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John Mercier 01-26-2024 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by ishoot308 (Post 390727)
Yo John…try replying to the post your referring to…your post are ridiculously hard to figure out who you are replying to….i know your smart enough to do that….:eek::eek:


The concept of the temporary houseboats is like bob houses on the frozen lake.

The State should not see any significant tax advantages.
Promoting it as a revenue producer is sugar coating it at best.
There may be a jump in local revenue, but that would be offset by where the revenue would have been if this option doesn't exist.

It is a push/pull.

Lake Winnipesaukee Assoc 01-26-2024 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by HalfMiler (Post 390689)
Many thanks for the ongoing updates regarding the sewer line ruptures along route 25 in Center Harbor. Can anyone provide insight to the rights and responsibilities of the involved parties - the line owner, the town, the state, the impacted property owners?

Yes! There is a two town “sewer district” made up of Moultonborough and Center Harbor. The Bay District Sewer Commission is an elected commission made up of 3 commissioners who manage the Bay District collection system in the two towns, as far as I know they employ one part-time engineer to oversee the general operation of the system. This system is a part of the Winnipesaukee River Basin Program (WRBP) which falls under the jurisdiction of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES). Although the Sewer District falls under the oversight of the WRBP, they are still responsible for contacting NHDES and EPA to report a spill- which they have done for the Jan 16,2024 rupture and the November 2023 rupture which was approx. 60 ft. away. According to NHDES the culvert was blocked, lined, cleaned, and repaired and is not thought to be a concern for a chronic source of point pollution into the Bay. They will continue to test and monitor the area for E.Coli and pathogens.

The larger concern in our opinion is that this is the second break in a fairly short period of time in one localized area. Our infrastructure statewide is aging and is something that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. In addition to age, climate change is also thought to be a factor in pipe failures due to changes such as temperature and precipitation.

Lake Winnipesaukee Assoc 01-26-2024 04:19 PM

Update- Friday, Jan 26
We are sending this e-mail update to our subscribers this afternoon. It goes into more detail about upcoming bills. Rather than copy that info word for word, I thought it might be best to summarize here:

Legislative Updates

HB 1049 (Overnight Mooring of Houseboats):
-Committee received 200+ emails against.
-Committee voted 18-2 (ITL).
-Moves to Full House
*Because the vote was not unanimous it will go to the Full House Committee where it may or may not be debated on. A few members of the committee did note that they may like to see a version this bill return next year, but changed to consider ROW for property owners, seasonal housing opportunities, and water quality.

HB1103-FN (Shoreland Protection Act Penalties):
-Committee voted unanimously OTP (Ought to Pass).
-Advancing to the Senate.


Upcoming Public Hearings:

SB431 (Wake Surfing):
Hearing: 01/30/2024, 1:00 pm, Legislative Office Building 101, SC5.
Committee: Senate Transportation.
LWA Position: Oppose.
Adds restrictions on wake surfing; LWA opposes due to potential ineffectiveness.

There is another bill regarding wake boating and wake sports that will be coming before the RR&D Committee. HB1390 will define a "Wake sports zone” as an area of a waterbody that has a minimum of 50 contiguous acres that are at least 500 feet from shore on all sides and is at least 20 feet deep, located on a lake, pond, or reservoir. LWA plans to support HB1390 as providing the restrictions needed to ensure that wake surfing does not erode shorelines or negatively impact water quality.

To put this in perspective, we have created a map showing the 150 ft., 200 ft., and 500 ft. distances from shore on Lake Winnipesaukee. You can clearly see that a 500 foot setback from shore would not limit the areas in which people can wake surf - there's a lot of lake out there!

Click Here to View Map of 150 ft, 200 ft and 500 ft shoreline buffer.

HB1143 (Cyanobacteria Blooms under NH Clean Lakes Program)
Hearing: 01/31/2024, 10:00 am, Legislative Office Building 305.
Committee: House Resources, Recreation, and Development.
LWA Position: Support.
Requires NHDES to address cyanobacteria blooms; LWA supports as a mechanism for NHDES control and mitigation of blooms.

