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Andromeda321 03-12-2020 09:44 AM

"Social Distancing" at the Lake
Anyone else doing this in these strange times? My husband and I are now both on remote work for the foreseeable future, and our Internet is good up there, so we are decamping in the next few days to head up to the lake. Now that social distancing is the new trend I can't help but think it's basically what lake life is anyway- go for walks in the woods, kayak, and read a good book without getting within six feet of anyone else! :laugh:

This is going to also be our first time up there for ice out, so that'll be an interesting point in a spring I'm sure no one is going to forget anytime soon.

Major 03-12-2020 09:56 AM

Nope. Looking forward to having a nice dinner with good friends on Saturday night. Not sure where we are going. No social distancing for this cat.

Susie Cougar 03-12-2020 10:00 AM

Andromeda321, If you look under the post McMansions, you will see that this is one of the things I have suggested that people start doing. I am taking this coronavirus very seriously and I am very upset that so many others think it’s a media hype. Good for you for doing the right thing. Didn’t

Susie Cougar 03-12-2020 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Susie Cougar (Post 327588)
Andromeda321, If you look under the post McMansions, you will see that this is one of the things I have suggested that people start doing. I am taking this coronavirus very seriously and I am very upset that so many others think it’s a media hype. Good for you for doing the right thing. Didn’t

Sorry, the post is the New Hampshire Boat Show. I think I better get off this forum for a while. Lol 😂

thinkxingu 03-12-2020 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Andromeda321 (Post 327585)
Anyone else doing this in these strange times? My husband and I are now both on remote work for the foreseeable future, and our Internet is good up there, so we are decamping in the next few days to head up to the lake. Now that social distancing is the new trend I can't help but think it's basically what lake life is anyway- go for walks in the woods, kayak, and read a good book without getting within six feet of anyone else! [emoji23]

This is going to also be our first time up there for ice out, so that'll be an interesting point in a spring I'm sure no one is going to forget anytime soon.

What a wonderful option you have! I hope you enjoy it—the way you describe being up there is making me yearn for our season to start, something I don't often do before warmer weather!

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Andromeda321 03-12-2020 10:30 AM

Hah, silly me for not knowing that was the correct place to discuss this! ;)

My thoughts on this is we are both young and two weeks with a flu isn't fun either, but it's not me I'm worried about. I work at a university that just completely shut down and sent the students home with a few days notice (so stressful for them), but I certainly don't want to get anyone ill around me who may get sick. And frankly anyone who looks at reports coming out of the hospitals in Italy, a Western nation with advanced medicine, knows this isn't "just the flu" or "just hysteria." (I also hate when people point to swine flu stats as comparison- they always do so for one year of stats, and we're only three months into this! Let alone non-linear in growth!)

Plus honestly, I don't need much of an excuse to hang out by the lake. Beats sitting in my small apartment getting bored of what's on Netflix any day!

umbrellapoint 03-12-2020 10:31 AM

Andromeda321, ice out is spectacular. Last time I was up for it, the wind kicked up waves underneath the ice and there were massive swells of ice rolling across the broads. One of the most awesome sites I have seen. Enjoy your time up there.

MAXUM 03-12-2020 10:55 AM

I love the newly coined phrase "social distancing" how quaint and politically correct.

It's a virus it will spread, some will die from it most will not. Simple as that. What is happening now is mass hysteria fueled by a 24X7 news cycle that has nothing better to do than whip up their viewers for ratings. That is not to downplay how severe it is, by creating mass panic it just makes it that much worse.

The world will survive this, mankind as we know it will not come to an end. If anything, we should be psyched for "global warming" as once it gets hot according to scientists this thing should dissipate.

Top-Water 03-12-2020 11:04 AM

I think I'm going to try and "social distance" myself as much as posible with the smallmouth this summer.


Hopefully I'll survive.

MAXUM 03-12-2020 11:32 AM

Good way to keep people out of your hot spot. Just start coughing real bad :emb:

I ponder the thought what is adequate "social distancing" while fishing? This is VERY critical for the safety of others.

Garcia 03-12-2020 11:56 AM

The idea of limiting contact with others prior to a major outbreak is not new. Epidemiologists use data from the 1918 flu pandemic to help better plan for and avoid crises today. Here's one article that shows how two communities approached the 1918 flu,

Public health officials are caught between a rock and a hard place. If they do nothing and the crises grows, people complain. If they take drastic action and a crises is minimized, people say the measures were not necessary.

Right now Italy is being overwhelmed by the COVID-19 outbreak. We are a couple weeks behind them in terms of the outbreak. It certainly seems wise to take careful, thoughtful, even dramatic actions to limit the spread. Do we need to panic and make decisions based on fears? Of course not. But, thoughtful, science based decisions are prudent.

Andromeda321 03-12-2020 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 327600)
I love the newly coined phrase "social distancing" how quaint and politically correct.

It's a virus it will spread, some will die from it most will not. Simple as that. What is happening now is mass hysteria fueled by a 24X7 news cycle that has nothing better to do than whip up their viewers for ratings. That is not to downplay how severe it is, by creating mass panic it just makes it that much worse.

