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jmen24 07-22-2014 03:25 PM

Help Save Market Basket!!!
Boycott Market Basket!!!!

If any of you that are loyal shoppers and are wanting to know how you can help a company that is at the foundation of our New England community, from the Lakes Region to the Cape, then the employees of Market Basket ask you to shop at a competitors store and then bring your receipt to your local MB and tape it on the front window!!

For more ideas and information, please go to

My wife is a manager at Market Basket, so this hits our household two-fold, 60% of our household income, all of our health insurance and $10K a year in grocery's at PAST MB prices.

We cannot stand by and be squeezed for every extra nickel we have before being cast aside and sold to the highest bidder! This includes YOU the consumer!!!

What will the options be for low price grocery stores! Remember what MB competition did for the communities that did not have a choice!!!

Time to do more than talk about making a difference in your community and act to keep low price food options on the table for your neighbors!!!

We are Market Basket!!!!!

Scott's Yott 07-22-2014 03:30 PM

If we boycott them and they sell no grocerys, then wont they go out of buisness and your wife will have NO job..I dont claim to know the answer, but this doesnt seem to be it to me:idea:

HellRaZoR004 07-22-2014 03:37 PM

I was waiting for someone to start a Market Basket thread but didn't know how they would keep it lakes region specific.

There was a lot of media coverage yesterday, not so much today.

GTO 07-22-2014 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by HellRaZoR004 (Post 229493)
I was waiting for someone to start a Market Basket thread but didn't know how they would keep it lakes region specific.

There was a lot of media coverage yesterday, not so much today.

I heard one of the Managers at Hannafords in Nashua saying that they will be getting food shipments that were supposed to ship to MB. My parents live in Lowell and they went by the Tewksbury MB yesterday and said it was a zoo. Thousands of protesters and parked as far away as Cawley Stadium (if you know Lowell at all) The Demoulas that was ousted lives right up the street from that store and he had people parking all over his lawn. Love that they are all so loyal to the guy. You don't see that these days anymore, he obviousy must of been doing something right. They said the Hannafords across the street was packed with all the registers open. They must be loving it.

RTTOOL 07-22-2014 04:17 PM

All the employees should get together and buy market basket

jmen24 07-22-2014 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Scott's Yott (Post 229491)
If we boycott them and they sell no grocerys, then wont they go out of buisness and your wife will have NO job..I dont claim to know the answer, but this doesnt seem to be it to me:idea:

I at least appreciate your refrain in calling me names this time, but yes she could lose her job! That can be the result of being willing to put a sword in your hand, sometimes you lose the physical battle!!

I am extremely proud of my wife and our friends that feel strong enough to say NO, we will not continue to allow corporate greed to steam roll our communities for the benefit of the few. Everyone will feel the effects of a loss of Market Basket (as we all knew it) in the community. I can remember $3 heads of lettuce at Shaw's in Tilton, can anyone else remember what the local pricing was without the MB?

Taking a stand means more than just typing an opinion or a comment on an internet forum, it means being willing to put it all on the line for someone you don't know!

Just trying to get the word out Scott!

Nagigator 07-22-2014 04:31 PM

you don't want to go there anyways.....
From all the reports, there is really nothing left on the shelves of any of the stores, so, until this is settled, that is all the more reason to stay away. I am a loyal customer, and I support the employees...........three of my family members worked for Market Basket over the years, including my Mom, and she was always treated well.

HellRaZoR004 07-22-2014 04:48 PM

The parking lot at the Hudson MB was empty, and had plenty of people outside along 3A with signs as I went by around noon today.

From what I've read, all the stakeholders (family) want is money - and lots of it. Something like $300 million last year...

MAXUM 07-22-2014 05:48 PM

What is so sad here - the owners are FAMILY. That is the shameful part of this whole story.

Rusty 07-22-2014 06:08 PM

I'm in with you jmen24...thanks to your wife for doing her part so that we as consumers can benefit from her personal sacrifice.

RailroadJoe 07-22-2014 06:15 PM

Greed is the main problem. The board of directors are also afraid of losing their status. That is why Arthur S gets his way. I'm all for MB here in NH.

jetskier 07-22-2014 06:16 PM

Tewksbury actually :-)

Originally Posted by GTO (Post 229495)
I heard one of the Managers at Hannafords in Nashua saying that they will be getting food shipments that were supposed to ship to MB. My parents live in Lowell and they went by the Tewksbury MB yesterday and said it was a zoo. Thousands of protesters and parked as far away as Cawley Stadium (if you know Lowell at all) The Demoulas that was ousted lives right up the street from that store and he had people parking all over his lawn. Love that they are all so loyal to the guy. You don't see that these days anymore, he obviousy must of been doing something right. They said the Hannafords across the street was packed with all the registers open. They must be loving it.

The Market Basket that you are referring to is actually in Tewksbury. Arthur T does live just up the road on Longmeadow Drive. I grew up a couple of blocks from there and went to school with Demoulas. This family feud has been going on for decades and the general sense is that Arthur S wants to pull every penny out of the business while Arthur T built the business and has a sense of ownership. I think that if Arthur S is allowed to prevail, it will be a very different company and neither the customers or the employees will be served. I hope that the board comes to their senses and realizes that the only one in charge here is the customers and the message is loud & clear.


