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CateP 05-23-2011 03:55 PM

Change of Plans
For those of you who have been advising me over these past months on all things "lakes region" including generators, I want to thank you. Plans have changed. My partner and I are splitting up and she will remain here in NJ. I still plan on moving up when I sell my house, but I cannot be sure when that will be in this market. I will probably be looking in Wolfeboro to start my new life.

Thanks again everybody, and if you don't hear from me for awhile, have a good start to summer.

upthesaukee 05-23-2011 04:08 PM

sorry Cate
Be well and I hope all goes smoothly for you in your transition.

SAMIAM 05-23-2011 04:25 PM

So sorry to hear that, Cate.....we hope you're still able to make the move. Best of luck.

RLW 05-23-2011 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by upthesaukee (Post 157822)
Be well and I hope all goes smoothly for you in your transition. We sure hope that you check in more often than not as you have many friends here on the forum. You should check your schedule and see if you might be able to make connections to the Forum Fest 2011.

VitaBene 05-23-2011 05:13 PM

Good luck Cate- looking forward to see you posting regularly!

Lakesrider 05-23-2011 06:14 PM

So sorry to hear of the situation you are in. Things like that are tough and never what one wants to deal with. It can be downright depressing and draining.
Hopefully it was a mutual thing and no distress is coming further down the line from it all. Been there. Did that kinda thing. Ya know what I mean? But then I met someone even better and couldn't be happier. Heck I didn't know what I was missing until I met my present wife. People, like me, will tell you life goes on and it does. But getting there can be a bit on the hard side. So chin up, and keep looking and moving forward. Kind of like the rain we have been having up here. We are all depressed from it, but flowers will bloom and things will be green and beautiful again. Do what you need to do with the house. Don't rush things. Bigger mistakes happen that way. Not only with houses but with relationships as well. Besides.....We will all still be around when you finally do get here.....:D
(Hopefully :eek:)

Peace out Cate.

trfour 05-23-2011 07:06 PM

Wishing you well Cate. We will be waiting for you whenever you can be with us here.

" Now I'm truly ready for the next chapter. I move forward with no regrets—only grace and gratitude." Oprah Winfrey.


Pepper 05-23-2011 09:57 PM

Add me to the list of those who hope you'll be posting regularly, and hanging out with all your friends here! :) Here's wishing you happiness on the road ahead!

Lakepilot 05-24-2011 07:03 AM

Cate, sorry to hear your plans have changed but I do hope you look seriously at Wolfeboro. You would like it here.

Meredith lady 05-24-2011 07:14 AM

so sorry...please keep in touch!

NoRegrets 05-24-2011 07:17 AM

I also hopw you keep us posted and stay connected to the forum and lakes region. I was looking forward to stopping by the Naswa when you were around....

Thanks for sharing your postive perspectives with the forum family.

CateP 05-24-2011 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by NoRegrets (Post 157902)
I also hopw you keep us posted and stay connected to the forum and lakes region. I was looking forward to stopping by the Naswa when you were around....

Thanks for sharing your postive perspectives with the forum family.

I've got to say you forum members are really fantastic. None of you have met me in person and yet you extend such kind words. It just gives me one more reason to want to move up there.

BTW-I will still be at the Naswa the first weekend in June if anyone wants to stop by the beach bar Saturday night. On Sunday am taking a lovely tour of Wolfeboro with one of our forum members.

Thanks again all. You are wonderful people!!

SIKSUKR 05-24-2011 11:30 AM

Sometimes I think this forum is my best relationship. Never like to hear about breakups unless its for the better. Good vibes and good luck from SS.

PapaDon 05-24-2011 12:06 PM

Looking forward to keeping in touch
So sorry about your breakup and that you've had to change your plans. Keep in touch on here and we look forward to the day when you can live up here.

eillac@dow 05-24-2011 12:37 PM


I enjoy reading your posts and the threads you started. I learned alot from them. Stay connected to the forum...obviously, the forum members have so much to offer us all, but it appears you do to.

Sorry to hear of you and your partner splitting up. I hope all goes well with this phase of your life.

In the meantime....keep checking out NH and all its'll find exactly where you should be!

eillac :)

Woodsy 05-24-2011 01:10 PM


I know you are no doubt bummed.... my condoloences! But I think a vacation to tthe lake might just be what the doctor ordered! Come for the 4th or Bike Week! See the place at its best! I always found a post breakup vacation to be very therapeutic!


CateP 05-24-2011 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Woodsy (Post 157943)

I know you are no doubt bummed.... my condoloences! But I think a vacation to tthe lake might just be what the doctor ordered! Come for the 4th or Bike Week! See the place at its best! I always found a post breakup vacation to be very therapeutic!


