Help me...what happens when the red light flashes. Cars are still stopped even after there are no people crossing. Drivers stay stopped until lights go out. What is the law?

Hillcountry 08-07-2019 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by tummyman (Post 317003)
Help me...what happens when the red light flashes. Cars are still stopped even after there are no people crossing. Drivers stay stopped until lights go out. What is the law?

Red flashing “used to” mean stop then go if clear but those same lights had me baffled the other day too...sat there for a bit and the wife said “just go!”
Why are there 3 of them??

Wifi-1 08-07-2019 06:32 PM

Stop on Red...

Could be solved with a human directing traffic during busy times, just like should be done at Hannafords (on a regular basis)

Major 08-07-2019 07:17 PM

I just witnessed an accident on Memorial Drive at the exit for Main Street. There is a similar red flashing light nearby and a car inexplicably stopped for the yellow flashing light. The car behind it rear ended the car that stopped. Obviously it was the car that rear ended the other car’s fault, but my sympathy lies with the guy who rear ended the car that stopped. The red flashing lights are confusing especially for the uninitiated!

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tbonies 08-07-2019 07:17 PM

Have been through the lights daily and think it is a great improvement and much safer for pedestrians. While we have to stop every now and then, it never crossed my mind as something worth complaining about.

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Sue Doe-Nym 08-07-2019 07:29 PM

Meredith traffic
I don’t think anyone is complaining for the sake of complaining, but the new signals are very confusing to many, and that’s causing slowdowns and fender benders. This requires immediate review and possible modifications, imho.

joey2665 08-07-2019 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Wifi-1 (Post 317009)
Stop on Red...

Could be solved with a human directing traffic during busy times, just like should be done at Hannafords (on a regular basis)

That is exactly what the had and replaced it with this system. There is an easy fix. The light should be like a regular traffic light. It should only turn from green to red when pedestrians are going to cross otherwise stay green and no one would stop unnecessarily

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Sue Doe-Nym 08-07-2019 08:28 PM

You might have the perfect solution, simple as it is. The only problem I see with it is that many pedestrians step off the curb without looking, assuming that people will stop.....which isn’t always the case. What’s happened to actually looking both ways before crossing??? 🤨🙄😣

jimkberry 08-07-2019 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Orion (Post 316980)
....... or have a green light when you shouldn't stop. The light being dark (when not red) just looks like it's broken, requiring drivers to stop for a normal non-light-controlled crosswalk.

^This. Actually a green arrow would be the best, but there should always be a visible light.

Doesn't help drivers not knowing that a flashing red light is a stop sign (pretty basic driver's test stuff) but it *would* help with basically well-intentioned, but misguided, drivers thinking they might be supposed to yield to pedestrians when there is no light at all.


tummyman 08-07-2019 09:52 PM

2015 New Hampshire Revised Statutes
Chapter 265 - RULES OF THE ROAD
Section 265:12 - Flashing Signals.

Universal Citation: NH Rev Stat § 265:12 (2015)

265:12 Flashing Signals. –
I. Whenever an illuminated flashing red or yellow signal is used in a traffic sign or signal it shall require obedience by vehicular traffic as follows:
(a) Flashing red (stop signal). When a red lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at an intersection or at a limit line when marked, or if none, then before entering the intersection, and the right to proceed shall be subject to the rules applicable after making a stop at a stop sign.

My interpretation only....stop like at a stop sign, then proceed if no pedestrians in cross walk. Other cars that follow would have to do the same.

garysanfran 08-08-2019 06:01 AM

Of course...
2015 New Hampshire Revised Statutes
Chapter 265 - RULES OF THE ROAD
Section 265:12 - Flashing Signals.

Universal Citation: NH Rev Stat § 265:12 (2015)

Everyone...EVERYONE knows this. I always thought this was the absolute first thing taught in driver's ed.

Kinda like boating on Lake Winnipesaukee...Everyone took the boating course and now knows the rules.

garysanfran 08-08-2019 06:04 AM

Why not put up a normal traffic light???
Because Meredith hates "traffic lights" and will do everything and anything to put something up that can be called something else. How about one at Pleasant and 25? Call it a puppy!

thinkxingu 08-08-2019 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by tbonies (Post 317013)
Have been through the lights daily and think it is a great improvement and much safer for pedestrians. While we have to stop every now and then, it never crossed my mind as something worth complaining about.

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We only go through a couple times a week, but it's usually during busy times and we've not really noticed an issue.

That being said, I get the confusion and having a green light there is certainly simple enough.