GTO 07-22-2014 06:31 PM

Tewksbury for sure

Originally Posted by jetskier (Post 229516)
The Market Basket that you are referring to is actually in Tewksbury. Arthur T does live just up the road on Longmeadow Drive. I grew up a couple of blocks from there and went to school with Demoulas. This family feud has been going on for decades and the general sense is that Arthur S wants to pull every penny out of the business while Arthur T built the business and has a sense of ownership. I think that if Arthur S is allowed to prevail, it will be a very different company and neither the customers or the employees will be served. I hope that the board comes to their senses and realizes that the only one in charge here is the customers and the message is loud & clear.


I also grew up not far from there in Lowell and my parents. Still live there. Maybe we even know each other

nhcatrider 07-22-2014 06:55 PM

As a former long term employee I have to chime in. There are two sides, to keep it simple I'll call them S and T. T has been running the company since his father passed away and has done (in my opinion) an excellent job of satisfying both customers and employees, not an easy task at all. Plus with the generous retirement plan it was a no brainer why someone would want to work for them for the long haul. Now, with S taking over, retirement is in jeopardy as well as wages and customer service. At a meeting a few years ago, T addressed us and told us that he would not be where he is without all of the employees, from senior management all the way down to the part time school kids working on the front end on the weekends. Watching all of this that is going on with the company is heartbreaking to say the least. I do admire the courage that all the employees are showing as well as the loyalty they all have to T. But, if S decides to clean house it will happen. Plus, one of the goals that S has is to destroy something that T has and loves and has dedicated his life to. The next couple of weeks are going to be interesting to say the least. I do hope they all get what they want, which is T reinstated as ceo and all the terminated senior management reinstated.

secondcurve 07-22-2014 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 229509)
What is so sad here - the owners are FAMILY. That is the shameful part of this whole story.

These people literally have billions and they can't figure out how to share. What a disgrace. I agree it sounds like S. is the culprit. Maybe the employees will destroy the company and there will be nothing left to fight over.

DBreskin 07-22-2014 10:40 PM

Summary of the family feud
Here's some backstory if you're interested:

While I think T is/has done a good job building the company, he is suffering from his ancestor's misdeeds. The situation is not as clearcut as some may think.

BroadHopper 07-23-2014 07:10 AM

Governors Island
One of the Demoulas family has property there. Which one?

nhcatrider 07-23-2014 07:43 AM

I believe it is Arthur T.

donnamatrix 07-23-2014 07:53 AM

Demoulas battle
Egad, this battle has been ongoing for 30 years. I agree it is a disgrace that the two sides, after all the time and money spent (lawyers, etc) cannot see their way clear to an agreement. I applaud the efforts of all the Market Basket employees and hope as resolution is found that recognizes their loyalty and work ethic. However, I cannot recall a similar situation where the corporation bowed to employees - except perhaps unionized employees. Such a nasty, no-win situation, because in the end, no matter what agreement is reached, there will be animosity on both sides.

TiltonBB 07-23-2014 08:08 AM

Not Governors

Originally Posted by BroadHopper (Post 229548)
One of the Demoulas family has property there. Which one?

Not on Governors Island. They are on Dockham Shore Road in Gilford. They have 3 houses and some land.

Just Sold 07-23-2014 08:21 AM

Some other Demoulas family members own waterfront property on the right, Pick Point, as you enter the Barber Pole area. Not sure which side of the family it is though. They also rent out boat slips that can be seen on the north side of Pick Point next to the old boat house.

webmaster 07-23-2014 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by jmen24 (Post 229489)
We are Market Basket!!!!!

Emotions seem to be very high at this store in Concord:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Seen outside Storrs St. Market Basket... <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Josh Rogers (@joshrogersNHPR) <a href="">July 22, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

donnamatrix 07-23-2014 11:00 AM

The employees speak up
This notification was posted to my FB page. It is the most well-written succinct statement of the emotions of the employees at Market Basket, written by the Store Director in Tilton. This must change: good companies rarely have employees with long histories - but Market Basket does. They won't have them for long:

My name is Mike LeClair. I am the Store Director of Tilton59, a 27 year employee. My wife Tracey I met at Market Basket 25 years ago when she worked in the courtesy booth and I was an assistant up front... I was 17. My family started at MB. This message is to all the people I work with at my store. To all my mentors (Mr. Davis) and to those who have taught me so much, (Mr. Foucher). I'm angry, I'm upset and to be blunt I'm pissed! No more fear... I've spent my entire life at Market Basket. I've worked hard... I've missed my kids’ sports games, their awards, their successes, I've missed family reunions, weddings, and yes funerals. I've been committed, I've done my job. I've got a lot of dents in my head over the years... I am obstinate... I speak up for what I feel is right for my people... My customers. Hear me now... After dealing with the hired security of Felicia Thornton and Jim Gooch for the last two days and after reading their prepared statement and their words of "trust and acceptance are earned and cannot be demanded or imposed" .... I'm done, you Felicia and Jim disrespect us. You have never been to my store, you have never called me. You disrespect my staff and their hard work. Tilton 59 is done with you. I worked today... My day off, yes Store Directors are off on Tuesdays, I worked to support my staff, to answer questions, and yes to protect them. With no respect intended, you Felicia and you Jim are clueless. The Board of directors that hired you should be criminally prosecuted for allowing you to bully us and for the fear you have spread. I'm not afraid anymore. I'm shutting Tilton 59 down Wednesday in every sense of the word. One cashier should be able to handle our business. I'm done with your threats, Tilton 59 associates are done as well. 330 people work with me... You have 330 security guards that work FOR you. Come get the perishable truck you sent that's at the dock unloaded... It will rot before we unload it. My wife and two boys will be outside my store with me Wednesday. I invite my employees to join me. I invite you Felicia and Jim to witness first hand another of your failures. We are not the peasants you think we are. We are all MB educated. We are experts in what we do. We are feared and respected worldwide. You have failed...Artie T is coming back... Kindly close the door on your way out of town.........again....Mike LeClair Store Director Tilton 59, Tilton NH. No more fear or bullying from you in this store. Time for you to go home. Feel free to send this note to the board as well, I’m not afraid.

