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ishoot308 07-21-2015 11:51 AM

Half Staff Alert
To those flying the stars and stripes in the lakes region...The White House has ordered all flags to be flown at half staff until sunset on July 25th to honor the service members killed in Chattanooga...


SIKSUKR 07-21-2015 12:02 PM

Its about time.Too bad it needed to be prodded to do so.

That Guy 07-21-2015 12:09 PM


Whitney Houston > Our Service Members


Newbiesaukee 07-21-2015 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by That Guy (Post 248802)

Whitney Houston > Our Service Members


I am certain that you know that the flag lowering for Whitney Houston was done at the state level by Governor Chris Christie and had nothing to do with the White House.

Can't believe everything you read on the Internet. Actually, I believe very little without an accurate source.

Lake Fan 07-21-2015 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by SIKSUKR (Post 248799)
Its about time.Too bad it needed to be prodded to do so.

Yet they had the White House bathed in rainbow colors within hours of the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage.

That Guy 07-21-2015 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Newbiesaukee (Post 248814)
I am certain that you know that the flag lowering for Whitney Houston was done at the state level by Governor Chris Christie and had nothing to do with the White House.

Can't believe everything you read on the Internet. Actually, I believe very little without an accurate source.

You are right. I didn't not confirm this until after I did some digging after I made the post. My apologies.

Yet, it still doesn't deny the fact its embarrassing as such examples like the one above this post.

Lakeboater 07-21-2015 05:36 PM

The governor of Massachusetts ordered all flags to half staff last Friday. Why would it take the Whitehouse so long??

Rusty 07-21-2015 05:52 PM

President Obama is a patriot who deeply loves his country. He feels real pain over the loss of innocent lives in these mass shootings.

Thank you Mr. President and God Bless America!

bruinsfan 07-21-2015 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 248827)
President Obama is a patriot who deeply loves his country. He feels real pain over the loss of innocent lives in these mass shootings.

Thank you Mr. President and God Bless America!

good one; i needed a laugh in this somber time

GBGX2 07-21-2015 07:20 PM

I am confident....

Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 248827)
President Obama is a patriot who deeply loves his country. He feels real pain over the loss of innocent lives in these mass shootings.

Thank you Mr. President and God Bless America!

that Rusty had his tongue wedged firmly in his cheek...

HomeWood 07-21-2015 07:23 PM

Judging from Rusty's signature line, I think the comment was surely sarcastic. And I also appreciate the chuckle today. I needed one.

Airedale1 07-21-2015 07:46 PM

Flags have been at half-staff at my home since the day after it happened. I really didn't feel the need to say, mother may I.

tis 07-22-2015 06:37 AM

Knowing Rusty, I don't think his comment was sarcastic or tongue in cheek. I think he truly believes what he wrote.

znh 07-23-2015 09:53 AM

Playing a bit of Devils Advocate here...why didn't we keep all the flags lowered from 2003-2010 when soldiers were dying everyday in Iraq and Afghanistan? What about every time a soldier commits suicide or dies in a car accident? I know in the past with multiple White House Administrations there has always been controversy over when to and when not to lower the flags. This is not something centered around the current administration and to say that the White House didn't do this in a timely manner due to some sort of hidden agenda just makes people seem a bit on the fringe of reality. Congress and the White House lowered the flags on the same day. People need to stop making mountains out of mole hills...finding any sort of glimmer of a chance to bash the current administration is just making the opposing people seem more and more crazy to the rest of us who don't participate in these generic party-line wars of public admonishment...

That Guy 07-23-2015 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by znh (Post 248907)
Playing a bit of Devils Advocate here...why didn't we keep all the flags lowered from 2003-2010 when soldiers were dying everyday in Iraq and Afghanistan? What about every time a soldier commits suicide or dies in a car accident?

Because their lives were deliberately taken on American soil.

znh 07-23-2015 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by That Guy (Post 248908)
Because their lives were deliberately taken on American soil.

That has nothing to do with the 'rules' or precedents of when to have the flag at half-mast.