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SAMIAM 08-08-2019 06:51 AM

We drive through daily and find that the confusion at the crosswalk is causing traffic to back up so that it blocks the intersection at 3/25 so that southbound traffic can't move when the light changes.

jbolty 08-08-2019 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by SAMIAM (Post 317035)
We drive through daily and find that the confusion at the crosswalk is causing traffic to back up so that it blocks the intersection at 3/25 so that southbound traffic can't move when the light changes.


on a full cycle some number of cars can get thru, call it 100. But when everything stops for the crosswalk then maybe only 50 get through and before you know it's backed up to moulton's farm.

a nice looking timber bridge with a "welcome to Meredith" archway would solve the problem.

Or, a tunnel which could be closed in the winter.

Wifi-1 08-08-2019 08:05 AM

Just wait for some wise guy to start walking back and forth to back up traffic from the Weirs to M'boro, LOL

whalebackpoint'r 08-08-2019 08:32 AM

How about a gate, controlled by the light that would keep pedestrians on sidewalk until the light turns red? Sort of like the gates at rr crossings.

bilproject 08-08-2019 09:12 AM

Here is Meredith's official rulling on the crosswalk
Go here to get official instructions on the new cross walk

Andromeda321 08-08-2019 09:27 AM

This might sound odd, but I always feel a little guilty as a pedestrian at that cross walk. Mainly because it takes a minute or two for the light to change once you press the button, and I have always had someone stop to let me cross before that happens. Then the lights always go once there is no one in the crosswalk any more!

I frankly wonder if the timer could just be shorter between the button being pressed and the lights flashing, like every other place I've ever lived with similar. It would probably cut down on a lot of the confusion.

jbolty 08-08-2019 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Andromeda321 (Post 317050)
This might sound odd, but I always feel a little guilty as a pedestrian at that cross walk. Mainly because it takes a minute or two for the light to change once you press the button, and I have always had someone stop to let me cross before that happens. Then the lights always go once there is no one in the crosswalk any more!

I frankly wonder if the timer could just be shorter between the button being pressed and the lights flashing, like every other place I've ever lived with similar. It would probably cut down on a lot of the confusion.

Funny, I was meeting some friends at dockside the other day and got there too early by mistake. Thought I would take a walk up to main street but didn't because it did not seem important enough to stop all the traffic.

people stop thinking they are being polite but it causes anarchy and a huge backup on 25

no reason for a delay on the button. unless it's synched with the signal at 3/25 it might as well go red instantly; it's not like there is a yellow pre warning

dpg 08-08-2019 11:09 AM

What P's me off at any cross walk is when they press the walk button then immediately cross. 30 seconds after that all the lights at the intersection stay red and there's nobody there anymore needing to cross. Happens everywhere! Ugh!!!

garysanfran 08-08-2019 12:51 PM

"Go here to get instructions on Meredith's new crosswalk"...

Originally Posted by bilproject (Post 317048)
Go here to get official instructions on the new cross walk

How many people would go on the internet for instructions on the new crosswalk before they come to Meredith...Is this done by real people with logical brains? You have to go to a web site for instructions on a street sign...WOW! And maybe another WOW is deserved.!!!

Would a proper defense be "I don't have access to the internet, so I just didn't know what to do when the red started flashing."

jbolty 08-08-2019 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by garysanfran (Post 317068)
How many people would go on the internet for instructions on the new crosswalk before they come to Meredith...Is this done by real people with logical brains? You have to go to a web site for instructions on a street sign...WOW! And maybe another WOW is deserved.!!!

Would a proper defense be "I don't have access to the internet, so I just didn't know what to do when the red started flashing."

Ignorance of the law is no excuse!

What about the color blind?

garysanfran 08-08-2019 02:36 PM

What about the color blind???

Originally Posted by jbolty (Post 317072)
Ignorance of the law is no excuse!

What about the color blind?

Red on the top...Green on the bottom...Hmmm, Or is it the other way around.

Ignorance of the law is why we have lawyers

loony 08-09-2019 07:10 AM

I was also confused. I get that a flashing red is the same as a stop sign but alternating flashing red lights are like those on a school bus where you must stop no matter what.

They should add a green light to avoid confusion. A pedestrian gate would also prevent polite drivers from stopping when lights are off. Would Would certainly be cheaper than a tunnel.

TheTimeTraveler 08-09-2019 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by loony (Post 317130)
I was also confused. I get that a flashing red is the same as a stop sign but alternating flashing red lights are like those on a school bus where you must stop no matter what.

They should add a green light to avoid confusion. A pedestrian gate would also prevent polite drivers from stopping when lights are off. Would Would certainly be cheaper than a tunnel.

