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Happy Gourmand 01-08-2014 01:33 PM

Fuller Oil and Propane
Have any forum members been affected by the current "issues" that folks are having with Fuller Oil?
Stories like this make me thankful that natural gas is available in Nashua.

Lakesrider 01-08-2014 01:40 PM

Strange to have "phone issues" for so long. But given Fairpoints past history....anything is possible I guess. I got a chuckle from his comment..."People get so beligerent" Ummm, yeah, when it is 5 degrees out and no heat ya sure do get a bit upset that the oil man hasn't come. What does phone issues have to do with pre-buy scheduled deliveries?

BroadHopper 01-08-2014 02:16 PM

Fuller Oil
I have a 90 year old aunt and my gf mother is 80 years old. Both live alone and very low in fuel. When I went to the office off Lexington Drive yesterday to see about service, two tanker trucks pulled in and began to unload. The receptionist said there is the delivery that was suppose to be here last month and the delivery trucks are out 12 hours a day. Once I explain to the receptionist the age and they live alone, she said the ladies should receive their fuel within 24 hours. Both had they fuels delivered that night.

I was told other oil companies are having the same problem but Fuller receive the bad rap because of the size of their market. Stafford, Irving, Dutile, Red River have a tight supply and will not bring on new customers nor will they provide emergency assistance.

You would think there will be a reciprocal agreement to help each other out?

Pineedles 01-08-2014 02:18 PM

Seems as if it is a perfect storm situation, but not financial trouble.

BroadHopper 01-08-2014 02:25 PM

Rymes and Prescott are taking in new customers, the others are not.

There is no shortage of oil, yet two tanker trucks were long overdue?

It sounds like Fuller did not plan very well. And yes I know of a number of oil delivery guys that lost their jobs because of the certification. I can't understand why they did not get training. Fault of the employer?

brk-lnt 01-08-2014 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by BroadHopper (Post 217353)
I was told other oil companies are having the same problem but Fuller receive the bad rap because of the size of their market. Stafford, Irving, Dutile, Red River have a tight supply and will not bring on new customers nor will they provide emergency assistance.

Not sure about other companies having problems. We are a Fuller pre-buy customer at our house in Amherst. Was down to ~1/8 of a tank (actually, pair of tanks). Couldn't get through to Fuller, called another company down the street and had 150 gallons delivered within 2 hours, no problem.

I did finally get through to Fuller the next day (yesterday), they said they'll have a driver out before the end of the week to fill up my tanks. Waiting to see how that goes.

Formula260SS 01-08-2014 03:57 PM

fuller oil

Originally Posted by brk-lnt (Post 217359)
Not sure about other companies having problems. DeliveryWe are a Fuller pre-buy customer at our house in Amherst. Was down to ~1/8 of a tank (actually, pair of tanks). Couldn't get through to Fuller, called another company down the street and had 150 gallons delivered within 2 hours, no problem.

I did finally get through to Fuller the next day (yesterday), they said they'll have a driver out before the end of the week to fill up my tanks. Waiting to see how that goes.

We were down to an 1/8 of a tank. We called them at 7:30 pm Monday and had a delivery by 8:00am Tuesday. I think they just got caught behind a bit. I've had two instances where my furnace stoped on weekend nights and they were there within an hour. I'll cut them some slack.

4Fun 01-08-2014 03:58 PM

we had issues
We have been with Fullers for 14 years and never had an issue. We are on auto delivery. I was willing to pay a little extra to not think about it. I was surprised when we ran out in November. They did come right away with 10 gallons to get us back up though.

When the tank got below 1/4 in Dec we called to be sure they were coming and they said they would not be out for 6 days they were backed up. We had no choice but to add diesel by 5 gallon cans several times while we made other arrangements with Haffners for fuel.

They definitly started stretching out there deliveries starting in Nov. I think they ran the safety margin to thin and got caught.

Since we were on a budget plan we need to get out budget money back from Fullers now. If I now have to pay attention to the level I might as well buy what's cheapest going forward.

jeffk 01-08-2014 06:52 PM

Ran out, no auto delivery
We ran out yesterday. We are on auto delivery. We pulled out the old bill and they last delivered November 11th. That's 8 weeks, far too long in this frigid weather. Usually they deliver every 4 - 6 weeks in the peak of winter. We called, several times, no answer.