The world will survive this, mankind as we know it will not come to an end. If anything, we should be psyched for "global warming" as once it gets hot according to scientists this thing should dissipate.

Ok, boomer.

Orion 03-12-2020 12:17 PM

Social distancing
I think the property values of island properties just went up. ;)

WinnisquamZ 03-12-2020 12:18 PM

I have been practicing social distancing for years, that is why we move here. All be well, this will pass.

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Descant 03-12-2020 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 327604)
Good way to keep people out of your hot spot. Just start coughing real bad :emb:

I ponder the thought what is adequate "social distancing" while fishing? This is VERY critical for the safety of others.

Gas will be cheaper this summer. Get a bigger boat (low interest rates!) so you
can fish socially distant from the same boat. Watching the market in the last few days, I wouldn't be surprised to see some bargains in boats and other discretionary items this summer.

hd333 03-12-2020 12:19 PM

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MAXUM 03-12-2020 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Andromeda321 (Post 327609)
Ok, boomer.

Sorry to disappoint but I'm actually way to young to be a "boomer".

Susie Cougar 03-12-2020 12:38 PM

Andromeda321, how long are they closing down for?

Andromeda321 03-12-2020 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Susie Cougar (Post 327617)
Andromeda321, how long are they closing down for?

Right now all regular activity at my work (visits, travel, gatherings over 25, etc) are suspended through April 30, with the understanding that it can of course be longer.

ishoot308 03-12-2020 01:09 PM

Social Distancing

Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 327604)
I ponder the thought what is adequate "social distancing"

I'm going to have to separate the stools at the tiki bar a bit more!...:D:D

Top-Water 03-12-2020 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by ishoot308 (Post 327620)
I'm going to have to separate the stools at the tiki bar a bit more!...:D:D


garysanfran 03-12-2020 01:39 PM

Swine Flu...
2009-2010 when Obama was President...60,000,000 Americans infected. 30,000 hospitalized...In the USA!

Anyone remember?

Probably not.

codeman671 03-12-2020 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Orion (Post 327610)
I think the property values of island properties just went up. ;)

It will be an interesting season. Rates will be low but with the market taking such a beating it may limit people wanting to tap into investments or use up cash to buy a luxury item like an island property.

Me? I will be shopping. No need to overpay now.

thinkxingu 03-12-2020 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by codeman671 (Post 327624)
It will be an interesting season. Rates will be low but with the market taking such a beating it may limit people wanting to tap into investments or use up cash to buy a luxury item like an island property.

Me? I will be shopping. No need to overpay now.

I learned a long time ago to save when things are good and buy when things aren't.

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BroadHopper 03-12-2020 02:01 PM

Back in the days
In the 60's, 70's and 80's, i knew a lot of folks from various part of the lake. Block parties in neighborhoods where everyone is invited were common. The water ski races and exhibits were popular places to meet folks. Sand bars were popular before all the crazy laws enacted. Neighborhoods even had crazy boat parades! Everyone was very sociable!

Now, the mcmansion owners would complain about the block parties and sand bars. Speed limit divided the lake community. Watersport activities are almost non existence! The weekend are practically crazy with the bad attitude in boating. Social disengagement becomes the norm. Sad.

Susie Cougar 03-12-2020 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Andromeda321 (Post 327618)
Right now all regular activity at my work (visits, travel, gatherings over 25, etc) are suspended through April 30, with the understanding that it can of course be longer.

As important as these closings are, I can’t help but feel sorry for the people who will be affected the most, the hourly workers who do not have sick pay or vacation pay or any time to use. Food-service workers are going to be hit very hard by this. All those workers in all those school cafeterias. So many people live from paycheck to paycheck anyway, I’m not sure what people are supposed to do in a situation like this.

Hillcountry 03-12-2020 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by ishoot308 (Post 327620)
I'm going to have to separate the stools at the tiki bar a bit more!...:D:D long as you don't start "pushing them in" Dan! :eek:

gillygirl 03-12-2020 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Andromeda321 (Post 327609)
Ok, boomer.

I hope you’re not an educator with this kind of response.

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Susie Cougar 03-12-2020 05:02 PM

All public schools in Maryland are closed immediately until March 27.
I guess people are starting to take this as seriously as they should. It’s just too bad that my grandkids can’t come down here for a couple of weeks while they’re out of school. They get to be stuck in Baltimore city with nothing to do.
Being stuck at the lake sounds pretty good to me.

gillygirl 03-12-2020 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by garysanfran (Post 327622)
2009-2010 when Obama was President...60,000,000 Americans infected. 30,000 hospitalized...In the USA!

Anyone remember?

Probably not.

Sorry, viruses have no politics. And you need to recheck your numbers...the first is correct, but the second is low by a factor of 9. From the CDC website "The United States mounted a complex, multi-faceted and long-term response to the pandemic." We're not seeing that as of now for this pandemic. Hopefully, that will change.

