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hazelnut 09-04-2009 09:35 AM

The spin is ridiculous. My head is dizzy. The numbers have proven it time and time again that this site is NOT DOMINATED BY GFBL owners. You can kick scream and throw sand all you want but it does not make it true. You have deluded yourself into thinking this and you say it so many times that you actually believe yourself. :laugh: It is hysterical. Stop though because you look more and more silly.

I still get a kick out of the other spin tactic that this law has somehow transformed the lake into some paradise? You are putting yourselves your family members and readers of this forum in jeopardy by suggesting that people should let their guard down. The lake is as crazy as ever and overrun with boneheads in bowriders. Sorry to burst your bubble but the SL law has had absolutely ZERO affect on the safety of the lake. The more you say it the more people are laughing at you. It is fun to read though so no need to stop I guess. :rolleye1:

Kracken 09-04-2009 10:02 AM

[QUOTE=elchase;105228]Good one. And so we again see why supporters shy away from these threads. If you post something that disagrees with the GFBL agenda, you are a troll or you are ridiculed over some unrelated issue.../QUOTE]

Ok let me make sure I have this right.

Speed limit supporters are afraid of performance boats.

Speed limit supporters are afraid to post on this because they will be ridiculed?

I must have missed those posts. Some people have been ridiculed for making unsubstantiated claims without backing them up with facts or at least a link. Some people (on both sides) had the hammer dropped on them for making outrageous claims but quite often their statements and claims had nothing to do with a speed limit.

I don’t think anyone here really wants to silence the opposition. Most just want to debate topics and at times it’s damn entertaining. If you read the speed limit topics from beginning to end one can’t help but laugh. There are some really funny posts from a lot of people on both sides of the debate. Somebody should copyright or patent these threads and sell them. It’s a good read and a great distraction.

Turtle Boy 09-04-2009 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by elchase (Post 105228)
I love the lake and spend as much time on it as I can...especially the past two years when the high speed threat and annoyance has been all but eliminated. And I can say with certainly that my boating has never once intimidated or offended anyone else. Can you say the same? Whether fishing, sailing, or cruising to town, my boating does not impact anyone else's, or make any other boaters wish they had stayed home. I can truly say that I share the lake with all. Can you?

EL...getting people to change their perspective is not always easy, especially in NH. I felt that this short story by Tupelo from last year summarizes some of the difficulties:

A Brief and Irreverent History of Early Motoring and Speed Limits on NH Highways by tupelo

In the early days of motoring in NH, most cars were small, underpowered and unreliable. Speed limits existed nowhere on NH roads and highways. However by the early 1920's , bigger and better cars, like Duesenbergs, were finding their way onto these roads. Some were capable of doing 65 MPH right through downtown Laconia. They were fast and fun. Accidents occasionally happened but they were few and infrequent. One day a fast, new Duesy raced through Center Harbor, just hitting a small boy who fortunately only broke his arm as he rushed to cross the street. His mother however did not consider this to be such an insignificant injury. She spoke out, saying these GFBL cars need to slow son might well have been killed. "Fear monger, fear monger" soon echoed through the ranks of the GFBL cars owners, directed at this vilified mother. Other townfolk soon began discussing speed limits as well. "But we've never had speed limits" cried some of GFBL car owners." We're turning into a nanny state" cried others. Some even called it feel good legislation. Soon more and more people though were clamoring for some limits. A man named Helvey Sanders became interested as well and a grassroots organization was born. He even traveled to N.Y. where speed limits had been established years ago. He came back after talking with law enforcement officials there about how these limits were instituted and enforced. He even sent letters to the editor detailing how they worked. "Foul play" cried many of the GFBL car owners. "You didn't spell out exactly who you spoke with, when you spoke with them, what their snail mail addresses are. You must provide annotated references with all letters to the editor. No wonder newspaper subscriptions are declining. Your newspaper is a rag. Yellow journalism." Some even threatened to drive their cars back and forth in front of Mr. Sanders' house(there were of course no stalking laws at this time). Soon some car dealerships also weighed in claiming their customers were not feeling welcome in the state and were going to move to Vermont. Besides they said, how are you going to measure and enforce speed limits...radar hasn't been invented yet so surely it will not work on land.
The controversy heated up. A poll was taken of NH residents asking if they felt the roads would be safer if there were speed limits. Mothers, fathers, horse and buggy owners, even common pedestrians weighed in. This statewide NH poll showed 85% of the people were in favor of speed limits on the roads. "Wait, foul play" cried the Duesy owners and other GFBL groups. "This poll is invalid because you only should poll car owners. How can a man who only rides a horse have any say". Soon the GFBL's organized a club, though a few people who owned horse and buggies, also Model T's were encouraged to join to give the sense of a fair and balanced club. They even took their own poll that showed 85% of their members thought "reasonable and prudent" would be a better standard. There was still the occasional accident, but forth came the rallying cry "this accident never would have happened if the car hadn't blown its tire while going through town at 70 mph".
There was even the occasional accident attributed to alcohol intoxication. One GFBL crashed into Ye Olde Tamarack Restaurant in broad daylight doing 55 mph but when it was later found that the driver was intoxicated and had misinterpreted the meaning of "Drive-In",the GFBL car owners cried "See, this proves speed limits would never work...drunks would never obey them!"
By now there was interest in the legislature for establishing speed limits. The house in fact passed this new bill, HB 7. "Vote the bums out" was heard from the "no limits" crowd. One person was heard to say "If the old man of the mountain were still standing, he'd be shedding a tear right now". Another man said " It is still standing you idiot". Soon the senate passed HB 7 and then the governor signed as well. While the GFBL car crowd vowed to fight on, after 2 years when it was seen that the whole NH economy did indeed not collapse as had been warned, and people still found great enjoyment using their cars, the "no limits" crowd slowly faded away.


Last edited by tupelo; 06-29-2008 at 07:39 AM

elchase 09-04-2009 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Kracken (Post 105232)
You are absolutely right elchase and Sunset.

Thanks. When a majority is so overwhelming, it usually is absolutely right.