We finally dropped into the Moultonborough office. We were scheduled for a tech visit with 10 gallons to be followed up "soon" by a full delivery. The tech showed up a couple hours later and the delivery showed up late last night. So all was resolved reasonably quickly once we got in touch.

While some of this problem is weather related, the office says fuel use is up 30%, the rest seems to be poor planning and poor scheduling. Auto delivery planning is supposed to include temperature in its calculation. Fuel delivery for us should have come weeks ago. Having no phone service for over a week is absurd. The state set up a hotline almost overnight. Fuller certainly could have done the same. They could have told people they were having trouble keeping up and to call the hotline if they had less than 1/4 tank. Instead, they just hunkered down and tried to bluff their way out. It is poor management of a problem/crisis situation. Too bad.

FYI, you can buy diesel at the gas station and put it in your tank. It's the same stuff. But you will pay road gas taxes on it. Annoying but it will keep you warm.

jmen24 01-08-2014 08:09 PM

Most stations have no-tax diesel available for off-highway use. There are some that do not though, it may be worth looking into if you want to keep the tax.

wifi 01-08-2014 09:12 PM

Interesting on phone problems, I get an average of one call per day for them, one of my phone numbers is one digit off. People need to be careful dialing, fortunately, I have their number memorized and cheerfully advise the caller of the correct number, LOL :D

fatlazyless 01-09-2014 04:37 AM

Believe that the road taxed diesel is tinted blue, and the non-taxed diesel is tinted red for state revenue identification.

joey2665 01-09-2014 07:02 AM

Propane Shortage
I had been shopping around for competitve propane prices and Fuller had given me the lowest price. I have a few locations to service we are currently with Irving and Eastern. After talking to Eastern they explained that there is a propane shortage especially in Maine. They also explained they have plenty of supply and in fact smaller local companies like Fuller are going to have this issue all season and in fact are trying to buy product from Eastern, but they are unwilling to put their own customers at risk.

After a little back and forth they actually matched the price Fuller had given and guarenteed supply throughout the season.

Thank Eastern!!!

Winnisquamguy 01-09-2014 08:07 AM

NH oil firms step in to help Fred Fuller customers

Originally Posted by BroadHopper (Post 217353)
I was told other oil companies are having the same problem but Fuller receive the bad rap because of the size of their market. Stafford, Irving, Dutile, Red River have a tight supply and will not bring on new customers nor will they provide emergency assistance.

You would think there will be a reciprocal agreement to help each other out?


New Hampshire home heating oil dealers are not running into supply problems and are helping frustrated Fred Fuller Oil & Propane Co. customers fill their tanks, according to the head of a statewide industry organization.

“There is not a supply shortage,” said Robert Sculley, executive director of the Oil Heat Council of New Hampshire. “This is not an industry-wide problem in New Hampshire and New England. This is a company-specific problem.”
The head of the state’s Consumer Protection Bureau on Wednesday agreed that supply appears to be abundant in New Hampshire and no other dealers are having issues meeting demand.

“This does seem to be confined to a delivery problem with Fred Fuller Oil,” Senior Assistant Attorney General James T. Boffetti explained.

Fred Fuller Oil, one of the state’s largest heating fuel delivery companies with main offices in Hudson, got backlogged on deliveries last week at a time when the region plunged into arctic cold snap, Boffetti said. Fuller promised to be caught up with all deliveries by week’s end, Boffetti said.

Sprague Oil of Newington and company owner Fred Fuller told state officials Wednesday that the oil company has been buying “significant” daily amounts of home heating oil, totally about 500,000 gallons since Monday, Boffetti said. Fuller’s trucks also have been delivering oil late into the night to get through the backlog of customers, Boffetti said.

“I do not have any indication that he is in serious financial trouble,” Boffetti added.

“I haven’t audited his books. I don’t know if he has a cash flow problem or not...He has yet to provide me with proof of his pre-buy liabilities and his futures contracts,” Boffetti said.

But Boffetti noted that the vast majority of Fred Fuller customers who have gone without oil are those who either pay as they go or are on a budget plan. Just a small fraction of those affectd have pre-buy contracts, he said.

A company-wide failure in Fuller’s telephone system should be fixed by today, Boffetti said. The breakdown in the telephone system have made is impossible for customers to place orders for oil since last week. This prompted Gov. Maggie Hassan to set up a hotline at 6 p.m. Tuesday specifically for Fred Fuller customers in imminent danger of running out of oil.