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steve-on-mark 03-12-2020 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Hillcountry (Post 327629) long as you don't start "pushing them in" Dan! :eek:

Yikes...I have a great joke here, but I'd better refrain![emoji6]

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Top-Water 03-12-2020 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Susie Cougar (Post 327628)
So many people live from paycheck to paycheck anyway, I’m not sure what people are supposed to do in a situation like this.

You asked the question.

A : Create government nanny state program (slash) feel good legeslation and everything will be fine.

Overlake97 03-12-2020 09:56 PM

True, but very low mortality rate
“LONDON (Reuters) - At least one in five people worldwide were infected with swine flu during the first year of the 2009-2010 H1N1 pandemic, an international research group said on Friday, but the death rate was just 0.02 percent.” COVID-19’s mortality rate looks to be around 3%, overall; higher for people over 65 (not sure of that number).

MAXUM 03-13-2020 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Overlake97 (Post 327664)
“LONDON (Reuters) - At least one in five people worldwide were infected with swine flu during the first year of the 2009-2010 H1N1 pandemic, an international research group said on Friday, but the death rate was just 0.02 percent.” COVID-19’s mortality rate looks to be around 3%, overall; higher for people over 65 (not sure of that number).

While at the moment those numbers may be accurate at the outset of H1N1 the mortality rate being observed was reported to be in a similar range as well but as time went on and it ran it's due course the actual numbers were far from that. In fact I recall where it was first observed the mortality rate was very high. It's all in how accurate the sampling is, as already noted by several doctors I have seen interviewed who appear to be interested in spreading fact not fear, many cases will be mild and as such may not be identified as COVID-19. Instead it seems quite plausible the numbers are skewed now because nobody has an accurate count of how many actually are infected or recovered.

It would be nice if there was more responsible reporting on this. Not to downplay the threat, but to put context to it. That way the focus can be placed on protecting those who's lives really do depend on protection from it. We are NOT in the midst of a Zombie Apocalypse as many would like you to believe.

Top-Water 03-13-2020 08:49 AM

My son who works in a hospital operating room in southern new hampshire said it best last night on our way out to dinner last evening.

I wish the talking heads that are not qualified to speak about the issuse would just shut up. ............ we can't even do elective surgery anymore. Way to much misinformation.


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 327681)
It would be nice if there was more responsible reporting on this. Not to downplay the threat, but to put context to it. That way the focus can be placed on protecting those who's lives really do depend on protection from it. We are NOT in the midst of a Zombie Apocalypse as many would like you to believe.

MAXUM 03-13-2020 09:17 AM

When you have politicians pontificating about xenophobia, as if that is relevant to the situation at hand, it's pretty clear we are not in grave danger from this virus, we are in grave danger because the people who are in placed in a position of authority are completely and utterly incompetent.

For once it would be nice to see the political posturing to stop and the entire country band together and address this like adults. Fact is a virus has no concept of race or political persuasion.

FlyingScot 03-13-2020 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 327681)
While at the moment those numbers may be accurate at the outset of H1N1 the mortality rate being observed was reported to be in a similar range as well but as time went on and it ran it's due course the actual numbers were far from that. In fact I recall where it was first observed the mortality rate was very high. It's all in how accurate the sampling is, as already noted by several doctors I have seen interviewed who appear to be interested in spreading fact not fear, many cases will be mild and as such may not be identified as COVID-19. Instead it seems quite plausible the numbers are skewed now because nobody has an accurate count of how many actually are infected or recovered.

It would be nice if there was more responsible reporting on this. Not to downplay the threat, but to put context to it. That way the focus can be placed on protecting those who's lives really do depend on protection from it. We are NOT in the midst of a Zombie Apocalypse as many would like you to believe.

This is completely reasonable, and it's critical that we have responsible reporting. But a central problem here is that it is extraordinarily difficult to predict or even understand exponential growth. So when we see something dangerous growing exponentially, it is responsible to sound the alarm.

Here's a bit of fun to illustrate the exponential growth problem--take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. Then fold it half again (so that the sheet is now 1/4 of it's original size and 4 sheets thick). Then fold it in half again, and again...Assuming we could fold the paper in half 40 times and then sit it on the a table, how tall would the stack be?

A beer on my porch in June awaits the first reasonably close guesser.

AC2717 03-13-2020 09:40 AM

Can someone give an update on the ground thaw? I want to turn my water on and get started a lot earlier than normal this year

MAXUM 03-13-2020 09:45 AM

2^(40) - 1

It's a big number! I just don't have a calculator handy to do this math.

Top-Water 03-13-2020 09:52 AM

Not solve-able ........ you did not include the thickness of the paper. So how can you figure it out how tall it is.


Originally Posted by FlyingScot (Post 327685)
how tall would the stack be?

Mr. V 03-13-2020 09:59 AM

Seems pretty simple to me.

People who don't care whether or not they contract the virus can blithely not practice "social distancing," whereas those who must avoid it due to underlying health problems or those who simply don't want to catch the flu will practice it.

Your choice.

Life free or try.

MAXUM 03-13-2020 10:17 AM

Depends on if you are looking for an actual measurement of thickness versus how many layers would be created as a result.