They should have a flashing yellow light to tell people to slow down and be prepared to stop if needed......

ITD 08-09-2019 09:09 PM

Not standard lighting for this area, if not this country. Dumb system.

frank m. 08-11-2019 02:56 PM

HAWK signal
I communicated with the Meredith Town Manager, Phil Warren about this. He's a good guy and knows how to get things done, but his hands are a bit tied over this. The Feds paid for all the redevelopment of the stretch and they required the HAWK crossing signal. I had recommended a RYG crossing signal synced with the big intersection so that pedestrians would need to wait until the southbound traffic was already stopped at the intersection anyway to cross. The crossing light would go yellow to red a bit after the southbound light went red and if there were pedestrians waiting to cross. After giving them time to cross it would go green. Driver's presumably know to GO at a green light. The problem with the HAWK signal is that despite what they were taught in driver's ed, they don't know that they can go, if safe, at a blinking red. This is delaying things until traffic back up through the intersection and only 4-5 southbound cars are getting through the intersection on their green light. It is also causing a lot of honking and swearing and is surely going to result in some road range or a pull-around accident.
The problem could go away as HAWK signals get more familiar, as did the initial problems with right-on-red. Or we could make an effort to convince the Feds to let it be changed to a synchronized RYG crossing signal.
But the later would need the raising of some money, and maybe a connection to someone high up in the USDoT, to get an allowance around the HAWK requirement. Meanwhile, it would not hurt the cause to have people expressing their frustration to Phil... so he can appreciate how bad it is...

DickR 08-12-2019 09:23 AM

I thought the purpose of the whole project was to improve traffic flow at critical high-volume times. Has there been any improvement at all? If there hasn't been, due to how the crossing area signals are set up, then I would think Meredith would have a strong case to present to the Feds. I don't go through there on weekends, due to congestion, so I'm going by what I hear on this forum.

Meredith AK 08-12-2019 09:51 AM

1 vs. 2 crosswalks
The new "formal with lights and walk signal" crosswalk replaces the two former crosswalks that cars were forced to stop at as soon as any pedestrian stepped forward. The fact that there's only one there now, along with lights and walk signals has made some improvement to the traffic flow. We recommended that a gate or a "wait for walk signal here" be placed near the walk button on each side to the town office, but that still wouldn't cure the fact that cars stop as soon as they see a pedestrian near the crosswalk.
So to answer the question of has the traffic flow improved in Meredith after the new signal was put it; the answer is sort of, but a long ways to go.

garysanfran 08-12-2019 10:23 AM

I disagree...
The traffic is worse now than before. Bruinsfan did not start this thread because it was only a marginal improvement.

How someone at the Fed level, who probably has never been on Rt3. in Meredith, can dictate how Meredith needs to solve it's local traffic/pedestrian dilemma is bizarre.

jimkberry 08-12-2019 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by frank m. (Post 317295)
The problem with the HAWK signal is that despite what they were taught in driver's ed, they don't know that they can go, if safe, at a blinking red.

Thanks for the HAWK info. A quick web search shows the the confusion is pretty well-known and documented. I disagree (politely, of course) with you that the blinking red is the major problem at the Town Docks, though in fairness it does seem to be the one most quoted complaint the literature that I saw.

It appears to me that the main issue here in Meredith is that drivers in a pedestrian-heavy tourist area - in a place that is not familiar to them - will very frequently assume that a brightly-painted crosswalk is a pedestrian right-of-way. Even folks who think that it isn't the case might stop anyway just to be safe - more to avoid a ticket that an accident.

I may be mistaken, but I am under the impression that pedestrians have the right of way at the identically painted crosswalks on Main St?

Given the HAWK requirement I suspect we'll just all have to live with it. I do think it seems better than it was.


thinkxingu 08-12-2019 10:40 AM

My wife stopped at the blinking red this morning AND some pedestrians walked out without waiting for the light. I rescind my comment above about it not being a problem.

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rick35 08-12-2019 11:44 AM

Put up some signs! How hard is that?

Biggd 08-12-2019 11:45 AM

I cross that walk way every weekend and even though I push the button and wait for the walk sign people stop before it turns red. I usually wave them on but some people just walk right out.

Garcia 08-12-2019 12:13 PM

A good idea...
The new system is a great idea, but from what I see there are too many motorists who are too nice or not aware of the procedure and stop to let pedestrians cross anytime one is close to the crossing. Hopefully with time people will get used to an understand the new crosswalk.