Originally Posted by Kracken (Post 105232)
Of the 4000+ members of only 164 voted in this poll, that is 3.8%.

Based on the interest in this topic among the GFBL crowd, I'm sure that all 100% of the GFBL members voted and a negligible percentage of the non-GFBL members voted. Had all 4000+ voted, I'm sure you'd see numbers much closer to those ARG found in their legit poll. In fact, the numbers would have to agree within +/- 3%, according to the laws of statistics. Was the poll limited to logged-in members? To pre-existing members? It would be interesting to know how many voters were recruited from the other GFBL sites to vote in this "poll".


Originally Posted by Kracken (Post 105232)
The catalyst to the speed limit bills passage was the incident involving Erica Blizzard.

Check your history. The bill had already passed the House and Senate by wide margins and was just awaiting the Governor's already-promised signature.


Originally Posted by Kracken (Post 105232)
If there was even one instance of a GFBL traveling at a high speed causing serious injury or death than an valid argument could be made about limits being imposed.

Check your history. There have been numerous high-speed boating accidents on the lake. And please don't give the usual "prove it" response. The research has been done many times and posted on this forum. At least three GFBL boats have flipped on Winnipesaukee in the past ten years at speeds over 70MPH. Boats have been driven up onto islands numerous times at night at high speeds. Do some Googling. But don't rely on MP citation records...there was no speeding law to cite the drivers with.


Originally Posted by Kracken (Post 105232)
If you really listen to the objections from some of the very vocal speed limit supporters it is easy to identify what their objectives are.

It sure is...because they say it over and over and over again. They want a lake that they feel safe boating the one we saw this summer. It's telling that those who fought for the law are so happy with it, and those who opposed it are so unhappy with it. Doesn't that say it all? Who is more believable, the person who was a victim and now says "This law is working great, I don't feel victimized anymore, please keep it", or the person who was an offender and now says "This law is not working. I'm still offending as much as ever and nobody is doing anything about it...but please eliminate it." It defies logic to see so many former victims working so hard to keep a law and so many former offenders working so hard to remove the law if it is doing nothing. Of course it is effective. Otherwise, why all the fuss?


Originally Posted by The Big Kahuna (Post 105039)
I have been out and about all summer in my GFBL

Is it just me, or does anyone else see the irony here? For those who don't know, "GFBL" stands for "Go Fast Be Loud". It was meant to be a derogatory term to show the obnoxiousness of the high-speed boating enthusiasts. But to show the mentality of the people it is directed at, they actually see it as a compliment and have adopted it to describe themselves and their boats... "We go fast and are loud"... "I have been out and about all summer in my fast and loud boat". And this is supposed to gain support for your cause in a reasonably conservative state? Why not just refer to yourselves as obnoxious? It is a direct synonym. "We are obnoxious"... "I have been out and about all summer in my obnoxious boat". It says so much about the problem that the people who oppose this law have no problem referring to themselves and their boats as "Go Fast and Be Loud". It's a real sympathy grabber.

Kracken 09-04-2009 11:10 AM

Elchase- Thanks. When a majority is so overwhelming, it usually is absolutely right.

Nice spin, I was referring to your assessment that this poll does not include the opinions of a significant number of members. My point was that most people consider the speed limit debate insignificant.

Elchase- Based on the interest in this topic among the GFBL crowd, I'm sure that all 100% of the GFBL members voted and a negligible percentage of the non-GFBL members voted. Had all 4000+ voted, I'm sure you'd see numbers much closer to those ARG found in their legit poll. In fact, the numbers would have to agree within +/- 3%, according to the laws of statistics. Was the poll limited to logged-in members? To pre-existing members? It would be interesting to know how many voters were recruited from the other GFBL sites to vote in this "poll".

You are not suggesting “the other side” stuffed the ballot box are you? What evidence do you have of that? (See post about outrageous unsubstantiated claims)

Elchase - Check your history. The bill had already passed the House and Senate by wide margins and was just awaiting the Governor's already-promised signature.

The House passed the previous speed limit bills only to be defeated in the senate. On HB 847 the senate approved the bill by 14-10 one month prior to the accident. 14-10 is hardly an overwhelming number. However HB 847 is a 2 year law and is now being considered to override the sunset law conveniently around the same time as the trial of Erica Blizzard. Is it merely coincidence they want to make a temp law permanent right in the shadows of Erica Blizzards trial?

Elchase- Check your history. There have been numerous high-speed boating accidents on the lake. And please don't give the usual "prove it" response. The research has been done many times and posted on this forum. At least three GFBL boats have flipped on Winnipesaukee in the past ten years at speeds over 70MPH. Boats have been driven up onto islands numerous times at night at high speeds. Do some Googling. But don't rely on MP citation records...there was no speeding law to cite the drivers with.

Just the facts sir.

How many non-GFBL had accidents on the lake at speeds under 45 MPH in the past 10 years? Has there EVER been a boat to boat accident when a performance boat traveling at a high rate of speed on Lake Winnipesaukee?

Elchase- It sure is...because they say it over and over and over again. They want a lake that they feel safe boating the one we saw this summer. It's telling that those who fought for the law are so happy with it, and those who opposed it are so unhappy with it. Doesn't that say it all? Who is more believable, the person who was a victim and now says "This law is working great, I don't feel victimized anymore, please keep it", or the person who was an offender and now says "This law is not working. I'm still offending as much as ever and nobody is doing anything about it...but please eliminate it." It defies logic to see so many former victims working so hard to keep a law and so many former offenders working so hard to remove the law if it is doing nothing. Of course it is effective. Otherwise, why all the fuss?

Yes some people (like you) want to feel safe while boating. Others would prefer to keep redundant and unenforceable laws off the books so the Marine Patrol can concentrate on the laws that actually make people safer.

gtagrip 09-04-2009 11:22 AM

It sure is...because they say it over and over and over again. They want a lake that they feel safe boating the one we saw this summer. It's telling that those who fought for the law are so happy with it, and those who opposed it are so unhappy with it. Doesn't that say it all? Who is more believable, the person who was a victim and now says "This law is working great, I don't feel victimized anymore, please keep it", or the person who was an offender and now says "This law is not working. I'm still offending as much as ever and nobody is doing anything about it...but please eliminate it." It defies logic to see so many former victims working so hard to keep a law and so many former offenders working so hard to remove the law if it is doing nothing. Of course it is effective. Otherwise, why all the fuss?