I am starting the "Dealing and Healing" Roadtrip this Saturday. Heading towards Middlebury, VT and making my way over to the lake a week from Friday. I think some lobster rolls and being at the big lake will help a lot. Also looking forward to my Wolfeboro tour.

songkrai 05-24-2011 04:00 PM

Well, good luck. Wolfeboro is a good choice.

But just be forewarned. Grass is always greener on the other side of the road.

Some have moved to NH and find it wonderful. Many are retired some of their expectations are different from younger people. Families do move here and find it wonderful also. Some also do find NH cold and unfriendly. And they ultimately move back to an urban area.

Just remember the temperatures here are probably 20 degrees colder then NJ. Winters can be long. And lots and lots of snow shoveling. If renting then you really don't have to worry much. But if purchasing a home you will have to do all yourself or hire someone. Although there are many fine trades people here some find it quite frustrating finding any repair/trade person to actually show on time as expected or show up at all.

I have been fortunate to have been born in NH and lived off and on in NH my entire life. But I have been fortunate to live and work in many parts of this country and foreign lands.

Some people have the myth perception that New Hampshire is the same as New Jersey (NY,CT,RI, etc.) but with more trees and less taxes. It is not. NH lacks many of the cultural and shopping amenities that people in those urban states take for granted.

I hope you are not moving to Wolefboro cold turkey. I hope that you have friends or relatives in the area. If not, I highly suggest you join as many groups or organizations as possible such as the Lions Club and such. And if a church goer - join and become active in the church. And possibly if time alows do some volunteer work at the local hospital. For the good of others of course but for the good of yourself - to find friends and to meet people.

Good Luck.

Happy Gourmand 05-24-2011 04:20 PM

Judgeing by the tone, content and "attitude" of Cate's posts, she won't have any problems settling in and making a ton of friends!
Good Luck Cate...NH looks forward to welcoming you to our great State! :)

CateP 05-24-2011 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by songkrai (Post 157983)
But just be forewarned. Grass is always greener on the other side of the road.

Just remember the temperatures here are probably 20 degrees colder then NJ. Winters can be long. And lots and lots of snow shoveling. If renting then you really don't have to worry much. But if purchasing a home you will have to do all yourself or hire someone. Although there are many fine trades people here some find it quite frustrating finding any repair/trade person to actually show on time as expected or show up at all.

Some people have the myth perception that New Hampshire is the same as New Jersey (NY,CT,RI, etc.) but with more trees and less taxes. It is not. NH lacks many of the cultural and shopping amenities that people in those urban states take for granted.

I hope you are not moving to Wolefboro cold turkey. I hope that you have friends or relatives in the area. If not, I highly suggest you join as many groups or organizations as possible such as the Lions Club and such. And if a church goer - join and become active in the church. And possibly if time alows do some volunteer work at the local hospital. For the good of others of course but for the good of yourself - to find friends and to meet people.

Good Luck.

Thanks for your concerns Songkrai. I DO have friends in the area and went to school at New Hampton. My family also had a house in Melvin Village for 15+ years. Although I have not lived there year-round, I do have a sense of what I'm getting into. I moved to Maine from Boston and knew one person. Stayed for 10 years and still have friends there. I moved to NJ from Maine and knew one person, been here 13 years and had some good experiences, including a well-paying, secure job that lets me work remotely and is the whole reason I can move to the lakes region :) I am a New England woman through and through and am coming HOME!!

tis 05-24-2011 05:33 PM

You know the saying, things happen for the best and though sometimes it is hard to understand why, it often turns out to be true. Maybe you were meant to live in Wolfeboro. I think it would be a perfect town for you. I really think you will be happy if that is where you end up living.

songkrai 05-24-2011 06:56 PM

One more thing.

I don't know how busy your work will be. But if you do have extra time sign up for some of the town committees.

Each of these towns has elected (usually unpaid) town positions and also volunteer town committees. Everything from a recreation committe to an historical committee. And then there is joining the local Historical Society.

If you have the time. Send a generic letter to the selectmen/women/board and state that you would like to volunteer for any committe or you can be specific and choose a committee. These towns are always seeking volunteers and new people can bring in fresh perspectives. And as a side point you get to know new people. My town has about a dozen volunteer committees - and all volunteers.

Best of Luck. 05-24-2011 07:40 PM


Sorry to read about how your situation has changed and plans put on hold for a short time. I've enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your enthusiasm and I too hope we'll be reading more post from you. You'll have your home sold in no time and then will be able to move to the lake. Something to look forward to. Keep up that good spirit you always show here.

ironhorsetim 05-25-2011 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Woodsy (Post 157943)
I always found a post breakup vacation to be very therapeutic!


And he takes alot of vacations...:eek: :laugh: just kiddin woodsy,you know I luvya ;)

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