WinnisquamZ 08-12-2019 01:42 PM

You must stop if someone jumps into the crosswalk. Do you all believe that you would not be held responsible if you hit the jaywalker? If you can see the individual you must stop. The responsibility should be the Meredith police. Ticket the jaywalkers. I suggest you have a Saturday traffic detail instead of the lights during the summer months

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The Real BigGuy 08-12-2019 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by garysanfran (Post 317344)
The traffic is worse now than before. Bruinsfan did not start this thread because it was only a marginal improvement.

How someone at the Fed level, who probably has never been on Rt3. in Meredith, can dictate how Meredith needs to solve it's local traffic/pedestrian dilemma is bizarre.

I’m betting federal $ we’re used in some way, shape, or form to design, purchase, or install the crosswalk. Take federal $ and you have to play by their rules. Most often I find myself scratching my head after I read them. I live by the rule that, if they make sense after I’ve read them, I’ve obviously misunderstood something.

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Orion 08-12-2019 02:53 PM

cheap fix
Maybe there should be a yellow line set back a bit from the road and a sign for pedestrians to "Stand behind Yellow Line and wait for crossing light".

Garcia 08-12-2019 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by WinnisquamZ (Post 317360)
You must stop if someone jumps into the crosswalk. Do you all believe that you would not be held responsible if you hit the jaywalker? If you can see the individual you must stop. The responsibility should be the Meredith police. Ticket the jaywalkers. I suggest you have a Saturday traffic detail instead of the lights during the summer months

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Of course and I absolutely agree drivers have to be aware and stop. However, what I see (happened Sunday as I was headed home) is motorists who stop before pedestrians are in the crosswalk and wave them along.

WinnisquamZ 08-12-2019 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Garcia (Post 317372)
Of course and I absolutely agree drivers have to be aware and stop. However, what I see (happened Sunday as I was headed home) is motorists who stop before pedestrians are in the crosswalk and wave them along.

So you are angry at people for being nice to others, and people call me a grumpy bastard

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Garcia 08-12-2019 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by WinnisquamZ (Post 317374)
So you are angry at people for being nice to others, and people call me a grumpy bastard

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Not angry at all - what I see people doing causes confusion for both pedestrians (who are waiting for the light but encouraged to cross) and for the cars going in the other direction, who are not stopping because there is no red light.

Twinkeltoes19 08-12-2019 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by jbolty (Post 316990)
The real solution is a bridge or tunnel for pedestrians.

I found myself going through Meredith about 8 times in three days last week and every time after making the left the whole flow of traffic was stopped and as mentioned a couple times when the ped light was off. Definitely need a full time green,

another option would be to not let the ped light go red when the left turn is green

I agree with the idea of a pedestrian bridge. I contacted the town offices yesterday to see what if anything is being done as I am a year round resident that needs to get through town on a daily basis. In short, there is no plan to change up traffic patterns or rectify.

It took a solid 15 minutes to get through town from inter lakes school and this is a regular occurrence.

jbolty 08-13-2019 07:27 AM

the real lesson from all this is not to take federal money for a local project.

Biggd 08-13-2019 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Garcia (Post 317377)
Not angry at all - what I see people doing causes confusion for both pedestrians (who are waiting for the light but encouraged to cross) and for the cars going in the other direction, who are not stopping because there is no red light.

This is what I see also. Pedestrians push the button and wait on the sidewalk for the light but cars automatically stop before the light turns red to let people cross. Sometimes people will wait for the signal, usually people with kids, but other times people will just cross when cars stop. And if people cross before the signal then the light turns red and no one is crossing because they are already on the other side.
It's very confusing for everyone involved. :confused:
I think the only solution now is to have a traffic officer at that light during the busiest times.

joey2665 08-13-2019 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Biggd (Post 317418)
This is what I see also. Pedestrians push the button and wait on the sidewalk for the light but cars automatically stop before the light turns red to let people cross. Sometimes people will wait for the signal, usually people with kids, but other times people will just cross when cars stop. And if people cross before the signal then the light turns red and no one is crossing because they are already on the other side.
It's very confusing for everyone involved. :confused:
I think the only solution now is to have a traffic officer at that light during the busiest times.

They had traffic people there during the busy season. This was their cost savings alternative.
Just add a green light that goes to yellow before pedestrians cross and red while crossing. A regular traffic signal. It’s not rocket science

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rick35 08-13-2019 08:01 AM

If I remember correctly there’s only a small Stop on Red sign next to the red lights on the cross beam. That doesn’t say enough.

TiltonBB 08-13-2019 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by WinnisquamZ (Post 317374)
So you are angry at people for being nice to others, and people call me a grumpy bastard

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The problem is that traffic laws were designed for a reason.