Is this the same "safe" lake that you were on when the boat with the 25hp motor passed you within feet and you and your son just laughed, because if youhad been struck by it, there was no possible way that you could have been killed by it!:rolleye1: Dude, give it a rest.

pm203 09-04-2009 11:22 AM

Bottom line is that all of the speed boats that I know of have not left and have no intention of leaving. And since that is what you really want, you still lose. There have been loud boats on the lake well before you got here and will be long after you are gone. But, if the law makes you feel better........

sunset on the dock 09-04-2009 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by elchase (Post 105241)
Thanks. When a majority is so overwhelming, it usually is absolutely right.

Based on the interest in this topic among the GFBL crowd, I'm sure that all 100% of the GFBL members voted and a negligible percentage of the non-GFBL members voted. Had all 4000+ voted, I'm sure you'd see numbers much closer to those ARG found in their legit poll. In fact, the numbers would have to agree within +/- 3%, according to the laws of statistics. Was the poll limited to logged-in members? To pre-existing members? It would be interesting to know how many voters were recruited from the other GFBL sites to vote in this "poll".

Check your history. The bill had already passed the House and Senate by wide margins and was just awaiting the Governor's already-promised signature.

Check your history. There have been numerous high-speed boating accidents on the lake. And please don't give the usual "prove it" response. The research has been done many times and posted on this forum. At least three GFBL boats have flipped on Winnipesaukee in the past ten years at speeds over 70MPH. Boats have been driven up onto islands numerous times at night at high speeds. Do some Googling. But don't rely on MP citation records...there was no speeding law to cite the drivers with.

It sure is...because they say it over and over and over again. They want a lake that they feel safe boating the one we saw this summer. It's telling that those who fought for the law are so happy with it, and those who opposed it are so unhappy with it. Doesn't that say it all? Who is more believable, the person who was a victim and now says "This law is working great, I don't feel victimized anymore, please keep it", or the person who was an offender and now says "This law is not working. I'm still offending as much as ever and nobody is doing anything about it...but please eliminate it." It defies logic to see so many former victims working so hard to keep a law and so many former offenders working so hard to remove the law if it is doing nothing. Of course it is effective. Otherwise, why all the fuss?

Is it just me, or does anyone else see the irony here? For those who don't know, "GFBL" stands for "Go Fast Be Loud". It was meant to be a derogatory term to show the obnoxiousness of the high-speed boating enthusiasts. But to show the mentality of the people it is directed at, they actually see it as a compliment and have adopted it to describe themselves and their boats... "We go fast and are loud"... "I have been out and about all summer in my fast and loud boat". And this is supposed to gain support for your cause in a reasonably conservative state? Why not just refer to yourselves as obnoxious? It is a direct synonym. "We are obnoxious"... "I have been out and about all summer in my obnoxious boat". It says so much about the problem that the people who oppose this law have no problem referring to themselves and their boats as "Go Fast and Be Loud". It's a real sympathy grabber.

And I think sympathy for the GFBL crowd will fall to a new nadir when Erica Blizzard's trial gets underway in a few weeks and more of the details surrounding the accident come to light. She, by virtue of her association with the NHRBA, became the GFBL's poster girl and many view her agenda to have been "party hearty, live free or die, and get outa my way so I can be fun, fast, and free".

OCDACTIVE 09-04-2009 11:31 AM

[QUOTE=elchase;105228]Good one. And so we again see why supporters shy away from these threads. If you post something that disagrees with the GFBL agenda, you are a troll or you are ridiculed over some unrelated issue.

By the way, just how loud must one's boat be to gain membership into this "Thunder Cult"? Do you get to wear "Thunder Cult" helmets? Do you have "Thunder Cult" capes like Evil Kneivel? Sounds pretty silly to me, but then, to each his own.


EL I was just razzing you a little.. Don't take it to heart...

Thunder Cult has nothing to due with noise. Would have been happy to explain if you were to have asked, but I appreciate the sarcasm.

The type of boat I own is an Active Thunder. Not a production boat. Only built to order.

When we go places: poker runs, gatherings etc. there are usually not too many of us and we all tend to get together. Over the years we have become good friends and another manufactorer jokingly one day said: Wow do those guys go everywhere together? they are like a cult... And thats how Active Thunder Cult Member was started.

Just ask if you would like to know.. No need to speculate.

VitaBene 09-04-2009 12:23 PM

But is was only a little boat

Originally Posted by gtagrip (Post 105244)
It sure is...because they say it over and over and over again. They want a lake that they feel safe boating the one we saw this summer. It's telling that those who fought for the law are so happy with it, and those who opposed it are so unhappy with it. Doesn't that say it all? Who is more believable, the person who was a victim and now says "This law is working great, I don't feel victimized anymore, please keep it", or the person who was an offender and now says "This law is not working. I'm still offending as much as ever and nobody is doing anything about it...but please eliminate it." It defies logic to see so many former victims working so hard to keep a law and so many former offenders working so hard to remove the law if it is doing nothing. Of course it is effective. Otherwise, why all the fuss?

Is this the same "safe" lake that you were on when the boat with the 25hp motor passed you within feet and you and your son just laughed, because if youhad been struck by it, there was no possible way that you could have been killed by it!:rolleye1: Dude, give it a rest.

No problem, it was a small boat and only 25 HP or thereabouts and you know the props stop on those little motors when they hit a body part (kind of like my son's toy bathtub boat with the electric motor). It would hardly make a mark. Merely a flesh wound! You could probably laugh it off.

OCDACTIVE 09-04-2009 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by VitaBene (Post 105250)
No problem, it was a small boat and only 25 HP or thereabouts and you know the props stop on those little motors when they hit a body part (kind of like my son's toy bathtub boat with the electric motor). It would hardly make a mark. Merely a flesh wound! You could probably laugh it off.