Susie Cougar 03-13-2020 10:28 AM

I am assuming that the paper is .1 mm thick.

Top-Water 03-13-2020 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 327693)
Depends on if you are looking for an actual measurement of thickness versus how many layers would be created as a result.

Now you talking like Bill Clinton trying to figure out what the defenition of is, is. :liplick:

There is a solution to FlyingScot question but it has to be written correctly with all the necesarry data in order to be solved.

Susie Cougar 03-13-2020 10:36 AM

I wrote the formula wrong.

Same answer

Biggd 03-13-2020 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 327600)
I love the newly coined phrase "social distancing" how quaint and politically correct.

It's a virus it will spread, some will die from it most will not. Simple as that. What is happening now is mass hysteria fueled by a 24X7 news cycle that has nothing better to do than whip up their viewers for ratings. That is not to downplay how severe it is, by creating mass panic it just makes it that much worse.

The world will survive this, mankind as we know it will not come to an end. If anything, we should be psyched for "global warming" as once it gets hot according to scientists this thing should dissipate.

We could be like China and have all our news coming from the Government. :eek: They downplayed the virus until it was so bad they couldn't hide the results any longer.
My best friend has business associates over there and he said they all told him that it's much worse than the government is letting on.

Top-Water 03-13-2020 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Susie Cougar (Post 327695)
I am assuming that the paper is .1 mm thick.

If you fold it 42 times it would reach the moon and a little more at 1mm thick

Edit at work most of us agree its .0023 - .0025 inches thick is the averrage in inches. I think most paper is graded in {bonds}

Descant 03-13-2020 11:00 AM

Bar bet
Folding paper is an old bar bet. You can't fold it more than 8 times. Put your beer down and try it. Get a bigger piece of paper and try again. Now, give your credit card to the bartender. You lost twice.

MAXUM 03-13-2020 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Descant (Post 327702)
Folding paper is an old bar bet. You can't fold it more than 8 times. Put your beer down and try it. Get a bigger piece of paper and try again. Now, give your credit card to the bartender. You lost twice.

But the question said Assuming we could fold the paper in half 40 times

Susie Cougar 03-13-2020 11:16 AM

Riverside Elementary School is holding an election to determine the new school color. 5/8 of the votes are for blue, 5/9 of the remaining votes are for green, and the remaining 48 votes are red. How many votes were for blue?

Do you like this question better? My daughter sent it to me a couple of weeks ago. She couldn’t figure it out. It’s fifth grade math.

Top-Water 03-13-2020 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Susie Cougar (Post 327704)
Riverside Elementary School is holding an election to determine the new school color. 5/8 of the votes are for blue, 5/9 of the remaining votes are for green, and the remaining 48 votes are red. How many votes were for blue?

Do you like this question better? My daughter sent it to me a couple of weeks ago. She couldn’t figure it out. It’s fifth grade math.

I'm sorry to interrupt .... one little short moment........... but the best one on the forum was the one about Sea-Level - Water Level and what you can or could see from Alton To Center Harbor.

Now back to Susie's question.

gillygirl 03-13-2020 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Susie Cougar (Post 327704)
Riverside Elementary School is holding an election to determine the new school color. 5/8 of the votes are for blue, 5/9 of the remaining votes are for green, and the remaining 48 votes are red. How many votes were for blue?

Do you like this question better? My daughter sent it to me a couple of weeks ago. She couldn’t figure it out. It’s fifth grade math.


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Susie Cougar 03-13-2020 12:57 PM

Good job, gillygirl!

gillygirl 03-13-2020 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Susie Cougar (Post 327712)
Good job, gillygirl!

Crap, I've had enough math through my years that if I didn't get it, I'd get checked for early onset dementia.

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DickR 03-13-2020 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by gillygirl (Post 327709)

Riverside Elementary School is holding an election to determine the new school color. 5/8 of the votes are for blue, 5/9 of the remaining votes are for green, and the remaining 48 votes are red. How many votes were for blue?


Yes, you are correct, but any good teacher will subtract a few points for not showing the work. So, for the rest out there:

5/8 went for blue, leaving 3/8 for something else. 5/9 of that 3/8 went for green, leaving (4/9) x (3/8) = 0.1666666... (or 1/6) for the remainder,who went red. That 48 is 1/6 of 288, and the original 5/8 of 288 went blue, or 180.

FlyingScot 03-13-2020 04:16 PM

Nice work, Susie and Top Water! A couple of beers, or 4, or 8 or 16 or...are available for collection on my porch in June.

So like the folding paper--if the virus doubles 2 or 4 or 10 times, the whole thing will be seen as overblown--as Major and others have opined. But if it keeps doubling, we're really screwed, and we will have wished we did even more to slow the spread.

Susie Cougar 03-13-2020 04:34 PM

This is a whole lot more fun than talking about the coronavirus.

Mr. V 03-13-2020 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Susie Cougar (Post 327733)
This is a whole lot more fun than talking about the coronavirus.

Then start a thread about it.