dave603 07-23-2014 11:05 AM

WBZ news is reporting there is a demonstration going on at the Tilton store right now.

robmac 07-23-2014 11:16 AM

to take a company with zero debt service and for no better reason than greed want to leverage assets for a 250 million dollar gift to share holders and take the risk of ruining a perfectly well running and profitable company is insane. I am not speculating as this is the plan. I am a long time customer and am not happy spending my hard earned dollars elsewhere however if they choose to sink the ship I will not take part in financially helping them

jetskier 07-23-2014 11:53 AM

Greed Indeed

Originally Posted by robmac (Post 229570)
to take a company with zero debt service and for no better reason than greed want to leverage assets for a 250 million dollar gift to share holders and take the risk of ruining a perfectly well running and profitable company is insane. I am not speculating as this is the plan. I am a long time customer and am not happy spending my hard earned dollars elsewhere however if they choose to sink the ship I will not take part in financially helping them

There is a family history of greed and it appears that the board and Arthur S have an agenda of "milking" the company. I expect that the current board and management will not run the company with the same dedication to customers and employees as Arthur T. Arthur T feels a genuine ownership and pride. As this fight progresses, there may not be a viable company to fight over.


tis 07-23-2014 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Just Sold (Post 229557)
Some other Demoulas family members own waterfront property on the right, Pick Point, as you enter the Barber Pole area. Not sure which side of the family it is though. They also rent out boat slips that can be seen on the north side of Pick Point next to the old boat house.

The guy who owns Pick Point is named Art. Demoulas. I have been told he was THE MB guy, but don't know that for a fact-am pretty sure he is involved with MB somehow though

donnamatrix 07-23-2014 12:22 PM

Little Mark property
Arthur T owns property on Little Mark

GTO 07-23-2014 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by donnamatrix (Post 229568)
This notification was posted to my FB page. It is the most well-written succinct statement of the emotions of the employees at Market Basket, written by the Store Director in Tilton. This must change: good companies rarely have employees with long histories - but Market Basket does. They won't have them for long:

My name is Mike LeClair. I am the Store Director of Tilton59, a 27 year employee. My wife Tracey I met at Market Basket 25 years ago when she worked in the courtesy booth and I was an assistant up front... I was 17. My family started at MB. This message is to all the people I work with at my store. To all my mentors (Mr. Davis) and to those who have taught me so much, (Mr. Foucher). I'm angry, I'm upset and to be blunt I'm pissed! No more fear... I've spent my entire life at Market Basket. I've worked hard... I've missed my kids’ sports games, their awards, their successes, I've missed family reunions, weddings, and yes funerals. I've been committed, I've done my job. I've got a lot of dents in my head over the years... I am obstinate... I speak up for what I feel is right for my people... My customers. Hear me now... After dealing with the hired security of Felicia Thornton and Jim Gooch for the last two days and after reading their prepared statement and their words of "trust and acceptance are earned and cannot be demanded or imposed" .... I'm done, you Felicia and Jim disrespect us. You have never been to my store, you have never called me. You disrespect my staff and their hard work. Tilton 59 is done with you. I worked today... My day off, yes Store Directors are off on Tuesdays, I worked to support my staff, to answer questions, and yes to protect them. With no respect intended, you Felicia and you Jim are clueless. The Board of directors that hired you should be criminally prosecuted for allowing you to bully us and for the fear you have spread. I'm not afraid anymore. I'm shutting Tilton 59 down Wednesday in every sense of the word. One cashier should be able to handle our business. I'm done with your threats, Tilton 59 associates are done as well. 330 people work with me... You have 330 security guards that work FOR you. Come get the perishable truck you sent that's at the dock unloaded... It will rot before we unload it. My wife and two boys will be outside my store with me Wednesday. I invite my employees to join me. I invite you Felicia and Jim to witness first hand another of your failures. We are not the peasants you think we are. We are all MB educated. We are experts in what we do. We are feared and respected worldwide. You have failed...Artie T is coming back... Kindly close the door on your way out of town.........again....Mike LeClair Store Director Tilton 59, Tilton NH. No more fear or bullying from you in this store. Time for you to go home. Feel free to send this note to the board as well, I’m not afraid.