Nearly 650 consumers flooded the hotline with calls by 2 p.m. Wednesday, the governor’s spokesman said. The vast majority had less than 1/8 of a tank of oil left — the rest had less than a quarter of a tank of oil or run out of oil completely, spokesman Marc Goldberg wrote in a statement. The hotline number is 227-0002.

State officials staffing the hotline first make sure consumers are safe then work with Fred Fuller to get drivers and technicians out to customers, Goldberg said.

“The health and safety of individuals who are running dangerously low on heating oil due to delivery issues with Fred Fuller Oil Co. remains Gov. Hassan’s primary concern,” Goldberg wrote. He said the hotline will remain open until “we are confident that response times are sufficient to ensure the health and safety of customers.”

Goldberg said the situation “highlights the need for strengthened consumer protections for heating oil customers, especially those on pre-buy (contracts).”

Meanwhile, other dealers are pitching in to help those needing oil, Sculley said.

Mary Olsen, officer manager at Shattuck Oil Co., said the Pepperell, Mass., company has added 40 to 50 Fred Fuller customers from New Hampshire since last Thursday, including filling an elderly Nashua woman’s tank Tuesday.

“We just delivered to an 80-year-old woman who hasn’t had heat for two days,” Olsen said. “She was a Fuller customer. She had no oil.”

Sculley said there are about 200 oil dealers in New Hampshire and Fred Fuller serves tens of thousands of Granite State customers. “If he’s not the biggest, he’s one of the biggest,” Sculley said.

Matthew Ciardelli, co-owner of Ciardelli Fuel Company in Milford, said his staff has been fielding several hundred calls a day from Fred Fuller Oil customers since Friday.

“We’ve helped out several hundred customers who aren’t our regular customers,” Ciardelli said, adding that his staff has worked up to 14-hour days to meet the additional demand.

On Friday night when temperatures plunged well below freezing, Ciardelli said neighbors of a 98-year-old Amherst woman dropped in his office worried the woman would run out of oil because they were unable to contact Fred Fuller Oil, her regular company.

“She was 98. She could barely use the phone. Her neighbors stopped by our office,” he said. Ciardelli said he took a truck home and delivered oil to the woman as well as his neighbor, another Fuller customer who was on empty.

Ciardelli said his company was able to offer a helping hand because — anticipating the cold streak coming into the region — they got caught up on deliveries to all their customers by last week.

About 58 percent of New Hampshire homes use oil for heating, according to Meredith Hatfield, director of the New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning.

She said the state’s hotline set up to handle the Fred Fuller situation “is both triaging people in an emergency situation” and talking to people who want to file complaints with the state’s Consumer Protection Bureau.

bigdog 01-09-2014 10:52 PM

Fred Fuller
Not sure if this was a coincidence or not relating to Fred Fuller Oil issue of shortage, but I was passed tonight on I-93N around Manchester, by not 1 but 2 Fred Fuller tanker trucks heading north tonight on I-93N. Not the little delivery trucks, but those massive tanker trucks !

Bringing the oil to the lake ! :)

FYI, I've been using Fred Fuller for 2 years now, and very happy with their service and pricing.


ITD 01-09-2014 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by bigdog (Post 217450)
Not sure if this was a coincidence or not relating to Fred Fuller Oil issue of shortage, but I was passed tonight on I-93N around Manchester, by not 1 but 2 Fred Fuller tanker trucks heading north tonight on I-93N. Not the little delivery trucks, but those massive tanker trucks !

Bringing the oil to the lake ! :)

FYI, I've been using Fred Fuller for 2 years now, and very happy with their service and pricing.


I was amazed when I spoke to my local oil supplier here about the amount of oil they use in a week and they are much smaller than Fuller. Those tankers were probably a very small portion of the weekly oil delivered by Fuller, like I said, I was amazed.

BroadHopper 01-10-2014 08:59 AM

Dead River
I have tenant in Plymouth who ran out of oil last night around dinner time. Dead River promised a delivery a couple of weeks ago and they never came. Calls to the office results in 'We will be there soon.'

Off to Irving for diesel fuel last night. Those containers are heavy!