Vita, I have always appreciated what you have said. You have always had some very good points but seriously I hope you are joking on this one.

The torque on a 25 horse motor can easily chew anyone up really really badly. I don't know if it could cut through bone but it sure would get there...

BroadHopper 09-04-2009 12:48 PM

Plenty have change.

Originally Posted by sunset on the dock (Post 105235)
Nothing has changed? All I have to do is look out my window (and even more important, LISTEN). The SL works and that message is reaching Concord.

Looking out my window I see erosion from all the boats that are limited to 25 at night. SL is not working in my neighborhood. It's WORST! :(

Maybe we should put a clause in the Shoreline Protection Act to eliminate the 25 at night.........................

VitaBene 09-04-2009 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by OCDACTIVE (Post 105252)
Vita, I have always appreciated what you have said. You have always had some very good points but seriously I hope you are joking on this one.

The torque on a 25 horse motor can easily chew anyone up really really badly. I don't know if it could cut through bone but it sure would get there...

Sorry, I was being facetious based on this from this previous post by Elchase:

"Thanks Steve, I had a great day on the lake. It was hot and sunny here and Winnipesaukee was very busy, but very civilized again. Hope you enjoyed the day up on your lake.
I just can't get over the difference a simple little law has made. You might not be able to see that from your vantage in VT, but having been out on Lake Winnipesaukee for well over 600 hours so far this spring/summer, I have witnessed the improvement first hand.
I did see one of those Capt Boneheads in a non-GFBL that you guys keep talking about. My son and I were drifting about 25 feet south of the lit buoy off Welch, casting worms at the buoy for bass. A larger boat was coming along south of us, heading east to west with a little hydroplane running next to him on his north side. The bigger boat was going to pass south of us about maybe 100 to 200 feet (who can tell the difference?), and the little boat was heading straight at us. It looked like a little 14-foot or so homemade thing with a 20HP Johnson on it. We could see the smiling driver looking right as us as he approached, so we never got scared, just confused and annoyed. I figured he had to change course a bit and expected that was going to cut just north of the buoy, which would still put him only 30 or 40 feet from us, but to our astonishment, he passes right between us and the buoy. Right over our lines, not more than 10 feet from us at no less than 25 miles an hour. We're holding out our arms in a "what the heck?" gesture, and he gives us a big smile and holds up his beer. I looked at my son and we both broke out laughing. This was stupid enough to be comical. I know people say "10 feet" when it was really 50, but this was 10 feet. I was close enough to the buoy to cast beyond it and this guy split the difference.
But then I realized that never once did I get scared. If the guy had hit us dead-on there certainly would have been some damage but that little thing would not have killed us. I compared this to how heart-stopping-scared I've felt in past situations where I've had big heavy cigarettes coming at me at 60 or 70 miles an hour, even when much further away. Usually you can only see the big hull and wonder whether the driver can see you or is even looking. While this guy was driving as bad, he simply was not putting us at the same risk. His boat was small, and it was only going 25 or so.
There are certainly Captain Boneheads driving craft of all sizes; little fishing boats, sailboats, cruisers, and GFBLs. And the SL certainly will not get them all off the lake or turn them into good boaters in all regards. But it is amazing how much less dangerous these Captain Boneheads in the smaller slower boats are than the Captain Boneheads driving 70 in big heavy boats. Its amazing how much less terrorizing boats are when they are heading at you at 25 mph than at 70.
You guys need to understand that laws like the SL are not caused by responsible drivers like you protest to be, but are caused by the idiots who have been terrorizing us because they drive like idiots, drive huge heavy boats, and drive them very fast in places where it is not "prudent" to do so. You guys had a good thing, and they ruined it for you...we didn't. Your anger should be directed at them, and not at those who simply want to recreate on the lake without undue fear or risk.
Focus your energies on saving the other lakes where you can still drive as fast as you want from SLs before you lose them too. Do this by going after the people who really cost you your freedom here...the Captain Boneheads who drive GFBLs. If you don't get them off Sunapee, Newfound, Champlain, and all the other still-unlimited lakes, then SLs are inevitable there too, and you will only have yourselves to blame for failing to recognize your true enemy while you still had time."

I'm just needling him a bit. Any prop that can move a boat is not going to give when hitting a person.

hazelnut 09-04-2009 04:18 PM


I am sure elchase regrets posting this story as it absolutely 100% confirms what we have been saying. He posted this trying to prove a point and all he did was prove ours. :laugh::laugh: I LOVE IT!!!!

I pray that the good elected representatives read his story and understand that is what we have been trying to say all along. The lake is overrun with Capt. Boneheads and that is the problem. Thanks elchase for posting this story it has helped immensely. :D

Mee-n-Mac 09-04-2009 05:10 PM

Errrr.... OK

Originally Posted by hazelnut (Post 105260)

I am sure elchase regrets posting this story as it absolutely 100% confirms what we have been saying. He posted this trying to prove a point and all he did was prove ours. :laugh::laugh: I LOVE IT!!!!

I pray that the good elected representatives read his story and understand that is what we have been trying to say all along. The lake is overrun with Capt. Boneheads and that is the problem. Thanks elchase for posting this story it has helped immensely. :D

To me it shows how emotionally driven this whole thing is. Elchase wasn't terrorized by the small boat but is by the large boat. He didn't worry about the small boat hitting them but assumes the large boat will hit them (until it misses and then no doubt it was pure luck). He thinks a 25 MPH hit from a small boat is no big deal !?! Whatever. I wonder how Elchase would feel about a 25MPH hit from a small car .... and then to be taken to the dock and tossed into the water. I hope he'd be wearing a PFD because I think it likely his swimming would be somewhat impaired after this "small" impact.

elchase 09-04-2009 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Kracken (Post 105243)
Nice spin, ...


Originally Posted by gtagrip (Post 105244)
It sure is...


Originally Posted by pm203 (Post 105245)
Bottom line is ...


Originally Posted by VitaBene (Post 105250)
No problem, ....


Originally Posted by OCDACTIVE (Post 105252)
The torque on a 25 horse motor can ...