Live free or die!! Sad that so many people will lose their jobs but how awesome to be so dedicated.

nhcatrider 07-23-2014 01:43 PM

It's not just the 25000 employees with their jobs on the line. All of the outside vendors (beer companies, coke, pepsi, nabisco, keebler etc) also have a lot on the line with this one. One of my friends works for nabisco, he just got the rest of the week off due to this. A conservative estimate is 100k jobs on the line, from the grocery store to vendors to coffee shops etc. This is going to have an impact on the entire region.

GTO 07-23-2014 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by nhcatrider (Post 229584)
It's not just the 25000 employees with their jobs on the line. All of the outside vendors (beer companies, coke, pepsi, nabisco, keebler etc) also have a lot on the line with this one. One of my friends works for nabisco, he just got the rest of the week off due to this. A conservative estimate is 100k jobs on the line, from the grocery store to vendors to coffee shops etc. This is going to have an impact on the entire region.

Your right, including the local farms that send fresh picked produce to these stores

AC2717 07-23-2014 02:04 PM

not to mention one less competitor so consumer prices could go up, remember the prices in the lakes region before MB showed up in Tilton?

nhcatrider 07-23-2014 02:13 PM

A letter claiming to be from the office was sent out to the stores today, with tomorrows date on it, informing the stores that trucks are to be allowed to make deliveries regardless of who is driving the truck and whose truck it is. It also states that there will be security guards present as well to make sure the truck drivers are not hassled. This is getting more and more interesting by the minute.

Happy Gourmand 07-23-2014 02:17 PM

Market Basket
Very Sad. No matter the outcome, Arthur T and Arthur S will be be just fine thank you, with more money than they can spend. My heart goes out to all the employees and vendors who will suffer financially because of the infighting. I hope the board comes to their senses soon enough to save this company. I drive by 2 Market Baskets on my way to work and again on my way home. I honk in support as I pass by. The protesters acknowledge and appreciate this small support gesture.
Let's all hope and pray for a quick and just resolution.

jmen24 07-23-2014 02:22 PM

Rally at 10 Main Street, Tewksbury on 7/25!! at 10AM
I've run out of Thanks, so a HUGE THANK YOU to anyone I missed!!! You guys are getting the big picture, that's awesome!!!

This is about your friends, neighbors, relatives; YOUR community!!!!!

tis 07-23-2014 03:16 PM

This is all very strange. I have never heard of this happening before. It makes one wonder how it all got started and how there is such good organization among the employees. How did they get that many people to join in and risk their jobs? I guess they really like him, but still, I feel like there is something going on here we don't know. Opinions?

jmen24 07-23-2014 03:30 PM

Some information for you Tis
We all know the 40 year back story that led up to last years court ruling, but that is only part of the problem!

Artie is not a saint by any means, but the number one thing he has begged the courts to prevent is his cousin gaining control of the company, as he would crush it in his hands!!

This is what the employees of Market Basket know is coming, because of last year's depositions of Joe Rockwell and Jack Demoulas:

Jack Demoulas is the man that is currently ordering untrained pickers to load perishable food onto trucks and dropped. He is not a controlling shareholder in the company, he is the Dairy Buyer. -One store received a truck full of empty pallets today, nobody knows where the truck with food in it ended up!!

This is the debrief presented by Arthur S. Demoulas' lawyers on the 10 year court battle: has additional information!!

tis 07-23-2014 03:43 PM

Ok, jmen, can you explain this to me? If the guy at Pick Point Barber's Pole) is named Jack why does my friend call him Art? If his name is Jack why is he called Art? I don't understand….. Why did I sell him something and he used the name Art? Maybe there was a change of hands??

nhcatrider 07-23-2014 03:43 PM

Last year when S got control of the board there were a bunch of petitions sent around the employees. At this point all of this was out of the public's eyes, and those of us who were managers were being very careful to keep most of it behind the scenes. If we were asked we could comment on it as long as it was made clear that it was our opinion and not the stance of the company. When I left the company things were getting interesting to say the least. When the board asked T about a proposal for the bonuses given in March he told them the checks were already cut. I left shortly after that, but having been in the business for so long I still heard what was going on. When the board fired T last month, along with the two vp's, more senior management resigned to show support. Then the top eight remaining senior managers were organizing all of this to show support for T and to try to pressure the board to reinstate T. Those eight were terminated last Sunday by courier, and the letter that was sent out today indicated that anyone hindering delivery of product would be terminated as well. I think it's a sad state of affairs that has come over this great company, and all the employees show tremendous support for T, they all know that they would not be where they are (and I would not be in the comfortable position) without what he has done, and his father had done before.

nhcatrider 07-23-2014 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 229601)
Ok, jmen, can you explain this to me? If the guy at Pick Point Barber's Pole) is named Jack why does my friend call him Art? If his name is Jack why is he called Art? I don't understand….. Why did I sell him something and he used the name Art? Maybe there was a change of hands??

The real estate holdings of this family are huge and diverse. They own property under many corporations and trusts, and you may very well have been dealing with either T or S or one of their sons. Could have been one of Jack's as well.