If there is a signal at a crosswalk or intersection you have to obey the signal and should not stop to let people cross, just obey the signal. The problems occur when people think they are being polite and stand on the brakes in the middle of nowhere because they see someone who may want to cross the street. This causes people behind them to panic stop and is a lot less safe than just having the pedestrians wait for the traffic to go by.

When the pedestrians know the law they will sometimes wave the stopping vehicle on and wait for their turn. Many people in vehicles are oblivious to other vehicles around them and the problems they cause by their operation.

Hey wait! I see that in boats in the Weirs Channel too! Maybe "common sense" is not all that common?

gillygirl 08-13-2019 08:34 AM

Three of us pushed the button to cross, and waved cars through who stopped as we waited for the light. One driver yelled out his window at us “@$$holes!” Nice!

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Biggd 08-13-2019 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by gillygirl (Post 317426)
Three of us pushed the button to cross, and waved cars through who stopped as we waited for the light. One driver yelled out his window at us “@$$holes!” Nice!

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We all recognize there's a problem. Hopefully the town does also.
I have a house in town so as a driver I know how to avoid that area but as a pedestrian you can't avoid it if you want to get to the waterfront.

jbolty 08-13-2019 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by gillygirl (Post 317426)
Three of us pushed the button to cross, and waved cars through who stopped as we waited for the light. One driver yelled out his window at us “@$$holes!” Nice!

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A car might stop but there's no assurance the cars going the other way will so it's real life Frogger. Short term a bunch of signs might help some but on a busy weekend I bet a large number of drivers are going through there for the first and maybe only time ever. Learning is not going to be enough.

fatlazyless 08-13-2019 11:11 AM

...the big city comes to Meredith
For years and years, drivers here have always stopped to let a waiting pedestrian cross in the crosswalk.

Now, with this 'hawk' walking signal, if you stop for a waiting pedestrian you get honked at by the car behind you.

Meredith is a long way from Manhattan, but now drivers act like its downtown New York City.

To those who honk, you ever hear that courtesy counts, and it pays to be polite.

hoopdawg 08-13-2019 04:45 PM

pedestrian crosswalk light is not the only issue there , what about the two lanes that merge into one on the north side of the crosswalk ,, merge signage is fully hidden by overgrown tree but the right lane has right of way for merging there but the ones in the left lane (closest to double yellow line ) are by the signage suppose to merge to the right but they don't !!! and they will honk at the ones in the right lane like they are doing something wrong , I just smile and wave when Im being honked at !!!!!!!!

Hillcountry 08-13-2019 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by hoopdawg (Post 317479)
pedestrian crosswalk light is not the only issue there , what about the two lanes that merge into one on the north side of the crosswalk ,, merge signage is fully hidden by overgrown tree but the right lane has right of way for merging there but the ones in the left lane (closest to double yellow line ) are by the signage suppose to merge to the right but they don't !!! and they will honk at the ones in the right lane like they are doing something wrong , I just smile and wave when Im being honked at !!!!!!!!

Sounds like the whole thing is a Fuster cluck...

jbolty 08-13-2019 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by hoopdawg (Post 317479)
pedestrian crosswalk light is not the only issue there , what about the two lanes that merge into one on the north side of the crosswalk ,, merge signage is fully hidden by overgrown tree but the right lane has right of way for merging there but the ones in the left lane (closest to double yellow line ) are by the signage suppose to merge to the right but they don't !!! and they will honk at the ones in the right lane like they are doing something wrong , I just smile and wave when Im being honked at !!!!!!!!

this. two left lanes do not make the traffic go faster since there is a merge almost as soon as you get around the corner which means a lot of braking and dodging, then add in the crosswalk.

fatlazyless 08-13-2019 06:12 PM

No, is not quite like that ..... at the crosswalk, there is ONE lane for travel in both a CENTER lane that's only one block long, the length of the town docks parking lot ..... and this center lane gets very little use, is usually empty and is basically a turning lane for cars going south that want to take a left turn into the town docks parking lot, or for car going north that wants to take a left up hilly Dover St to get to Main St.

Trail Goer 08-13-2019 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by fatlazyless (Post 317449)
For years and years, drivers here have always stopped to let a waiting pedestrian cross in the crosswalk.

Now, with this 'hawk' walking signal, if you stop for a waiting pedestrian you get honked at by the car behind you.

Meredith is a long way from Manhattan, but now drivers act like its downtown New York City.

To those who honk, you ever hear that courtesy counts, and it pays to be polite.