I have NO problem with the flag at half-mast for the soldiers recently murdered while on active duty. But it is clearly at the discretion of the local authorities first. The White House lowered the flags within a timeline consistent with similar scenarios in recent history. This is just another chance for superficial bashing and in my opinion was nothing disrespectful or out of the place with history of 'lowering the flag'...

That Guy 07-23-2015 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by znh (Post 248909)
That has nothing to do with the 'rules' or precedents of when to have the flag at half-mast.

I have NO problem with the flag at half-mast for the soldiers recently murdered while on active duty. But it is clearly at the discretion of the local authorities first. The White House lowered the flags within a timeline consistent with similar scenarios in recent history. This is just another chance for superficial bashing and in my opinion was nothing disrespectful or out of the place with history of 'lowering the flag'...
Upon presidential proclamation, such as for the death of Pope John Paul II,[47] the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster,[48] the victims of Hurricane Katrina,[49] the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami,[50] the deaths of Coretta Scott King[51] and Rosa Parks,[52] the Virginia Tech massacre,[53] the Fort Hood massacre,[54] the 2011 Tucson shooting, the funeral of Neil Armstrong,[55] the death of US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stephens, the 2012 shooting in Aurora Colorado, the 2012 Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting, the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings,[56] the death of Nelson Mandela,[57] the 2013 Washington, D.C. Navy Yard shooting, and the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

znh 07-23-2015 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by That Guy (Post 248910)
Upon presidential proclamation, such as for the death of Pope John Paul II,[47] the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster,[48] the victims of Hurricane Katrina,[49] the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami,[50] the deaths of Coretta Scott King[51] and Rosa Parks,[52] the Virginia Tech massacre,[53] the Fort Hood massacre,[54] the 2011 Tucson shooting, the funeral of Neil Armstrong,[55] the death of US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stephens, the 2012 shooting in Aurora Colorado, the 2012 Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting, the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings,[56] the death of Nelson Mandela,[57] the 2013 Washington, D.C. Navy Yard shooting, and the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

and then?

It's not like it wasn't lowered, if it was never lowered I can understand the issue. It was lowered the same day Congress lowered the flags.

The case with the current issue really depends on if you view this as active soldiers killed in the line of duty, to which the flag is rarely lowered in these cases, or if you view this as a 'massacre', work place violence or something similar, like the times you listed above where the flag is lowered more commonly.

Again, it's not the lowering of the flag that is the issue here, it's that people actually think it has some sort of political or ideological motivation on the part of the White House to acknowledge or deny this and then using it to generically bash the administration for not being 'Patriotic'...which is ridiculous...

That Guy 07-23-2015 10:50 AM

grats. the horse is officially mush now.

znh 07-23-2015 10:59 AM

The horse is dead because logic and facts were used?


OK then terrific...

PaugusBayFireFighter 07-23-2015 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by znh (Post 248916)
The horse is dead because logic and facts were used?


OK then terrific...

Never let facts or logic get in the way of a good story!

That Guy 07-23-2015 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by znh (Post 248916)
The horse is dead because logic and facts were used?


OK then terrific...

Yea, that's it. Grats you won an argument on the internet by default from the other guy not giving a rat's ass on the topic. No different than winning the special Olympics. Sure, you won. But in the end you're still retarded.


See Post Here

Sal 07-23-2015 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by That Guy (Post 248921)
Yea, that's it. Grats you won an argument on the internet by default from the other guy not giving a rat's ass on the topic. No different than winning the special Olympics. Sure, you won. But in the end you're still retarded.


Give a man enough rope . . . .

That Guy 07-23-2015 12:29 PM


znh 07-23-2015 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by That Guy (Post 248921)
Yea, that's it. Grats you won an argument on the internet by default from the other guy not giving a rat's ass on the topic. No different than winning the special Olympics. Sure, you won. But in the end you're still retarded.