LIforrelaxin 07-23-2014 03:59 PM

This is all a family feud and has been for years.... This is simply the latest attempt to shift the power between the two sides of a very divided family... This time however it has gotten worse because employees have gotten involved as well.... I do feel bad for all those that depend on MB for employment. However it is the employees that will pay the biggest price if this continues to go on...

I haven't been interested in boycotting MB at this point, however I am getting tired of the ridiculous behavior of all involved even down to the store employee level, and may just decide to boycott MB after this mess is resolved. Because basically everyone is acting childish... Just like the DeMoulas Family......

In my mind the manager in Tilton deserves at this point to be fired. Reading his statement in this thread boils my blood... I don't expect him to agree with the issues at the corporate office, however it is entirely disloyal in my opinion, that on his own accord he shut the store down.

These opinions are my own, no one elses, If you don't agree I respect that... Please respect my right to my opinion.

Winnilifer 07-23-2014 03:59 PM

New MB Stores in trouble
I was speaking to a MB manager, he said that T had 250-300 million earmarked for new MB buildings in New England. These new buildings are in various stages of construction. This money recently got moved to bonuses for the shareholders. If the construction is stopped the communities will have no alternative other than to sue MB.

I feel so sorry for the employees of this company. Will miss MB shopping deals but will wait till this gets fixed.


missedbass 07-23-2014 04:44 PM

As an out-of -towner that visits the lakes region once a year, I find the Tilton MB a very nice place to shop. The employee's are friendly and helpful. I hope all the problems get worked out. Take care

jmen24 07-23-2014 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by LIforrelaxin (Post 229605)
This is all a family feud and has been for years.... This is simply the latest attempt to shift the power between the two sides of a very divided family... This time however it has gotten worse because employees have gotten involved as well.... I do feel bad for all those that depend on MB for employment. However it is the employees that will pay the biggest price if this continues to go on...

I haven't been interested in boycotting MB at this point, however I am getting tired of the ridiculous behavior of all involved even down to the store employee level, and may just decide to boycott MB after this mess is resolved. Because basically everyone is acting childish... Just like the DeMoulas Family......

In my mind the manager in Tilton deserves at this point to be fired. Reading his statement in this thread boils my blood... I don't expect him to agree with the issues at the corporate office, however it is entirely disloyal in my opinion, that on his own accord he shut the store down.

These opinions are my own, no one elses, If you don't agree I respect that... Please respect my right to my opinion.

The doors were not locked and a register was open if you wanted to shop there today, all day!

It's cool tho bro, nobody is going to take your opinion away from you and if they try, stand by your convictions!!

Rusty 07-23-2014 06:05 PM

Where am I going to get some Rotisserie Turkey Thighs that Market Basket has? I eat Turkey Thighs because they not only taste good but they are good for you.

Also I'm sure FLL is going to miss their free coffee. :D

dave603 07-23-2014 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 229596)
This is all very strange. I have never heard of this happening before. It makes one wonder how it all got started and how there is such good organization among the employees. How did they get that many people to join in and risk their jobs? I guess they really like him, but still, I feel like there is something going on here we don't know. Opinions?

Tis, if you remember the MB stores even just a few years ago, they were ...let's say not top of the line, cheap, but so were a lot of the products offered.
What Art T. decided to do to, as far as I could see from the ones I work and live near, was a total improvement package.
1000% percent improvement for the newer ones we have near us, and or say 500% in the older ones that he just re-did.
The "new" one in Nashua and the older ones near now are offering not only better product, but cheaper prices than any other store near them. That Staff is happy and show it in their helpfulness and friendliness.
I used to only buy the cookout meat at almost anywhere else or a butcher shop. after tasting the new stores meat, I only buy from there, better tasting beef, and cheaper than anyone else.

All and all made for a much better shopping experience, and I never worked there.\
Too bad I now will not shop there in the future unless it changes back the way it was, same CEO, same workers.

Chaselady 07-23-2014 06:44 PM

I completely support the Market Basket employees. I have shopped there since the 80s. I have seen that chain go from a mediocre grocery to a top of the line company offering the best produce at the best prices.
What is going on is beyond belief. I will no longer support their business unless they reinstate Arthur T. And I buy a lot of groceries .

secondcurve 07-23-2014 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 229596)
This is all very strange. I have never heard of this happening before. It makes one wonder how it all got started and how there is such good organization among the employees. How did they get that many people to join in and risk their jobs? I guess they really like him, but still, I feel like there is something going on here we don't know. Opinions?

Clearly Arthur T is an incredible leader. I have never seen anything like this in my business career either. To command such loyalty from workers, many of whom don't come in day to day contact with the man, is astonishing. Arthur T gets it, that is for sure. Here is hoping he is able to pull off a miracle!

dave603 07-23-2014 07:47 PM

Agreed, there has never been something like this happen before in any American business.

Patiently Watching 07-23-2014 08:43 PM

Arthur S. summers in Tuftonboro (as Tis mentions)...
Shall be an interesting saga to watch.

tis 07-24-2014 06:29 AM

Thank you Patiently, I was told yesterday what you just said that it IS Arthur S. So he would be the not so nice one that they all don't like that has taken over, right?