HellRaZoR004 01-10-2014 09:32 AM

Am I correct to assume Dead River is not part of Fred Fuller? I wonder if it is supply related to some extent.

tis 01-10-2014 10:04 AM

I switched from Irving because they wouldn't deliver my oil a few years ago. I called them and told me I was almost empty and they insisted I wasn't. They said I couldn't be and if they made a special delivery and it was under so many gallons they would charge delivery or something like that. We were on automatic delivery. They let me run out more than once so I learned to watch the tank. After the last time when I was begging for a delivery and after quite a few calls, I had had enough. When they had a local office in Ossipee they were fine, but when that all moved to Canada forget it. We do have a big house and do burn a lot of oil and they just couldn't believe we burned what we did. This year we had 4 deliveries in Dec. ($1500). Only one of the reasons I hate the cold.

bigdog 01-10-2014 12:51 PM

I bought an 'OEM Rocket' and installed on my oil tank several years ago.
Inexpensive, accurate, and simple to install.

My 275 gallon oil tank is housed outside of the main house in an attached shed. I can check the oil level without leaving the comfort and warmth of my home, and the electronic technology is definitely more accurate that those mechanical oil gauges used on most tanks.

You can always measure the amount of oil in your tank with tape-measure and use this guide. Tape-measure must touch bottom of tank.

Also a handy link to check oil prices in central NH, but you can select for your area as well:
Interesting Fred Fuller isn't listed here?

Hope this helps everyone.....

brk-lnt 01-10-2014 01:14 PM

Just as an update, Fuller came to my house this AM and topped off our tanks with just under 400 gallons.

BroadHopper 01-10-2014 01:46 PM

Customer on Red Hill
A good friend of mine is still waiting for her delivery. She was the one that called several places listed above and they will not deliver. Her husband I believe is in has 70's has quite the workout lately hauling diesel by hand.

jgrif6180 01-12-2014 09:07 PM

Fuller Oil Delivery
Arrived at our home in Meredith late Friday, Jan. 10th, only to discover that our oil tank was low (1/8th). Called Fuller Oil & they delivered by Saturday at noon even with all of the icy roads. Excellent service.

AB_Monterey 01-13-2014 10:57 PM

No oil....
but how about a little sexual harrassment to keep you warm?

Den65 01-14-2014 06:55 AM

Claim I canceled

Originally Posted by jgrif6180 (Post 217587)
Arrived at our home in Meredith late Friday, Jan. 10th, only to discover that our oil tank was low (1/8th). Called Fuller Oil & they delivered by Saturday at noon even with all of the icy roads. Excellent service.

I called them Friday and asked when they could delivery to Center Harbor and was told Monday. waited all day and no oil, called them at 5pm and after some checking they said I called on Saturday and canceled (which I didn't) and it would be 2 days before they could get out here. We'll see ?:(:(

Sculpin 01-19-2014 08:16 PM

And this ink

manchester bill 01-20-2014 05:14 PM

Hi im on the budget plan and running on empty. haven't had a delivery since early Nov. gotta call F. Fuller again.

Lacpicguy 01-21-2014 09:31 AM

I was told at Dutiles last week that they had picked up over 100 new customers. They too are running 12 hour days. They are great people to deal with and I wouldn't want to have anybody else.

Slickcraft 02-02-2014 09:17 AM

Fred Fuller agrees to pay state for emergency hotline costs
Looks like a good move on their part. From WMUR:


Concord, N.H. —Fred Fuller Oil Company has agreed to reimburse the State of New Hampshire for running an emergency hotline for customers who had trouble getting their oil deliveries earlier this month. Is has also set up a fund to help customers who were impacted.
During the last cold snap, the company was having problems keeping its delivery schedule, and hundreds of customers feared that they would run out of oil. The state activated its emergency hotline to help coordinate efforts.

In a letter addressed to Perry E. Plummer, the state's Director of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Fuller said the company will repay the requested money.

According to a letter to Fred Fuller Oil from the state, the total billable price tag is nearly $21,000.

The letter from Fuller also states that the company has created a fund in the same amount. That money will help those who were inconvenienced by the situation. Those details are still being worked out.

There was no legal obligation to cover the costs of the hotline.

"Although there is no requirement for us to reimburse the State of New Hampshire for the assistance provided we think it is the responsible thing for us to do on behalf of the goodwill provided by you and the State of New Hampshire."

News 9 contacted the company on Saturday afternoon, but no one was available to comment.

wickedtravelah 02-26-2014 09:48 PM

I just switched my automatic delivery from Fullers to a different company (no names mentioned). Reason being, I am tired of seeing Fullers name in the news so frequently.

Lakemamma 03-01-2014 07:32 AM

Has anybody called Fuller lately?