For someone who has to go to New York City every weekend (work related), I find this topic quite amusing. But I understand, people around here aren't always accustomed to traffic delays.

chipj29 08-14-2019 07:56 AM

A HAWK signal was installed on 3A in Bow (where Grappone is). It is the most confusing signal I have ever come across in ~40 years of driving. I understand traffic signals, and that when a red light is blinking you can go if it is safe. But this one, with the alternating red flashing lights...what the heck do you do? Well now I know, from reading this thread. But it is just so strange. Not sure why that type of signal is preferred by the traffic guys over a plain old normal stop light.

garysanfran 08-14-2019 08:07 AM

Almost 70 posts about a traffic signal...
That statistic by itself shows massive confusion over what should be something very simple...Shouldn't traffic signals be very simple?

Lots of very simple people driving....

The Real BigGuy 08-14-2019 11:07 AM

Maybe they need something like railroad gates to stop people from crossing and then dropping to stop cars and raising to let people cross. One thing I’ve learned is some people don’t read signs (or don’t care) and most people are courteous and will stop for people to cross (except for Montreal, New York, Boston, etc)

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Orion 08-14-2019 12:40 PM

multiple lanes

Originally Posted by jbolty (Post 317484)
this. two left lanes do not make the traffic go faster since there is a merge almost as soon as you get around the corner which means a lot of braking and dodging, then add in the crosswalk.

Actually, multiple lanes to get through a light with a later merge do, in fact, increase flow through the light since too many people are too slow to get moving when a light turns green. The merge later is usually pretty efficient as long as people are exercising normal courtesy. I have studied traffic analysis and intersection design in a former life.

Courtesy is not universal. Last week I did experience a jerk (black diesel pickup) who was on his phone in the left lane and left a huge gap in front of him when the light turned green. I was in right lane and got to the merge well ahead of him and was doing the alternating merge when he roared up and forced his way in ahead. Whatever. We're "at the lake" everybody. Relax. Being a jerk to get 20' ahead is dumb. The case of the pedestrians who got cursed for waiting their turn is another example of how we're losing it as a "society".

jbolty 08-14-2019 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Orion (Post 317540)
Actually, multiple lanes to get through a light with a later merge do, in fact, increase flow through the light since too many people are too slow to get moving when a light turns green. The merge later is usually pretty efficient as long as people are exercising normal courtesy. I have studied traffic analysis and intersection design in a former life.

Courtesy is not universal. Last week I did experience a jerk (black diesel pickup) who was on his phone in the left lane and left a huge gap in front of him when the light turned green. I was in right lane and got to the merge well ahead of him and was doing the alternating merge when he roared up and forced his way in ahead. Whatever. We're "at the lake" everybody. Relax. Being a jerk to get 20' ahead is dumb. The case of the pedestrians who got cursed for waiting their turn is another example of how we're losing it as a "society".

I agree with a normal merge but this is a special case. If the crosswalk is red both lanes stop and the cars stack up close together and back up into the intersection.

For years we have been programmed to stand on the brakes as soon as a pedestrian approaches the crosswalk. There is not going to be a solution to this until the light is synched, a gate is added, there is a bridge or worst, move the whole thing up to the Lake St intersection and put in a whole traffic light system

macbeth 08-14-2019 02:24 PM

Who gave Meredith permission to put a Pedestrian Crosswalk LIGHT up across a Major New Hampshire Highway? It almost seems not legal. Yes, pedestrians have to wait for the walk light to go at TRAFFIC LIGHTS. However this is not Traffic light, so did Meredith over step their boundaries? No dog in the fight, just a curious by-stander, not looking to use the cross walk.

Not to Worry 08-14-2019 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by hoopdawg (Post 317479)
pedestrian crosswalk light is not the only issue there , what about the two lanes that merge into one on the north side of the crosswalk ,, merge signage is fully hidden by overgrown tree but the right lane has right of way for merging there but the ones in the left lane (closest to double yellow line ) are by the signage suppose to merge to the right but they don't !!! and they will honk at the ones in the right lane like they are doing something wrong , I just smile and wave when Im being honked at !!!!!!!!

Wait? The right lane is losing its lane and must merge into the existing single lane or as you say left. Since when does the merging traffic have the right of way?

Seaplane Pilot 08-14-2019 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by macbeth (Post 317543)
Who gave Meredith permission to put a Pedestrian Crosswalk LIGHT up across a Major New Hampshire Highway? It almost seems not legal. Yes, pedestrians have to wait for the walk light to go at TRAFFIC LIGHTS. However this is not Traffic light, so did Meredith over step their boundaries? No dog in the fight, just a curious by-stander, not looking to use the cross walk.