Did you just call me that? Are you kidding me? First off, way to be completely hypocritical. Secondly, way to be incredibly shallow and backwards. Thirdly, I am dumbfounded you would use that term for something so insignificant that you obviously do care about or you wouldn't have posted in here in the first place, especially with your misguided Whitney Houston reference. Fourthly, I would love to see you say that to someone not behind the anonymity of the keyboard. Lastly, sometimes it's ok to admit not being correct about something, in fact it's a sign of great intelligence and self-worth to be able to admit you were wrong about something, but like so many of your ilk you digress from the facts and go right to name calling and backpedaling...congrats on that...

That Guy 07-23-2015 12:49 PM

:laugh:add content

znh 07-23-2015 12:53 PM

I guess I thought this forum was more of a community then that. Thought we were just having an intelligent debate, not resorting to name calling for something so insignificant...and this is after the advice I gave with the fishing kayak ;). Just disappointing to see that kind of talk on each their own I guess...

Skip 07-23-2015 12:55 PM

This was a simple thread started courteously by Dan to inform folks in the Lakes region of the request to lower the flag in honor of those who had died.

And yet some of you desecrate it by turning it into another childish political diatribe?

Can we just honor and respect those who were killed and let it go at that?

So sad.....:(

That Guy 07-23-2015 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by znh (Post 248928)
I guess I thought this forum was more of a community then that. Thought we were just having an intelligent debate, not resorting to name calling for something so insignificant...and this is after the advice I gave with the fishing kayak ;). Just disappointing to see that kind of talk on each their own I guess...

Oh c'mon. You can't take a jab? The topic at hand got so dulled down I don't even know what I was reading anymore. Relax man. Have a beer and move on.

Besides, the "retarded" reference was regarding to the phrase; not you personally.

znh 07-23-2015 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Skip (Post 248929)
This was a simple thread started courteously by Dan to inform folks in the Lakes region of the request to lower the flag in honor of those who had died.

And yet some of you desecrate it by turning it into another childish political diatribe?

Can we just honor and respect those who were killed and let it go at that?

So sad.....:(

There was certainly no disrespect meant. Just a bit of debate, I'm on much larger and more active forums and these debates end up 10+ pages long so I didn't think anything of posting in here with that intent. Very sorry if anyone took offense to it...


Originally Posted by That Guy
Oh c'mon. You can't take a jab? The topic at hand got so dulled down I don't even know what I was reading anymore. Relax man. Have a beer and move on.

Besides, the "retarded" reference was regarding to the phrase; not you personally.

Let's just be done with this and move on to more fishing/boating/lake talk...:coolsm:

That Guy 07-23-2015 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by znh (Post 248932)
Let's just be done with this and move on to more fishing/boating/lake talk...:coolsm:

See. There we go. I'll drink to that.


NH_boater 07-23-2015 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by That Guy (Post 248921)
Yea, that's it. Grats you won an argument on the internet by default from the other guy not giving a rat's ass on the topic. No different than winning the special Olympics. Sure, you won. But in the end you're still retarded.


Maybe a good time for a serious apology....

ishoot308 07-23-2015 07:28 PM

Poke The Bear...
Yo "thatguy":

I started this thread to honor the dead marines who were killed in Chatanooga.
Somehow in your ramblings you thought it was cool to bring up and put down those in special Olympics.... I have two brothers who are heavily involved in special Olympics and if I were you I would STFU!

Thank you for your understanding...


Joebon 07-23-2015 09:58 PM

Second, third and fourth are adjectives and adverbs. So, one doesn't need to add "ly". Just FYI and has nothing to do with the original post, like most of this thread. Agree with more fishing/boating/lake talk since it's a Winnipesaukee forum and not a forum about vexillology.

rsmlp 07-24-2015 06:45 AM

good word. that's a new one for me. saved the thread from being completely useless.

tc_mike 07-24-2015 12:46 PM

Today's Google Doodle

Originally Posted by That Guy (Post 248921)
Yea, that's it. Grats you won an argument on the internet by default from the other guy not giving a rat's ass on the topic. No different than winning the special Olympics. Sure, you won. But in the end you're still retarded.


Interestingly, <a href="">Google is honoring</a> the Special Olympics World Games on their site today!

TheProfessor 07-24-2015 08:05 PM

Just a minor but important correction to some.

The flag is flown at half staff.

Nothing to do with the mast of a ship.

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