The reason I ask I just called them Friday for my normal delivery which should be Tuesday and I got told it will be at least 10 days.... I asked to speak with a manager got told maybe it will be there Friday but that's all I can say and hung up on me. :( This sure is not good customer service lately.


tis 03-01-2014 07:48 AM

It doesn't sound good for Fuller's, does it? I would hate to have to beg for my oil. I did that with Irving once and it is not fun. They insisted I could not almost be out of oil but I was. I don't deal with Irving any more.

Lakemamma 03-01-2014 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 220227)
It doesn't sound good for Fuller's, does it? I would hate to have to beg for my oil. I did that with Irving once and it is not fun. They insisted I could not almost be out of oil but I was. I don't deal with Irving any more.

It sure doesn't Tis.... I am with you I will not beg for anything! I am sure there would be somebody else out there that would like to take over our three accounts of propane and oil.

jeffk 03-01-2014 12:24 PM

Recent filling
About two weeks ago we noticed that the tank was down to 1/4. Given that they had significantly delayed the normal automatic delivery and let us run out during all the hoopla, we were concerned and decided to be proactive. We called either Thursday or Friday and were told that a ticket had already been pulled for delivery early the following week. They filled the tank the following Monday.

So we got through to them OK, got a good response, and a timely delivery.

We are still considering whether to continue with them next year. We will probably shop around a bit. However, we have used Fuller for over 15 years without trouble. Any business can have a bad time now and then. It would help to know what the heck was really going on :confused: to know if it was a one time aberration or a change in the way they do business that would lead to further problems. They haven't been very forthright about it and that doesn't boost confidence in them. :(

Thus, we will shop around.

bigdog 03-01-2014 06:22 PM

For those who may want to shop around, here's a great link:

You can change the NH geograhphical area by changing drop-down option, near the top center of the page.

Good luck !


secondcurve 03-01-2014 06:28 PM

1) Tax liens;

2) Inability to deliver oil during peak heating season;

3) Pending sexual harassment lawsuit;

4) Previously settled a sexual harassment lawsuit brought by 5-women for $780,000.

There is certainly at lot going on at this company.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Owner of Fred Fuller Oil owes IRS $2.5 million in back taxes


Staff Writer

HUDSON – The owner of a Hudson-headquartered oil company owes the Internal Revenue Service more than $2.5 million in back taxes.

The IRS recently filed liens against all property owned by Frederick J. Fuller, the owner of Fred Fuller Oil Inc., based on Tracy Lane in Hudson.

Fuller owes the government almost $2.6 million in taxes, along with penalties and interest, from 2006-08, according to documents filed at the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds.

Fuller owes more than $1.7 million for 2006, $234,762 in 2007 and $569,671 in 2008. The liens were filed by IRS revenue officer Anita Perry on July 6, according to the registry records.

Another lien filed in 2010 shows Fuller owed $150,724 in taxes, penalties and interest for the 2004 tax year, according to records.

On Thursday, Fuller said the liens are a “personal tax situation, are not connected to the company in any way and will not affect customers.

“If the IRS thought there was a problem with Fred Fuller Oil Company, they would have attached that too,” he said. “All our customers are safe.”

The type of tax listed on all four liens are 1040, which is an individual tax return.

Fuller, who didn’t detail the specifics of his tax situation, said he expects two of the three liens to be “taken care of” on Monday when he meets with IRS officials. Further meetings and talks will be held on the rest of the back payments, he said.

“We’re in discussions with them,” he said.

Fuller said he suspects a competitor tipped off reporters about the back taxes.

He stressed that customers have nothing to worry about, including customers who have pre-buy contracts with the company or customers in the company’s budget program.

“We always treat everybody fair,” he said. “We didn’t get to be the largest independent retail company in the state without taking care of our customers.”

James Boffetti, a senior assistant attorney general who heads the Consumer Protection Bureau, said there’s every possibility that’s the case but is still talking with Fuller and his attorney about the specifics of the liens to make sure pre-buy contracts are safe.

“We definitely need to ask questions, and they’ve been more than willing to help answer our questions, and that’s a good sign,” Boffetti said.

Boffetti said his office has received a number of calls from customers asking whether their pre-buy contracts were protected. He said weak state laws around oil pre-buy contracts – and the fact that customers have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars when companies they had contracts with went bankrupt or ran into other financial difficulties – makes people more likely to be concerned.

Boffetti said a bill that was defeated by the House this year would have required oil companies to put pre-buy money in escrow accounts instead of commingling it with other funds.