Which is actually a Federal Highway, US Route 3.

garysanfran 08-14-2019 05:52 PM

Went past today...
A car with Mass plates, two cars in front, stopped at the crosswalk with no traffic lights on and no pedestrians. The car in front of me, NH plates, started blowing the horn like crazy. The car behind me, NH plates, then chimed in.

I'm sittin' in the middle with California plates wondering if I should join the locals and thrash the ignorant Flatlander...I didn't, but had to wonder if the car in front and the one behind were Forum members doing some educatin'...I wasn't in a hurry. :rolleye2:

fatlazyless 08-14-2019 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Seaplane Pilot (Post 317553)
Which is actually a Federal Highway, US Route 3.

Even though it's part of the U.S. road system which means it travels through more than one state, the NH section is owned and maintained by the State of New Hampshire. The MA section is owned and maintained by the State of Massachusetts.

macbeth 08-14-2019 09:49 PM

Okay, so did New Hampshire give permission to do that?

tbonies 08-15-2019 05:31 AM

Between the new stop light and the merge issue, this road must be one of the most dangerous ones in Amerika.


Originally Posted by Not to Worry (Post 317544)
Wait? The right lane is losing its lane and must merge into the existing single lane or as you say left. Since when does the merging traffic have the right of way?

Hillcountry 08-15-2019 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by tbonies (Post 317566)

Is this a joke? the "c" and the "k" are not close to each other. it or leave it...or:fire: at least spell it correctly.:patriot:

tummyman 08-15-2019 08:37 PM

So Meredith has a couple of different pedestrian crosswalk lights. AtRT3 and 25, there is the traditional pedestrian light with a countdown timer when traffic is stopped. Get rid of those stupid flashing lights and install a set of the timers with only a RED LIGHT. I was stopped again tonight in back of 4 cars while the lights flashed red, nobody was in the crosswalk, and the cars did not move until the lgiths went out. Time for a fix.....but will the design engineer desk jockeys do anything???? Seems like another long term delay..........stupid.

kawishiwi 08-15-2019 09:44 PM

Way back when...

Originally Posted by Not to Worry (Post 317544)
Wait? The right lane is losing its lane and must merge into the existing single lane or as you say left. Since when does the merging traffic have the right of way?

When I did driver ed, almost a million years ago in what is now known as Illinois, I was taught mergers have the right of way.

Garcia 08-15-2019 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by kawishiwi (Post 317612)
When I did driver ed, almost a million years ago in what is now known as Illinois, I was taught mergers have the right of way.

The lane that is continuing has the right of way while the lane that is ending has to yield.

exlakesregioner 08-16-2019 04:59 AM

Traffic nowadays is nothing but a free for all, as hardly anyone cares about traffic rules.

TiltonBB 08-16-2019 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by kawishiwi (Post 317612)
When I did driver ed, almost a million years ago in what is now known as Illinois, I was taught mergers have the right of way.

Hey, are you that guy that comes in from the right and cuts into my lane every time I get to that merge in Meredith?

Remember, you are attempting to get into someone else's lane because your lane is going away. You have to yield the right of way to the vehicle that has already established themselves in that lane that continues on.

Did you think when you enter the interstate from an on ramp that the vehicles on that road have to yield to you too?

joey2665 08-16-2019 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by kawishiwi (Post 317612)
When I did driver ed, almost a million years ago in what is now known as Illinois, I was taught mergers have the right of way.

Mergers maybe in Illinois have right of way but not where I drive.

As stated the established lane has the right of way. However common courtesy dictates if every other car let the merging car enter traffic will move much more quickly.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Hillcountry 08-16-2019 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by exlakesregioner (Post 317614)
Traffic nowadays is nothing but a free for all, as hardly anyone cares about traffic rules.

Hmmmm...where have I heard that before?

Bigstan 08-16-2019 08:39 AM

Mandatory driving tests....

Originally Posted by kawishiwi (Post 317612)
When I did driver ed, almost a million years ago in what is now known as Illinois, I was taught mergers have the right of way.

More likely you were taught the other way and you got that question wrong on the test, but if it was a million years ago we'll never know.

Hopefully someday soon you won't be parked in the front window of a storefront telling people that 'I was taught it was gas left, brake right....'.


Garcia 08-16-2019 08:40 AM

Given all the posts and threads about unaware and incompetent boat drivers, what do you expect when those same people get in their cars?:laugh::laugh::laugh:

macbeth 08-16-2019 09:18 AM

Are these the Locals that don't know the rules or people from other states? Didn't know if you had happened to see any licence plates?