Hijacking this thread is poor form.

ApS 03-13-2020 05:27 PM

But It Is...

Originally Posted by Susie Cougar (Post 327733)
This is a whole lot more fun than talking about the coronavirus.

Exponential growth is talking about the coronavirus! :eek2:

nj2nh 03-14-2020 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 327600)
I love the newly coined phrase "social distancing" how quaint and politically correct.

It's a virus it will spread, some will die from it most will not. Simple as that. What is happening now is mass hysteria fueled by a 24X7 news cycle that has nothing better to do than whip up their viewers for ratings. That is not to downplay how severe it is, by creating mass panic it just makes it that much worse.

The world will survive this, mankind as we know it will not come to an end. If anything, we should be psyched for "global warming" as once it gets hot according to scientists this thing should dissipate.

No one can say for sure that this will dissipate in warm weather. Italy is warm. The Middle East is warm. Spain is warm. All are hot spots right now.

I prefer panic to complacency which is infinitely worse.

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nj2nh 03-14-2020 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Andromeda321 (Post 327609)
Ok, boomer.

Ok, boomer? Could you be any ruder or more obnoxious? Since when did those born before 1964 become vilified and stupid?

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gillygirl 03-15-2020 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by nj2nh (Post 327800)
Ok, boomer? Could you be any ruder or more obnoxious? Since when did those born before 1964 become vilified and stupid?

Sent from my iPad using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Didn’t you know that all the current ills of society were caused by boomers? [emoji19]

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MAXUM 03-15-2020 10:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by nj2nh (Post 327798)
No one can say for sure that this will dissipate in warm weather. Italy is warm. The Middle East is warm. Spain is warm. All are hot spots right now.

I prefer panic to complacency which is infinitely worse.

Sent from my iPad using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

An interesting map showing the current "hot spots" as it relates to temperature.... all these areas are in a similar temperature band.

Again it's early to make assumptions here, but there certainly seems to be a trend forming. There have already been observations doing in labs indicating that temperature, more so humidity has a direct effect on the ease at which this spreads.

Mr. V 03-15-2020 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by nj2nh (Post 327800)
Ok, boomer? Could you be any ruder or more obnoxious?

I found the comment to be apt.

It's a dismissive shortcut, ala "that's enough, grandpa, now go watch Fox news."

It was a curt, on point response to Maxum's asinine claim that "we should be psyched for "global warming" as once it gets hot according to scientists this thing should dissipate."

Andromeda321 03-17-2020 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. V (Post 327905)
I found the comment to be apt.

It's a dismissive shortcut, ala "that's enough, grandpa, now go watch Fox news."

It was a curt, on point response to Maxum's asinine claim that "we should be psyched for "global warming" as once it gets hot according to scientists this thing should dissipate."

Yes. It's not about age.

steve-on-mark 03-17-2020 03:00 PM

Property values

Originally Posted by Orion (Post 327610)
I think the property values of island properties just went up. ;)

As long as the increases offset our 401k losses!

TiltonBB 03-17-2020 03:44 PM

Two Positive Tests
Lakes Region General Hospital reports two positive tests:

From the Laconia Sun:

dippasan 03-17-2020 03:50 PM

Social distancing

Originally Posted by Andromeda321 (Post 327585)
Anyone else doing this in these strange times? My husband and I are now both on remote work for the foreseeable future, and our Internet is good up there, so we are decamping in the next few days to head up to the lake. Now that social distancing is the new trend I can't help but think it's basically what lake life is anyway- go for walks in the woods, kayak, and read a good book without getting within six feet of anyone else! :laugh:

This is going to also be our first time up there for ice out, so that'll be an interesting point in a spring I'm sure no one is going to forget anytime soon.

Social distancing at the lake is 150'

Top-Water 03-17-2020 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by dippasan (Post 328089)
Social distancing at the lake is 150'

And ...... includes no wake clause ........:)

jeffk 03-17-2020 04:27 PM

No worries about "wake" because the lake is still frozen.

Seaplane Pilot 03-17-2020 05:48 PM

I can’t help but think of this song....

In the year 2525, if man is still alive
If woman can survive, they may find
In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie
Everything you think, do and say
Is in the pill you took today
In the year 4545
You ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes
You won't find a thing to chew
Nobody's gonna look at you
In the year 5555
Your arms hangin' limp at your sides
Your legs got nothin' to do
Some machine's doin' that for you
In the year 6565
You won't need no husband, won't need no wife
You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too
From the bottom of a long glass tube
In the year 7510
If God's a coming, He oughta make it by then
Maybe He'll look around Himself and say
Guess it's time for the judgment day
In the year 8510
God is gonna shake His mighty head
He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been
Or tear it down, and start again
In the year 9595
I'm kinda wonderin' if man is gonna be alive
He's taken everything this old earth can give
And he ain't put back nothing
Now it's been ten thousand years
Man has cried a billion tears
For what, he never knew, now man's reign is through
But through eternal night, the twinkling of starlight
So very far away, maybe it's only yesterday
In the year 2525, if man is still alive
If woman can survive, they may find

erick26 03-18-2020 08:43 AM

"Social Distancing" at the Lake

Originally Posted by Major (Post 327587)
Nope. Looking forward to having a nice dinner with good friends on Saturday night. Not sure where we are going. No social distancing for this cat.