Originally Posted by BroadHopper (Post 105253)
Looking out my window I see erosion ...


Originally Posted by VitaBene (Post 105258)
Sorry, I was being facetious ...


Originally Posted by hazelnut (Post 105260)
Vita,I am sure elchase regrets ...


Originally Posted by Mee-n-Mac (Post 105261)
and then to be taken to the dock and tossed into the water....

Blah, blah, blah. You guys sound like a bunch of whiny little girls. You have nothing. The speed limit is working so good that the people who worked for it are happy with its results and want it made permanent. It is working so good that the people it was aimed to reasonably limit are being reasonably limited by it and want it eliminated. Enough said.


Originally Posted by OCDACTIVE (Post 105247)
EL I was just razzing you a little.. Don't take it to heart...

Same here. I'm just playing too. I only give back the same to those who dish it out to me, assuming they should be able to take what they give.


Originally Posted by OCDACTIVE (Post 105247)
Just ask if you would like to know.. No need to speculate.

Ok, so seriously; Do you guys have a theme song like Underdog? I think that would be pretty cool if you all rode around together in Thundercult costumes singing "There's no need to fear...Thundercult is here..."

Mee-n-Mac 09-04-2009 06:38 PM

Whiny girls ???

Originally Posted by Mee-n-Mac (Post 105261)
and then to be taken to the dock and tossed into the water....


Originally Posted by elchase (Post 105262)
Blah, blah, blah. You guys sound like a bunch of whiny little girls. You have nothing. The speed limit is working so good that the people who worked for it are happy with its results and want it made permanent. It is working so good that the people it was aimed to reasonably limit are being reasonably limited by it and want it eliminated. Enough said.

Nice choice of selective quotation. Did you understand it before you selected it ? :rolleye1: Let me help you. How well do you think you'd be able to swim after being struck by your 25 MPH boat ? I suspect not well at all. Seems to me your concern over being hit is as selective as your quoting ability.

And what I have is the ability to debate the matter without resorting to calling people names. You ... apparently not.

chipj29 09-04-2009 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by sunset on the dock (Post 105209)
Exactly...and as noted earlier, 100% of the residents on our road associaion(approx. 25 people) are in favor of SL/and donation to WinnFabs. Our state reps/senate are not dumb enough to swallow a poll conducted on this forum!


Originally Posted by sunset on the dock (Post 105224)
Poll whom you want, talk to whomever agrees with won't change the fact that swimmers, sailors, lake front residents, kayakers, and many power boaters will be quite reluctant to give up the gains achieved over the last year. The speed limit has made Winnipesaukee a better, more tranquil lake to visit. The anti SL spin machine's propaganda about how the lake's region economy would go down the toilet never happened. Speed limits are here to stay and the real owners of the lake won't ever again let it be hijacked by a very loud minority of powerboaters.

Well, I hate to break it to you guys, but the shoreline residents are not the ONLY owners of the lake. I own just as much of it as you do, and I live 30 miles away. It is pretty obvious who the speed limit is catering to.

Originally Posted by elchase (Post 105262)
Blah, blah, blah. You guys sound like a bunch of whiny little girls. You have nothing. The speed limit is working so good that the people who worked for it are happy with its results and want it made permanent. It is working so good that the people it was aimed to reasonably limit are being reasonably limited by it and want it eliminated. Enough said.

Same here. I'm just playing too. I only give back the same to those who dish it out to me, assuming they should be able to take what they give.

Ok, so seriously; Do you guys have a theme song like Underdog? I think that would be pretty cool if you all rode around together in Thundercult costumes singing "There's no need to fear...Thundercult is here..."

You only post for one reason... to try to protect what you believe to be YOUR lake. It is just as much mine as it is yours.

sunset on the dock 09-04-2009 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by chipj29 (Post 105267)
Well, I hate to break it to you guys, but the shoreline residents are not the ONLY owners of the lake. I own just as much of it as you do, and I live 30 miles away. It is pretty obvious who the speed limit is catering to.

You only post for one reason... to try to protect what you believe to be YOUR lake. It is just as much mine as it is yours.

And again...blah, blah, let's turn this into a class warfare issue. As if the GFBL boats don't cost a small fortune (though I hear the used ones are now a bit cheaper), not to mention the GFBL's that we see parked in front of lakefront homes. As mentioned earlier, people come here for peaceful recreation, and the owners of the lake, including non waterfront owners, swimmers, kayakers, sailors, people who live near the lake who don't don't enjoy all the benefits of lakeside living but still have to endure the noise all have a stake here. Sorry, but speed limits are here to stay.

VtSteve 09-04-2009 09:36 PM

I'd also like a law that mandates restaurants and bar owners keep a time log of drinks served their customers, by LAW. This would come in handy should, say, someone leave the docks of a restaurant and run over someone after consuming many drinks. Kind of a memory helper so to speak. No, it doesn't help to start a boating group to introduce speed limits that had nothing to do with the accident. Nice cover though.

One way or the other, someone's going to have to point out that things need to change the next few years. Perhaps a new law addressing the PFD issue for early season small boaters? They did that in New York, must be a good one.

NoRegrets 09-04-2009 09:59 PM

Peaceful Recreation ????

Originally Posted by sunset on the dock (Post 105273)
And again...blah, blah, let's turn this into a class warfare issue. As if the GFBL boats don't cost a small fortune (though I hear the used ones are now a bit cheaper), not to mention the GFBL's that we see parked in front of lakefront homes. As mentioned earlier, people come here for peaceful recreation, and the owners of the lake, including non waterfront owners, swimmers, kayakers, sailors, people who live near the lake who don't don't enjoy all the benefits of lakeside living but still have to endure the noise all have a stake here. Sorry, but speed limits are here to stay.

This is a public body of water owned by all. The definition of PEACEFUL RECREATION is as subjective as anything you try to imagine. Get a book from the library, sit in a sound proof room to block all undesired sounds, and declare it PEACEFUL RECREATION. I have never gone by a marketing slogan stating "Come to Winnipesaukee for PEACEFUL RECREATION".

This looks and sounds more like a class war waged by a a few bitter humans (grown up spoiled brats) that will never be satisified by sharing their precious toys or playground.