Jmen, I tried to pm you, but you are not accepting pms?

chipj29 07-24-2014 07:46 AM

In my opinion, the employees better be careful or they may not get what they wish for. I saw on the news last night that at one MB (Reading MA I think) the store manager said his sales for the day were going to be less than $10k. Normal sales on a Weds would be over $200k.

That $190k is going somewhere. People have to buy groceries, no way to avoid it. So they are going to other stores to get what they need. And they may not end up going back to MB.

dave603 07-24-2014 07:48 AM

Offer to buy them out
Art T. has offered to buy out the other side of the family.
Hopefully their greed kicks in and they take his offer.

nhcatrider 07-24-2014 07:56 AM

If greed isn't overpowered by hatred, then it will work. I'm not too optimistic about this one, those two hate each other.

dave603 07-24-2014 08:43 AM

Yes those two do hate each other no doubt.
But there are other members of the board that may not be a close to the fight as we think they are.
I saw someplace, don't remember were, that they are losing at least $90K per store. They may back off the fight losing $6M a day.

Guess we won't know anything until the board meets Friday.

tabascocat98 07-24-2014 09:31 AM

Thank you to MB employees for saying enough is enough when it comes to corporate greed. And loyalty to a company and good boss is great to see. I support them in their quest. But they are not the first to speak against corporate greed---let us all wake up before it is too late. But I guess when we say "corporations are people" we are indeed on a slippery slope.

codeman671 07-24-2014 10:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This sums it up...

jrc 07-24-2014 11:08 AM

I hope I'm not witnessing the beginning of the end of one of my New England favorites. Family infighting in the middle of a business cannot help the business. Take this feud outside and let the business continue.

fatlazyless 07-24-2014 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 229617)
Also I'm sure FLL is going to miss their free coffee. :D

For a truly super-duper supermarket, you wanna go to Heath's Supermarket in Centre Harbor which always has a variety of five or six different freebie courtesy coffee flavors in a luxurious styrofoam cup, and for free too, to their paying type of price!

donnamatrix 07-25-2014 08:52 AM

Donate to Fund for MB employees
This was posted on today. If you want to put your money where your mouth is, and help -- go to this site

Resident 2B 07-25-2014 09:16 AM

Hopefully, for the good of the great folks that are part of the Market Basket team, Arthur T's offer to buy a controlling interest in the company will be accepted at today's meeting. I see this as the only way Market Basket will be able to move forward in the likeness we all know and enjoy.

Second best option would be a sell-out to a company that wants to restore the working environment that made Market Basket what it was up until this June. To do this, they would need to bring back ATD at least to re-establish order.

Worse situation would be a continuation of the present ownership meaning a continuation of this standoff.

Come on Market Basket BoD! Do what is right for the company and all the people that have worked hard to make it what it is today. These people deserve better than what they have endured the last several weeks. Today, you can do the right thing or you can set the stage for a major financial disaster impacting too many people here in the Lakes Region and in New England.


panjumbie 07-25-2014 12:11 PM

Market Basket now national news
This is currently on the ABC News webpage:

dave603 07-25-2014 02:19 PM

Too bad, the BOD is going to play hard ball after all
Market Basket board will consider buyout, stands by new CEOs

Read more:

nhcatrider 07-25-2014 02:30 PM

I think there is going to be a major shakeup in the structure of the company. My best guess is you will see a bunch of management replaced at all levels, from the top down to department managers in the stores. I did the job for many years, it isn't rocket science to run a store. What is difficult is dealing with the employees and customers and making them feel like family. The next year is going to be an interesting one for this company.

Rusty 07-27-2014 06:54 PM

My goodness, when is this going to be over?

It's OK to like your CEO and protest because he was fired, but to walk off your job for this length of time is really just hurting the workers. The billionaire owners will get their money back but it will take a long time for the workers to recover.

IMHO someone is getting some bad advice about this whole thing.

I really never thought it would go this far when jmen24 started this post.

Even a strong union wouldn't have the Rocky Mountain Oysters to walk out like this.

RailroadJoe 07-28-2014 05:19 AM

Think of the Minutemen of 1776. Strong convictions.

tis 07-28-2014 06:21 AM

I did find out for sure it is Arthur S-the one nobody seems to like who lives by the Barber's Pole.

dpg 07-28-2014 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by fatlazyless (Post 229658)
For a truly super-duper supermarket, you wanna go to Heath's Supermarket in Centre Harbor which always has a variety of five or six different freebie courtesy coffee flavors in a luxurious styrofoam cup, and for free too, to their paying type of price!

Must you keep planting these posts just to get a rise out of people?

Rusty 07-28-2014 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by dpg (Post 229912)
Must you keep planting these posts just to get a rise out of people?

It's my fault that FLL talked about free coffee. On my post #45 I said the following: "I'm sure FLL is going to miss their free coffee."

SIKSUKR 07-28-2014 11:42 AM

My local MB and one of the newest locations in Bedford has been empty.I have not drove through in front of the main doors but it looks as if its actually closed.3 times this weekend I drove by and saw maybe 10 cars when there are always hundreds.There were more more people protesting in front than cars in the lot.Never seen anything like this.

Seaplane Pilot 07-28-2014 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by tabascocat98 (Post 229651)
Thank you to MB employees for saying enough is enough when it comes to corporate greed. And loyalty to a company and good boss is great to see. I support them in their quest. But they are not the first to speak against corporate greed---let us all wake up before it is too late. But I guess when we say "corporations are people" we are indeed on a slippery slope.