Major I would ask that you reconsider your actions. Even if you and your friends are not concerned with getting the virus, I’ve heard the contagious factor is like an invisible wildfire so even if you have no symptoms at all you can spread it for up to 2 weeks to others. You could infect a family member or friend that could become extremely sick or even die. I know this whole thing is crazy, but I believe the numbers are much worse than reported due to lack of testing. The longer people ignore this, the longer it will drag out and potentially create full shutdowns of everything! Just my 2 cents. Thx #stayingthe’F’home

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Major 03-18-2020 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by erick26 (Post 328143)
Major I would ask that you reconsider your actions. Even if you and your friends are not concerned with getting the virus, I’ve heard the contagious factor is like an invisible wildfire so even if you have no symptoms at all you can spread it for up to 2 weeks to others. You could infect a family member or friend that could become extremely sick or even die. I know this whole thing is crazy, but I believe the numbers are much worse than reported due to lack of testing. The longer people ignore this, the longer it will drag out and potentially create full shutdowns of everything! Just my 2 cents. Thx #stayingthe’F’home

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Too late. Had an awesome time with no regrets. Went to Mass on Sunday and lunch with friends at Canoe. I have no choice now. The world has stopped. We'll invite friends over to our home to socialize.

I realize there are risks. However, personally, I think it makes sense for persons to be responsible for their own actions. If you are over a certain age, or have a compromised immune system, the responsibility should be on you to make sure you are safe. We shouldn't destroy our economy. I refuse to live in fear. Quite honestly, the government's actions and our compliance without question to the government's actions scare me way worse than the Chinese coronavirus. In the case of a real crisis, where our liberties and freedoms are at stake, will we be so compliant?

It's all about understanding and accepting risks. I've stated this before so forgive me for boring you, but last year 36,000 U.S. citizens died from the flu and nearly 500,000 were hospitalized with the flu. Each year between 20,000 and 80,000 U.S. citizens die from the flu. It is a risk that we accept, much like driving a car, which kills roughly 35,000 U.S. citizens per year. With the Chinese coronavirus, we do not understand the risks so we are unwilling to accept it and in the meantime overreacting and panicking.

For the time being, I am enjoying traveling to work on near empty roads and trains and working quietly in a near empty office.

The Real BigGuy 03-18-2020 09:36 AM

What is “Chinese” coronavirus? Oh, that’s right, a “true believer” needs to mimic the words of the “great” leader or get drummed out of the corps.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Major 03-18-2020 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by The Real BigGuy (Post 328148)
What is “Chinese” coronavirus? Oh, that’s right, a “true believer” needs to mimic the words of the “great” leader or get drummed out of the corps.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Where did it originate? I take my cues from the left. I like to label things.

erick26 03-18-2020 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Major (Post 328145)
Too late. Had an awesome time with no regrets. Went to Mass on Sunday and lunch with friends at Canoe. I have no choice now. The world has stopped. We'll invite friends over to our home to socialize.

I realize there are risks. However, personally, I think it makes sense for persons to be responsible for their own actions. If you are over a certain age, or have a compromised immune system, the responsibility should be on you to make sure you are safe. We shouldn't destroy our economy. I refuse to live in fear. Quite honestly, the government's actions and our compliance without question to the government's actions scare me way worse than the Chinese coronavirus. In the case of a real crisis, where our liberties and freedoms are at stake, will we be so compliant?

It's all about understanding and accepting risks. I've stated this before so forgive me for boring you, but last year 36,000 U.S. citizens died from the flu and nearly 500,000 were hospitalized with the flu. Each year between 20,000 and 80,000 U.S. citizens die from the flu. It is a risk that we accept, much like driving a car, which kills roughly 35,000 U.S. citizens per year. With the Chinese coronavirus, we do not understand the risks so we are unwilling to accept it and in the meantime overreacting and panicking.

For the time being, I am enjoying traveling to work on near empty roads and trains and working quietly in a near empty office.

I truly hope you are right, but for me right now with too much unknown (and slightly decreases immune system), I’m sitting on the sidelines. I just hope everyone’s “ah ha” moment doesn’t come too late. Be safe everyone !

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Hillcountry 03-18-2020 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by The Real BigGuy (Post 328148)
What is “Chinese” coronavirus? Oh, that’s right, a “true believer” needs to mimic the words of the “great” leader or get drummed out of the corps.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Sorry, big long as people like you and the fake news, and the lying, corrupt, deranged and triggered, left keep harping on people to adopt the absurdity of political correctness, we will say what we feel we need and want to say. That, and it's fun to watch liberal heads explode when we do. :D:laugh::laugh::laugh:

The Real BigGuy 03-18-2020 09:49 AM

You might try labeling it correctly - Coronavirus Disease - 2019 or COVID-19 for short. But, the “great leader” might get angry with you for showing your smarter than him (which apparently isn’t that difficult).