It is too bad there is not an intelligent way to evaluate bonehead actions and speed crimes to get a statistical measure of the true issue.

I do not have a loud fast boat but do not desire to eliminate the right of people to have and use them on a body that has had them since the 1920's.

I do not have a small boat but do not want to state that they are to dangerous to venture out into such a large body of water.

There is definitely room for all. One group has taken the first step to rule against another.

I am in the camp to eliminate the law and really address the bonehead issue.:cool:

pm203 09-04-2009 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by sunset on the dock (Post 105273)
. Sorry, but speed limits are here to stay.

And so are the speed boats. But, since loud ,fast boats were here before you were, shouldn't you leave if you don't like the noise? And speaking of noise, is it really that bad, say, when compared to a loud motorcycle? I can appreciate quiet, calm and tranquility like everyone else. I do know that during the week, I might actually experience it. On the weekends, I know its a luxury and probably won't happen. Whether it is a loud motorcycle, or a loud car radio pumping out bass, or a child screaming while tubing, the noise is there and I accept it for what it is. I may not like it, but I accept it. Can't you? Is it really that bad?

ApS 09-04-2009 10:59 PM

Well, We Know It Wasn't pm203!
At exactly 10:20, on this eve of Labor Day Weekend, I was awakened by a loud, fast boat obviously exceeding the speed limit. A minute later, somehow unhappy with the existing "free expression of his ideas", he switched on his selective exhaust!

A few minutes of this, and he slowed to an idle, perhaps to "park" in the neighborhood of Camp Ossipee. :(

A minute later, he started gaining speed again when (unexpectedly to me in the darkness), the Marine Patrol stopped him with several widely-spaced electronic "beeps". The blue lights went on, and were still on at 11:19!

I called the MP's dispatcher, and she said she would "page the officer" regarding my "10-88" complaint of the selective exhaust.

There little else to report except that I could hear voices, a repeated cluncky mechanical sound like a boarding ladder might make, and that one of the flashers was missing part of its blue cover (making an occasional white light that flashed in synchrony with the blue lights).

***The officer "cleared" at 11:33PM. The sound upon departure was of twin outboards, so it was one of the MP's "RIBYs" that made the stop.

At 11:47, a deep rumble indicates that the offender is now departing, heading in the direction of Cow Island at about 25-MPH.

Let's see, now...where do I put this post? :confused:

BroadHopper 09-04-2009 11:02 PM

25 HP boat going 100 mph.
One weekend, someone called the MP and claim some kid was going 100 mph by his/her house. Come to find out someone had a little hydroplane with a 25 HP motor. Such a waste of time for the MP. Since the speed limit, people are over reacting................ :eek:

VitaBene 09-04-2009 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by elchase (Post 105262)
Blah, blah, blah. You guys sound like a bunch of whiny little girls. You have nothing. The speed limit is working so good that the people who worked for it are happy with its results and want it made permanent. It is working so good that the people it was aimed to reasonably limit are being reasonably limited by it and want it eliminated. Enough said.

Same here. I'm just playing too. I only give back the same to those who dish it out to me, assuming they should be able to take what they give.

Ok, so seriously; Do you guys have a theme song like Underdog? I think that would be pretty cool if you all rode around together in Thundercult costumes singing "There's no need to fear...Thundercult is here..."

Elchase, do us all a favor- if you are going to quote people, pull more than 2 or 3 words key phrases or words. "Parsing text" as others have called it is deceptive, misleading and hard to follow. Take a look at the back cover of the Harlequin romance you are reading and look at the superlatives heaped on that tome. It is pretty easy to pull a a word that suits your point out of many, isn't it? I quoted you in your entirety and would expect that you have the courtesy to do the same.

BTW have you ever exceeded the SL in that TBird on the street?

ApS 09-05-2009 06:24 AM

Consider Us...

Originally Posted by chipj29 (Post 105267)
Well, I hate to break it to you guys, but the shoreline residents are not the ONLY owners of the lake. I own just as much of it as you do, and I live 30 miles away.

Living 30 miles away, you've probably never had a boat awaken you in the middle of the night. But then we'll hear, "We get awakened by loud motorcycles"!

We get awakened by both loud motorcycles and loud boats.

You probably can't conceive that a boat anchor can strike your house at night; or, should your house be located within 120-feet of a lake's shoreline, be struck by the boat itself.

(Consider also, that the boat may have nobody in it!)

On the eve of a Labor Day Weekend—a weekend when editors will be printing the headlines—there was the expected increase in the number of boats on the lake.

Towards evening, it was reassuring to see that many were traveling at speeds much slower than the required 25-MPH.

Many appear to be discovering the safer and relaxed boating Winnipesaukee experience that decades of residents had enjoyed before excessive speeds became an issue.

sunset on the dock 09-05-2009 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by pm203 (Post 105278)
And so are the speed boats. But, since loud ,fast boats were here before you were, shouldn't you leave if you don't like the noise? And speaking of noise, is it really that bad, say, when compared to a loud motorcycle? I can appreciate quiet, calm and tranquility like everyone else. I do know that during the week, I might actually experience it. On the weekends, I know its a luxury and probably won't happen. Whether it is a loud motorcycle, or a loud car radio pumping out bass, or a child screaming while tubing, the noise is there and I accept it for what it is. I may not like it, but I accept it. Can't you? Is it really that bad?

Nope, not this year!!!!!!

VtSteve 09-05-2009 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Acres per Second (Post 105281)
At exactly 10:20, on this eve of Labor Day Weekend, I was awakened by a loud, fast boat obviously exceeding the speed limit. A minute later, somehow unhappy with the existing "free expression of his ideas", he switched on his selective exhaust!

A few minutes of this, and he slowed to an idle, perhaps to "park" in the neighborhood of Camp Ossipee. :(

A minute later, he started gaining speed again when (unexpectedly to me in the darkness), the Marine Patrol stopped him with several widely-spaced electronic "beeps". The blue lights went on, and were still on at 11:19!

I called the MP's dispatcher, and she said she would "page the officer" regarding my "10-88" complaint of the selective exhaust.