This isn’t the first time Fuller has made headlines this year for something other than his oil company.

In May, he pleaded not guilty to sexually assaulting a female employee. The charges, which are still pending, accuse him with forcibly fondling a woman at the company’s headquarters in Hudson last summer.

Fred Fuller Oil & Propane is based in Hudson and has offices in Milford, Bridgewater, Derry, Goffstown, Laconia, Moultonborough and Northfield, according to the company’s website.

Joseph G. Cote can be reached at 594-6415 or jcote@nashua Also follow Cote on Twitter (@Telegraph_JoeC).
More From The Telegraph

SIKSUKR 03-04-2014 02:37 PM

WMUR website
HUDSON, N.H. —Customers of Fred Fuller Oil are again expressing frustration with the oil company, with some saying they can't get through on the phone to place an order and others being told there's a 10-day wait list to get oil.

News 9 attempted to talk to Fred Fuller directly about the issues, but he wasn't available at his Manchester home or at the company's Hudson headquarters.

The recent phone issues at the state's largest oil provider, coupled with delivery backlogs, have sparked outrage and fear among customers who are flooding state offices and WMUR with calls and emails.

"We're almost out of oil," said customer Paul Magum, who said he plans to switch oil companies. "We called, and they said it will be 10 days, and I said, 'We're below a quarter of a tank. We're almost out.' They said, 'Well…'"

Company officials said the phone system has caused problems, and the company bought new phones to address the issue. Business manager Oren Havey said crews have been working to meet the demand, which has been exacerbated by extreme cold.

"This Saturday, they worked until about 6:30," he said. "This Sunday, we had guys out putting oil in for people who'd run out. We run six, sometimes seven days a week. But right now, I'll be honest with you, my guys are getting burned out."

Sprague Energy Corp., which supplies oil to Fred Fuller Oil, said it has been able to meet all of its customer demands this season. It said demand is high, but there is no shortage.

“I’m hoping we have enough to get through tonight,” said Bob Stewart of Manchester.

Stewart is 79 years old and the last thing he wants to do is be up all night worrying about whether the heat’s going to stay on, he said. Fred Fuller failed to make a promised delivery to his home Monday, he said.

“It’s right almost on E,” Stewart said.

Stewart, who pays a monthly rate and already sent his check in for March, said he has dropped his thermostat and is wearing a sweater.

He’s one of many customers stuck in yet another holding pattern, unable to reach the company by phone and waiting for deliveries.

“What’s the matter with this guy?” Stewart asked. “We’ve been dealing with him for years. He’s done a great job. All of the sudden, he’s the largest one in the state and he fails to deliver? I don’t understand it.”

Millard Williams, 71, of Derry said he has been trying to get through to Fred Fuller since last week.

"I just want to know what's going on, that's it," Williams said.

A Marine Corps veteran of the Vietnam War, Williams fell last year and suffered nerve damage in his leg.

“Right now, I’m more or less house-bound. I’m in a wheelchair. I can’t go outside and I can’t go up and down stairs,” he said.

He also can’t check his furnace, which was just under a quarter-tank full. He said he’s hoping the company can resolve its problems and get back to him soon.

“Well, you worry. You just want an answer,” Williams said.

Williams and Stewart said they are both willing to give the company the benefit of the doubt.

“Let’s see what he does,” Stewart said. “We’ve been good customers for him, so we’ll see how he handles it.”

Stewart said he ran out of oil around 9:30 p.m. Monday.

With money already paid to Fuller for the month, he doesn’t want to spend money elsewhere because he and his wife are on a budget, he said.

An official said the company is still dealing with phone problems and a delivery backlog.

Read more:

Happy Gourmand 03-04-2014 03:20 PM

Why would they deliver just 10 gallons, unless they were on some sort of allocation from Sprague because of payment/cash flow issues? And what do phone issues have to do with folks on automatic delivery?
There is a lot more to this story. I feel concern for all the folks who prepaid and must now beg for oil to keep their families warm.

tis 03-04-2014 06:42 PM

It's awful to worry about whether you are going to get your oil delivery or not. I feel for you.

This'nThat 03-04-2014 07:03 PM

Why is everyone so worried? I'm sure you'll get your delivery...

 this summer....

      when it's warm....

       &nbsp ; and they're down to their last customer -- you .....

        &n bsp;   and you agree to pay that extra delivery charge!

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