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Major 03-18-2020 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by The Real BigGuy (Post 328154)
You might try labeling it correctly - Coronavirus Disease - 2019 or COVID-19 for short. But, the “great leader” might get angry with you for showing your smarter than him (which apparently isn’t that difficult).

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Did you call the German measles and Spanish flu by the technical names? The virus originated in China, thus Chinese coronavirus.

I hope the one thing we can learn from this is that China is our enemy. And rightfully so for many reasons, least of which is that it is a COMMUNIST country. We should reevaluate our reliance on them and move our manufacturing back home. This is a natural result of globalists attitudes and corporate greed, which hollowed out our middle class.

Hillcountry 03-18-2020 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by The Real BigGuy (Post 328154)
You might try labeling it correctly - Coronavirus Disease - 2019 or COVID-19 for short. But, the “great leader” might get angry with you for showing your smarter than him (which apparently isn’t that difficult).

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Well you got one thing right...President Trump is a great leader. One of the greatest in our lifetime.

Major 03-18-2020 10:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Something to consider.

Attachment 15676

Mr. V 03-18-2020 12:37 PM

Major, your decision to live your life as usual is contrary to what your President is recommending.

Whether or not we are overreacting the fact is that we've been told to practice social distancing.

This disease is still new, not much is known about it.

For all anyone knows you could be an asymptomatic carrier, ala Mary Mallon.

"Typhoid Major?"

Take one for the team and go dark.

This too shall pass, but at what awful cost?

Biggd 03-18-2020 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Major (Post 328155)
Did you call the German measles and Spanish flu by the technical names? The virus originated in China, thus Chinese coronavirus.

I hope the one thing we can learn from this is that China is our enemy. And rightfully so for many reasons, least of which is that it is a COMMUNIST country. We should reevaluate our reliance on them and move our manufacturing back home. This is a natural result of globalists attitudes and corporate greed, which hollowed out our middle class.

But Russia is our friend now? Pretty soon you will see the red 'Make Russia Great Again, hats.

joey2665 03-18-2020 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Biggd (Post 328171)
But Russia is our friend now? Pretty soon you will see the red 'Make Russia Great Again, hats.

A little cynical, no? Also where did you bring in Russia from his post?

Hillcountry 03-18-2020 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Seaplane Pilot (Post 328104)

In the year 2525, if man is still alive
If woman can survive, they may find
In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie
Everything you think, do and say
Is in the pill you took today
In the year 4545
You ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes
You won't find a thing to chew
Nobody's gonna look at you
In the year 5555
Your arms hangin' limp at your sides
Your legs got nothin' to do
Some machine's doin' that for you
In the year 6565
You won't need no husband, won't need no wife
You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too
From the bottom of a long glass tube
In the year 7510
If God's a coming, He oughta make it by then
Maybe He'll look around Himself and say
Guess it's time for the judgment day
In the year 8510
God is gonna shake His mighty head
He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been
Or tear it down, and start again
In the year 9595
I'm kinda wonderin' if man is gonna be alive
He's taken everything this old earth can give
And he ain't put back nothing
Now it's been ten thousand years
Man has cried a billion tears
For what, he never knew, now man's reign is through
But through eternal night, the twinkling of starlight
So very far away, maybe it's only yesterday
In the year 2525, if man is still alive
If woman can survive, they may find

Zager and Evans wrote and performed that “one hit wonder” song...did you know that Denny Zager (long retired from performing) has his own line of hand made guitars, made in the USA?
Check out Zager “easy play” Guitars...I own one and they are very nice with great playability due to the mods and adaptations that Zager builds them with.

FlyingScot 03-18-2020 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Hillcountry (Post 328156)
Well you got one thing right...President Trump is a great leader. One of the greatest in our lifetime.

You guys are a couple of days behind your great leader's pronouncements on the pandemic. He was late, but he's taking this seriously now. Maybe it's time for you to join him?

"Nothing has been so contagious. The level of contagion has been incredible, actually. Nobody's seen anything quite like this,"

joey2665 03-18-2020 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by FlyingScot (Post 328193)
You guys are a couple of days behind your great leader's pronouncements on the pandemic. He was late, but he's taking this seriously now. Maybe it's time for you to join him?

"Nothing has been so contagious. The level of contagion has been incredible, actually. Nobody's seen anything quite like this,"

Very nice Monday morning quarterbacking. You should be President I'm sure that you could have done a much better job

Biggd 03-18-2020 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by joey2665 (Post 328178)
A little cynical, no? Also where did you bring in Russia from his post?

It's kind of like bringing in cash for clunkers into the conversation. :)

Major 03-18-2020 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. V (Post 328165)
Whether or not we are overreacting the fact is that we've been told to practice social distancing.

I am very concerned about this. You are correct, our government has limited our freedom and told us what to do. What if, in the future, the government tells us that they need to take other liberties, like our guns? It's going to happen some day. Then you will most definitely see a different response. I am surprised about how easy we give up our freedoms.