Sorry to be a bit off topic, but....what about GOVERNMENT GREED? They are the greediest of all in my book. Local, State, Federal, whatever. They spend more than they have, then come looking for more from all of us. They have no limits and just keep on spending. At least the "greedy" corporation that was Market Basket actually created jobs and paid taxes. Show me one government entity that has done the same.

SIKSUKR 07-28-2014 12:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Seaplane Pilot (Post 229947)
Sorry to be a bit off topic, but....what about GOVERNMENT GREED? They are the greediest of all in my book. Local, State, Federal, whatever. They spend more than they have, then come looking for more from all of us. They have no limits and just keep on spending. At least the "greedy" corporation that was Market Basket actually created jobs and paid taxes. Show me one government entity that has done the same.

How's this SP?

Kamper 07-28-2014 12:55 PM

I can walk to a Shaw's or drive 10 minutes to Market Basket. I usually do the drive. I guess I'll be doing more walking until this is settled. Of course, it Shaw's goes back to their higher cost ways I can go to the Hannaford's in Nashua.

RailroadJoe 07-28-2014 12:59 PM

Thomas Jefferson. One of the greatest that ever lived in America. Heed his words.

tabascocat98 07-28-2014 01:14 PM

Don't forget the corporate welfare via tax breaks given to these corporations! We feed their greed. Enough is enough.

Seaplane Pilot 07-28-2014 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by SIKSUKR (Post 229956)
How's this SP?

Spectacular SS! Thanks for sharing.

Seaplane Pilot 07-28-2014 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by tabascocat98 (Post 229968)
Don't forget the corporate welfare via tax breaks given to these corporations! We feed their greed. Enough is enough.

Forget "corporate" welfare, what about "personal" welfare. Tell me that's not out of control? :fire:

patman 07-28-2014 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by SIKSUKR (Post 229956)
How's this SP?

...except that Jefferson never said that...

Getting back to MB, I hope this gets resolved and ATD is restored as CEO, but greed and family feuds run deep, so I fear the board and ASD will let it burn. Sad...

pcmc 07-28-2014 11:10 PM

This is unreal how kin get their hands on a business and eff it up. I hate greed!

My hats off to every employee having to put up with this dis-functional family. They are damaging more families then their own, what a shame.

ITD 07-29-2014 06:48 AM

Let's keep politics out of this folks, this battle has been simmering in this family for years, I'm sure the last thing on their minds is political agendas.

I could certainly stir the political pot up, but that isn't what this story is about. Our webmaster has allowed this thread even though lake content is shaky, let's not force him to shut it down....

If I can refrain, you can too!!!

HellRaZoR004 07-29-2014 08:23 AM

On my way to work this morning there were still ~8 people with signs and cars blasting their horns as I went by. This was the Hudson NH store. Parking lot was still pretty empty.

Has anyone been inside any of the area stores recently? Curious if the shelves are really bare.

nhcatrider 07-29-2014 08:49 AM

Perishable departments are empty, frozen is full and canned goods are somewhat stocked. Word is now the perishable warehouse is shut down due to bad food inside.

fatlazyless 07-29-2014 09:49 AM

....signs of increased food buying shows up locally at the Hannaford-Meredith when all the large $1.59 cans of Hannaford brand sliced peaches are out of stock. No way will I pay 2.29 for the Delmonte brand in the next slot on the shelf's 1.59 peaches or nothing. omg.....all out of canned peaches ..... someone please call the peach police?

ITD 07-29-2014 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by fatlazyless (Post 230052)
....signs of increased food buying shows up locally at the Hannaford-Meredith when all the large $1.59 cans of Hannaford brand sliced peaches are out of stock. No way will I pay 2.29 for the Delmonte brand in the next slot on the shelf's 1.59 peaches or nothing. omg.....all out of canned peaches ..... someone please call the peach police?

The peach police should be called on you for buying canned when fresh is available.

upthesaukee 07-30-2014 07:58 AM

Just a thought...

Originally Posted by ITD (Post 230076)
The peach police should be called on you for buying canned when fresh is available.

FLL needs to buy canned...we certainly don't want sharp instruments in his hands while he attempts to cut up fresh:laugh:;).

SIKSUKR 07-30-2014 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by patman (Post 230025)
...except that Jefferson never said that...

Getting back to MB, I hope this gets resolved and ATD is restored as CEO, but greed and family feuds run deep, so I fear the board and ASD will let it burn. Sad...

I never claimed he did. I was just throwing Seaplane a bone from his previous post. Looks like Ayn Rand probably made that statement but it sounds much better coming from TJ.:D

MAXUM 07-30-2014 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by fatlazyless (Post 230052)
....signs of increased food buying shows up locally at the Hannaford-Meredith when all the large $1.59 cans of Hannaford brand sliced peaches are out of stock. No way will I pay 2.29 for the Delmonte brand in the next slot on the shelf's 1.59 peaches or nothing. omg.....all out of canned peaches ..... someone please call the peach police?

Hmm - I look at it this way

Delmonte - Union Shop
Delhaize (produces Hanniford "My Essentials" brand) Non Union.