There little else to report except that I could hear voices, a repeated cluncky mechanical sound like a boarding ladder might make, and that one of the flashers was missing part of its blue cover (making an occasional white light that flashed in synchrony with the blue lights).

***The officer "cleared" at 11:33PM. The sound upon departure was of twin outboards, so it was one of the MP's "RIBYs" that made the stop.

At 11:47, a deep rumble indicates that the offender is now departing, heading in the direction of Cow Island at about 25-MPH.

Let's see, now...where do I put this post? :confused:

The Choice was theirs, and I detest it when they use it that way at night. So, the MP happened to be there and made a stop. Good for them. The stop was for 14 minutes, including the swap of paperwork and all?

Perhaps the MP did the smart thing, and just let him know what he thought of using the SC like that at that hour, as well as to let him know Yes son, we are out here :emb:

elchase 09-05-2009 08:04 AM

Please make your point

Originally Posted by pm203 (Post 104940)
The crime today was that somebody( over the weekend) from Bear Island frauduently called in to the MP that a high performance boat was speeding through a no-wake zone...


Originally Posted by pm203 (Post 105211)
I hope it wasn't someone in your road association that called in a fraudulent report on a speed boat ...


Originally Posted by BroadHopper (Post 105282)
One weekend, someone called the MP and claim some kid was going 100 mph by his/her house. Come to find out someone had a little hydroplane with a 25 HP motor. Such a waste of time for the MP...

This ever-changing and irrelevant story is getting old. Was it a performance boat or a little 25HP hydroplane? Was it called in from an island or a road association? How do you know? Was it in a no wake zone or in front of someone’s house? Are shorefront owners suddenly starting to call in these fictitious violations as part of some nefarious pro-speed limit conspiracy? How would this help their cause? It’s starting to sound like a big fabrication that just cannot be kept straight. It sounds more likely to me that the whole story is either made up or that some speed limit opponent is making these calls. Otherwise, its relevance eludes me. Is the point that shorefront owners cannot call the MP when they feel they are witnessing a violation or that boaters should be allowed to harass shorefront owners? The MP can take care of themselves. They know the source phone number of every call and would just cite the caller for filing a fraudulent report if that was the case. They require identification of every caller (I know). They will not respond to an anonymous complaint (I know). So clearly there is another motive to this repeated story about someone feeling that a boat was violating a law and reporting it to the MP. Why not just save us the suspense and come out with it?

Originally Posted by BroadHopper (Post 105282)
Since the speed limit, people are over reacting................ :eek:

You can say that again… and it’s not the shorefronters.

hazelnut 09-05-2009 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by elchase (Post 105291)
This ever-changing and irrelevant story is getting old. Was it a performance boat or a little 25HP hydroplane? Was it called in from an island or a road association? How do you know? Was it in a no wake zone or in front of someone’s house? Are shorefront owners suddenly starting to call in these fictitious violations as part of some nefarious pro-speed limit conspiracy? How would this help their cause? It’s starting to sound like a big fabrication that just cannot be kept straight. It sounds more likely to me that the whole story is either made up or that some speed limit opponent is making these calls. Otherwise, its relevance eludes me. Is the point that shorefront owners cannot call the MP when they feel they are witnessing a violation or that boaters should be allowed to harass shorefront owners? The MP can take care of themselves. They know the source phone number of every call and would just cite the caller for filing a fraudulent report if that was the case. They require identification of every caller (I know). They will not respond to an anonymous complaint (I know). So clearly there is another motive to this repeated story about someone feeling that a boat was violating a law and reporting it to the MP. Why not just save us the suspense and come out with it?
You can say that again… and it’s not the shorefronters.

el, get a clue the stories are two separate incidents. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Another chink in your armor I'm afraid. :laugh: Everyone else seems to have their stories straight. You parse comments and jump all over people with little to no regard for facts. It's getting a tad embarrassing. :emb:

pm203 09-05-2009 08:14 AM

The Bear Island call-in was for a large speed boat and after a investigation was deemed a hoax by the MP. And, they had solid proof that it was a hoax. Looks like the Bear Islanders are now trying to control who idles by their island. Too bad it was a failure.

ApS 09-05-2009 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by VtSteve (Post 105290)
"...The stop was for 14 minutes, including the swap of paperwork and all...?"

More like an hour. :look:


Originally Posted by VtSteve (Post 105290)
"...Perhaps the MP did the smart thing, and just let him know what he thought of using the SC like that at that hour, as well as to let him know Yes son, we are out here..."

Nobody was more surprised than I was that the MP was out there Friday night—and that late. Even the dispatcher apologized for the late hour, regarding her error in taking my I.D. info.

I can find out what transpired: The boat is a green Cris Craft, operating out of Wolfeboro's P. Point cottages. (And is operating noisily today! :eek2:)

My spies tell me that the voices heard were the MP and the offender. The MP stated, "When I put my blue lights on, you are to stop".
Noisy offender states: "OK". :rolleye1: :rolleye1:

:confused: So what does amplified exhaust noise do to enhance one's enjoyment of the lake at 10:20 PM, anyway? :confused:

I can't think of a single soul who can answer that, yet there are those opponents insistent on "Silent-Choice" (so-called) being made legal. :(

KonaChick 09-05-2009 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by pm203 (Post 105293)
The Bear Island call-in was for a large speed boat and after a investigation was deemed a hoax by the MP. And, they had solid proof that it was a hoax. Looks like the Bear Islanders are now trying to control who idles by their island. Too bad it was a failure.

I hope this has no truth to it. Who in their right mind would make up a story about a fictious GFBL boat speeding just for a hoax? If it's true it's deeply disappointing and saddens me. I hope it's not. :(

elchase 09-05-2009 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by hazelnut (Post 105292)
el, get a clue...You parse comments...:laugh:

Ok Sherlock, so assuming there are all these sudden false alarms being called in, why does this belong in a speed limit thread? Violating a no wake zone or shoreline are other laws having nothing to do with the SL. What would this con artist gain by calling in from different places about different boats? Why would a SL supporter want to drag the MP in over a boat that did not exist? Sounded a bit fishy to me. But then, I don't have a clue because I parse quotes :confused:.