FlyingScot 03-18-2020 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by joey2665 (Post 328200)
Very nice Monday morning quarterbacking. You should be President I'm sure that you could have done a much better job

Actually, I think the majority of strong business and political leaders would be doing a better job, nothing special about me.

But you misunderstood my post--I was indicating that he said the right things today and yesterday. I hope you'll come around to his current way of thinking

BrownstoneNorth 03-18-2020 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Major (Post 328209)
I am very concerned about this. You are correct, our government has limited our freedom and told us what to do. What if, in the future, the government tells us that they need to take other liberties, like our guns? It's going to happen some day. Then you will most definitely see a different response. I am surprised about how easy we give up our freedoms.

I'm more concerned about gun-obsessed anarchists than the idea that “the government” is trying to take control of our lives in a national emergency. I wonder exactly which government that would be. Federal, and if so, the President himself or the whole Executive Branch, the Congress, or the Judiciary? (Hint: They all hate each other and could never agree on how to take over our lives even if they wanted to.) State governors or legislatures? The mayor of Pompano Beach?

joey2665 03-18-2020 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by FlyingScot (Post 328211)
Actually, I think the majority of strong business and political leaders would be doing a better job, nothing special about me.

But you misunderstood my post--I was indicating that he said the right things today and yesterday. I hope you'll come around to his current way of thinking

I did understand. You said he was late but I don’t think anyone would have done it differently. This is something we have never seen before and without the right knowledge acting too quickly could have cause panic when it wasn’t necessary especially if it was being overhyped. As it turns out earlier reaction could have benefited but as I said we have never seen anything even similar.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Biggd 03-18-2020 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by The Real BigGuy (Post 328148)
What is “Chinese” coronavirus? Oh, that’s right, a “true believer” needs to mimic the words of the “great” leader or get drummed out of the corps.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

He's like a parrot perched on the shoulder of the President.

Mr. V 03-18-2020 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Major (Post 328209)
I am very concerned about this. You are correct, our government has limited our freedom and told us what to do. What if, in the future, the government tells us that they need to take other liberties, like our guns? It's going to happen some day. Then you will most definitely see a different response. I am surprised about how easy we give up our freedoms.

No one is FORCING you to practice social distancing.

Yes, the feds and state govt's are telling us we cannot send our kids to school, we cannot eat in restaurants or drink in bars, but I am fine with that because it is only for the short term, until the corona virus issue is resolved.

Trump says we're on a war footing: time to put the uniform again, Major, and heed your CIC.

Hillcountry 03-18-2020 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Biggd (Post 328231)
He's like a parrot perched on the shoulder of the President.

Awwwkkk...polly wanna cracker!:D

ApS 03-18-2020 07:46 PM

Somebody Said...

Originally Posted by Major (Post 328209)
I am very concerned about this. You are correct, our government has limited our freedom and told us what to do. What if, in the future, the government tells us that they need to take other liberties, like our guns? It's going to happen some day. Then you will most definitely see a different response.
I am surprised about how easy we give up our freedoms

Only one generation away...

erick26 03-18-2020 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Major (Post 328158)
Something to consider.

Attachment 15676

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thinkxingu 03-19-2020 06:59 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Major (Post 328145)
Too late. Had an awesome time with no regrets. Went to Mass on Sunday and lunch with friends at Canoe. I have no choice now. The world has stopped. We'll invite friends over to our home to socialize.

I realize there are risks. However, personally, I think it makes sense for persons to be responsible for their own actions. If you are over a certain age, or have a compromised immune system, the responsibility should be on you to make sure you are safe. We shouldn't destroy our economy. I refuse to live in fear. Quite honestly, the government's actions and our compliance without question to the government's actions scare me way worse than the Chinese coronavirus. In the case of a real crisis, where our liberties and freedoms are at stake, will we be so compliant?

It's all about understanding and accepting risks. I've stated this before so forgive me for boring you, but last year 36,000 U.S. citizens died from the flu and nearly 500,000 were hospitalized with the flu. Each year between 20,000 and 80,000 U.S. citizens die from the flu. It is a risk that we accept, much like driving a car, which kills roughly 35,000 U.S. citizens per year. With the Chinese coronavirus, we do not understand the risks so we are unwilling to accept it and in the meantime overreacting and panicking.

For the time being, I am enjoying traveling to work on near empty roads and trains and working quietly in a near empty office.

A section from my reading this morning seems apt. Excerpt from Where You'll Find Me: Risk, Decisions, and the Last Climb of Kate Matrosova.Attachment 15677Attachment 15678

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Major 03-19-2020 07:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is a picture from the Kendall Square T station. Easy commute today into work!

snowflake 03-19-2020 07:06 AM

social distancing
I will be praying for all of you. These are tough times that we never even imagine could happen. I hope all small businesses will be able to survive. They are so important to your economy both personal for owners and for the community. I am a teacher and we are making great use of technology to have viral classes daily. I'm a baby boomer so it's not so easy. I take a minute to go to look at the bay and Lake Wentworth.
God bless you all with good health and all your other needs

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