Just remember by not buying Delmonte you are supporting "corporate greed" and "poor treatment" of the non-union workers.

Rusty 07-30-2014 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 230120)
Hmm - I look at it this way

Delmonte - Union Shop
Delhaize (produces Hanniford "My Essentials" brand) Non Union.

Just remember by not buying Delmonte you are supporting "corporate greed" and "poor treatment" of the non-union workers.

Thanks for the info...for me it will be "My Essentials".

MAXUM 07-30-2014 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 230128)
Thanks for the info...for me it will be "My Essentials".

Right there with ya!

NH_boater 07-30-2014 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 230120)
Hmm - I look at it this way

Delmonte - Union Shop
Delhaize (produces Hanniford "My Essentials" brand) Non Union.

Just remember by not buying Delmonte you are supporting "corporate greed" and "poor treatment" of the non-union workers.

Are you saying that unioned businesses are all good and non-union businesses are 'corporate greedy' and 'poor treaters' of employees?

MAXUM 07-30-2014 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by NH_boater (Post 230137)
Are you saying that unioned businesses are all good and non-union businesses are 'corporate greedy' and 'poor treaters' of employees?

Not me... I think unions have long outlived their usefulness and are a menace from their political leanings.

The United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 400 President Tom McNutt issued the following statement Jan. 13 in response to Delhaize America’s decision to close 126 Bloom, Food Lion and Bottom Dollar stores across the country, including the remaining Bloom in Ashburn and one of the two Blooms in Leesburg:

“First, let me offer my deepest sympathies to the workers who are losing their jobs as a result of these closings. They have been ill-served by global corporate greed, perpetrated in their case by a multinational conglomerate that treats its workers well in Europe but denies American workers their right to union representation, to earn a living wage, and to job security.

Second, I believe this massive wave of closings demonstrates the failure of Delhaize’s low-road approach to doing business in America. Corporate executives in Brussels viewed the U.S. as if it was a Third World country — as a place where they could make a quick buck by driving their labor costs down to the lowest possible level. What they discovered was what they already knew in Europe — that a fairly compensated, fully-empowered, well-treated workforce provides the stability, productivity and quality service that are essential to long-term success in the retail grocery industry."

Now I think it's time to get back to our regularly scheduled programming as this is going WAY off topic.

HellRaZoR004 07-30-2014 03:16 PM

I don't think this is going to stop any time soon - just read somewhere that MB is holding a 3-day job fair for all positions next week. Just me speculating but it sounds like they are going to fire those boycotting and fill the positions with people who need the job?

However - this won't change the public's perception of the entire ordeal. Perhaps make it worse?

patman 07-30-2014 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by HellRaZoR004 (Post 230147)
just read somewhere that MB is holding a 3-day job fair for all positions next week. Just me speculating but it sounds like they are going to fire those boycotting and fill the positions with people who need the job?

It'll be interesting to hear what the grounds for firing are. If you walked off the job, fine. If not...that's where it starts to get sticky. Sounds like at least some workers are picketing on their own time:


Unlike in other job actions, the Market Basket workers aren't striking. Most employees remain on the job and pick up the protest before or after work.!breQ3J

The statement from the board (yesterday?) said they were considering several offers in addition to ATD's, yet blamed things on ATD, so I interpreted that as a "when hell freezes over" volley.


While Mr. Demoulas’ offer provides a path toward solving many of the problems he has helped to create, it is but one alternative among the options the Board is reviewing.

HellRaZoR004 07-30-2014 03:46 PM

I'm sure a lawyer could argue that what these employees are doing is hurting the company. NH I believe each employee is considered at-will and therefore can be terminated with no reason whatsoever.

Rusty 07-30-2014 03:52 PM

I'm still stunned that it has lasted this long.

Where is jmen24 who started this thread?

Certainly he must have some information to share with us.

MAXUM 07-30-2014 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by HellRaZoR004 (Post 230151)
I'm sure a lawyer could argue that what these employees are doing is hurting the company. NH I believe each employee is considered at-will and therefore can be terminated with no reason whatsoever.

So I would agree that any employee who is encouraging shoppers to go elsewhere, or not showing up for work would be grounds for termination. Picketing the firing of the CEO? Not so sure about that one, to me that's their constitutional right of free speech.

tis 07-30-2014 04:50 PM

You are right, it is an at will state.

MAXUM 07-30-2014 05:06 PM

That's interesting - I sat on a jury hearing a case in for wrongful termination in NH. So I'm confused. The plaintiff was an hourly worker and was not employed via any kind of employment contract.

tis 07-30-2014 05:11 PM

It doesn't mean they still can't take their employer to court or file a complaint with the labor board. That's why I think "at will" is a big joke.

ishoot308 07-30-2014 05:28 PM

Quite Correct

Originally Posted by tis (Post 230159)
It doesn't mean they still can't take their employer to court or file a complaint with the labor board. That's why I think "at will" is a big joke.

You are 100% correct Tis. While NH is an "at will" state, as a business owner you better have your ducks in a row if you plan on terminating someone, including records of verbal and multiple written warnings prior to termination.

The employer is almost always at the losing end of a wrongful termination suit if the company does not follow proper protocol.


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