Originally Posted by pm203 (Post 105293)
The Bear Island call-in was for a large speed boat and after a investigation was deemed a hoax by the MP. And, they had solid proof that it was a hoax. Looks like the Bear Islanders are now trying to control who idles by their island. Too bad it was a failure.

Hoax? Conspiracy? Sounds like someone needs to loosen his tin foil hat.

Originally Posted by KonaChick (Post 105306)
I hope this has no truth to it. Who in their right mind would make up a story about a fictious GFBL boat speeding just for a hoax? If it's true it's deeply disappointing and saddens me. I hope it's not. :(

Don't worry Konachick. I called to Glendale and they had no idea what this was about. Never heard of even one such false alarm, never mind three. Said it never happened. As confused as me about the reason for such a tale. Confirming what I said before, they have a record of the source number of every call-in and if someone calls they will only send out a boat if they know who the caller is. If someone made a false report and they had "solid proof", they'd cite them. This is clearly a tale..or two...or three...for what purpose we will never know. Perhaps they are trying to gain sympathy for GFBL's, but then, why say it was a hydroplane? Perhaps they are trying to rally up dislike for the people on Bear Island, but then, why go after the road association?
Anyway, wasn't it a great day out there today? What a summer! Heading up the Bay for an ice cream after dinner...nice and slow.

chipj29 09-05-2009 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Acres per Second (Post 105287)
Living 30 miles away, you've probably never had a boat awaken you in the middle of the night. But then we'll hear, "We get awakened by loud motorcycles"!

We get awakened by both loud motorcycles and loud boats.

You probably can't conceive that a boat anchor can strike your house at night; or, should your house be located within 120-feet of a lake's shoreline, be struck by the boat itself.

(Consider also, that the boat may have nobody in it!)

On the eve of a Labor Day Weekend—a weekend when editors will be printing the headlines—there was the expected increase in the number of boats on the lake.

Towards evening, it was reassuring to see that many were traveling at speeds much slower than the required 25-MPH.

Many appear to be discovering the safer and relaxed boating Winnipesaukee experience that decades of residents had enjoyed before excessive speeds became an issue.

I can conceive that a motorcycle or a car/truck/any vehicle could hit my house at any time. That was the risk I took when I bought my house. Same with you, whether it be your house in Florida or your house in NH.

There are laws on the books regarding loud cars/trucks/motorcycles etc. Do they make the drivers go slower? Probably not.

Again, Lake Winnipesaukee is owned by me, you and all the other residents of NH. One owns no more than another. Isn't that beautiful?

BroadHopper 09-05-2009 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Acres per Second (Post 105281)
At exactly 10:20, on this eve of Labor Day Weekend, I was awakened by a loud, fast boat obviously exceeding the speed limit. A minute later, somehow unhappy with the existing "free expression of his ideas", he switched on his selective exhaust!

A few minutes of this, and he slowed to an idle, perhaps to "park" in the neighborhood of Camp Ossipee. :(

A minute later, he started gaining speed again when (unexpectedly to me in the darkness), the Marine Patrol stopped him with several widely-spaced electronic "beeps". The blue lights went on, and were still on at 11:19!

I called the MP's dispatcher, and she said she would "page the officer" regarding my "10-88" complaint of the selective exhaust.

There little else to report except that I could hear voices, a repeated cluncky mechanical sound like a boarding ladder might make, and that one of the flashers was missing part of its blue cover (making an occasional white light that flashed in synchrony with the blue lights).

***The officer "cleared" at 11:33PM. The sound upon departure was of twin outboards, so it was one of the MP's "RIBYs" that made the stop.

At 11:47, a deep rumble indicates that the offender is now departing, heading in the direction of Cow Island at about 25-MPH.

Let's see, now...where do I put this post? :confused:

Just went over the MP log today at Glendale. This incident is not logged in.

Rinkerfam 09-05-2009 10:19 PM

I for one do not feel the least bit "safer" since the speed limit has taken hold. Hazelnut hit it right on the head. The lake is overrun with captain b-heads. I have been boating on Winnipesaukee for some 25 years ( all of them piloting family runabouts that are far from GFBL's). I have never been in an uncomfortable situation that derived from a boat traveling at a high rate of speed. All of my safety concerns involve other vessels coming too close to me and or not understanding who has the right of way in a given situation. Every time out so far this season I have had to slow down or alter course all the while being the stand on vessel. This is so frustrating. I have even witnessed boats passing between myself and Marine Patrol at a distance far less than 150' from both myself and the MP boat (and yes I dropped to idle speed). As far as Sunset On The Dock's perception of the lake being a kinder gentler place this year, I think the weather and the economy have far more to do with it than any speed limit.

elchase 09-06-2009 08:50 AM

The Speed Limit was the best thing we ever did on this lake

Originally Posted by Rinkerfam (Post 105319)
I for one do not feel the least bit "safer" since the speed limit has taken hold....

As Howie Carr would say "Of course you don't". And of course the rest of your GFBL buddies on this forum don't. And smokers are united in the belief that the laws against smoking in restaurants have not done a thing to make dining more enjoyable. And junkies are united in the belief that drug laws have been useless. And illegal aliens are united in the belief that border security is a waste of time. If we let the offenders decide which laws to keep on the books, we'd have lawless bedlam. That's why we don't let prisoners vote.
But the bottom line is that the people who fought so hard for this law are very happy with it and want it kept and the cowboys it was aimed to slow down are very unhappy with it...and that says it all. The more you guys complain about the law, the more you show how effective it has been. If this law had done nothing, then you guys would be out buzzing around the lake instead of spending your days on this forum complaining about it.

BroadHopper 09-06-2009 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by elchase (Post 105332)
That's why we don't let prisoners vote.

Wrong again buddy! Prisoners are allowed to vote by sending in an absentee ballot to their home town. Why do you make up all these lies....

KonaChick 09-06-2009 09:39 AM

I don't understand how complaining or trying to change a law makes it "effective". That does not compute....

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