MAXUM 08-16-2019 10:41 AM

I just find it comical that somebody seems to think that rearranging a light display is any more effective? Everyone knows what to do at a stop light irrespective of where it is. Why changing this now makes any sense is beyond any rational understanding - then again this is what happens when the Feds think they know better than anyone else and have lots of tax payer money to waste. Keep that in mind as it seems some feel that the government needs to take over and run everything. Yep works great doesn't it??

joey2665 08-16-2019 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 317629)
I just find it comical that somebody seems to think that rearranging a light display is any more effective? Everyone knows what to do at a stop light irrespective of where it is. Why changing this now makes any sense is beyond any rational understanding - then again this is what happens when the Feds think they know better than anyone else and have lots of tax payer money to waste. Keep that in mind as it seems some feel that the government needs to take over and run everything. Yep works great doesn't it??

Because as it is currently the light is completely off when no pedestrians are present and red when they are crossing. Easy enough to make it a much more clear by being GREEN instead of being blank when no pedestrians are present. Remember also those of us that travel through are a regular basis are used to the system but many tourists and out of state delivery trucks pass through there daily and if they do not understand it just slows traffic. I green light would alleviate this.

Wifi-1 08-16-2019 11:44 AM

I remember, back in my youth, when red & yellow on together was for pedestrian crossing. When yellow went off, pedestrians had to wait, then the light would go green for traffic.

Life was much simpler back when common sense was still common.

MAXUM 08-16-2019 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by joey2665 (Post 317633)
Because as it is currently the light is completely off when no pedestrians are present and red when they are crossing. Easy enough to make it a much more clear by being GREEN instead of being blank when no pedestrians are present. Remember also those of us that travel through are a regular basis are used to the system but many tourists and out of state delivery trucks pass through there daily and if they do not understand it just slows traffic. I green light would alleviate this.

That's kind of my point no confusion with conventional stop lights.

Biggd 08-16-2019 01:20 PM

The traffic situation was better when pedestrians played chicken with on coming vehicles. :emb:

Sue Doe-Nym 08-16-2019 01:26 PM

It was absolutely unavoidable, going to Meredith this morning. Terrible traffic jam, worse than we usually get. By the time we were through, I had a distinct feeling of being mentally unhinged. Hopefully, the traffic light/pedestrian crosswalk situation will somehow get solved.
Common sense? Hard to find these days!

Descant 08-16-2019 03:12 PM

Urban Compact

Originally Posted by macbeth (Post 317543)
Who gave Meredith permission to put a Pedestrian Crosswalk LIGHT up across a Major New Hampshire Highway? It almost seems not legal. Yes, pedestrians have to wait for the walk light to go at TRAFFIC LIGHTS. However this is not Traffic light, so did Meredith over step their boundaries? No dog in the fight, just a curious by-stander, not looking to use the cross walk.

I think that section of road is an "Urban Compact" where the state has ceded control to the local political subdivision (town).
While it appears the red (only) light is not a success, a full light that close to the light at the intersection creates it's own set of problems. For example, if it is pedestrian activated at either location, that increases the number of times both lights will stop traffic, (if they are properly coordinated) even if there is not a pedestrian at both locations.

I feel like there have been times when there was an officer directing traffic at the cross walk. Perhaps when the craft fair was open, and they paid for the extra detail?

If there were reason to close the intersection of Rt 3 and 25, there would be a planned detour, right? Why not sign it as a "Bypass" and remove some of the traffic?

rick35 08-16-2019 03:48 PM

I was reading some town minutes and there’s was a comment that traffic attendants would supplement the lights. Has that happened?

Bigstan 08-16-2019 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by rick35 (Post 317654)
I was reading some town minutes and there’s was a comment that traffic attendants would supplement the lights. Has that happened?

Police cadets used to manage pedestrian traffic, and it worked great forever.

Someone thought free GOV money was worth this I guess?

fatlazyless 08-17-2019 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Biggd (Post 317644)
The traffic situation was better when pedestrians played chicken with on coming vehicles. :emb:

From my memory, the old pre-2019 crosswalks had two in-street pedestrian crossing signs which were a black, white and high visibilty fluorescent yellow sign, about 12"wide x 44"high, cost maybe $200-each, positioned in the center of the road, in the center lane, within the two cross walks that used to be there at the Lake St and Dover St crossings. It is a pedestrian crossing sign used all across NH and other states, designed to be placed atop the center line in the middle of the road. They work by getting the driver's extra attention and the driver gets more attentive with their driving.

Those two cross walks that are no longer there seemed to actually work better. Drivers would see the pedestrians lined up to cross, would slow down or stop their cars and wave them across.

Oh well ..... so now there is one crosswalk and this new Hawk signal system is an improvement to be here forever, so's drivers gotta get familiar with it ... and be patient.

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