HB1229 (Purchase and Sale of Shoreland Property):
Hearing: 01/31/2024, 2:00 pm, Legislative Office Building 305.
Committee: House Resources, Recreation, and Development.
LWA Position: Support.
Requires acknowledgment of shoreland water quality protection act compliance standards during property transactions.

longislander 01-27-2024 08:07 AM

To view the shoreline buffer map, some readers of this thread, like myself, have adblockers or virus control on their laptops. You might have to temporarily disable them in "extensions". I've got Adblock Plus and PC Matic and had to go to extensions at the top right corner of my laptop page (three dots), click on extensions and disable. Then go back and enable again for back to protected.

Thank you Lake Winnipwsaukee Association for your efforts.

tummyman 01-27-2024 09:51 AM

LWA>>>>> Need to know when HB 1390 is scheduled so we can voice support !!

longislander 01-27-2024 10:09 AM

Title: relative to regulating wakeboating and wakesports.
Sponsors: (Prime) Tanner (D), Rung (D), Vail (D), Darby (D), Prentiss (D)

Introduced 01/03/2024 and referred to Resources, Recreation and Development HJ 1

House Committee: Resources, Recreation and DevelopmentDue Out: 3/21/2024 Status: IN COMMITTEE

LSR Number: 24-2480

upthesaukee 01-27-2024 10:16 AM

Search and navigate to Legislative Branch>Bill Tracking System>hb1390>enter.

It should come up with the bill, currently being shown in committee.


longislander 01-27-2024 10:39 AM

tummyman 01-27-2024 12:23 PM

Got all that and have had all the info, but cannot see where it has been scheduled for action by the commitee, which is important to send comments along.

longislander 01-27-2024 12:38 PM

[I]"As of today, January 27, 2024, there is no specific date scheduled for NH House Bill HB1390 to be discussed in the Resources, Recreation and Development Committee. However, based on the available information, it's likely to happen soon:

Current Status: HB1390 was introduced on December 6, 2023, and referred to the Resources, Recreation and Development Committee on January 3, 2024. This means it is currently pending review by the committee.
Committee Schedule: The committee's next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, January 31st, 2024, at 11:00 AM. While the agenda for this meeting has not been officially released yet, there is a possibility that HB1390 could be included.
Previous Activity: While HB1390 hasn't been formally discussed yet, the committee did recently hold a hearing on another bill related to environmental regulations on January 22nd, 2024. This suggests an increased focus on natural resource issues, which could make HB1390's discussion more likely in the near future.
Therefore, while there's no confirmed date yet, keep an eye on the Resources, Recreation and Development Committee's agenda for their January 31st meeting, as HB1390 is likely to be discussed soon. You can find the committee's schedule and agendas on the New Hampshire state website:,_R...epresentatives

Lake Winnipesaukee Assoc 01-27-2024 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by tummyman (Post 390752)
LWA>>>>> Need to know when HB 1390 is scheduled so we can voice support !!

Not scheduled yet. I'll let you know ASAP! The House and Senate Calendars are posted every Friday, indicating when bills will be heard by committee, go to exec session, status etc. Here is a link to where you can find these. You can also sign up to get updates for specific bills.

Descant 01-27-2024 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by tummyman (Post 390760)
Got all that and have had all the info, but cannot see where it has been scheduled for action by the committee, which is important to send comments along.

Tummyman: sorry for the long answer.

Sending your comments should be done without delay. Controversial bills will generate emails in large numbers, including many from "auto-maii" websites from lobbying groups across the country. Waiting 'til the end means your email may get lost in the flood. Important to put for/against and 2-3 words about topic in the subject line. A phone call is more effective than an email and you may learn that your rep is already supporting your position. If so, send a "thank-you" confirming that support.

Knowing how to read the calendar is helpful, as it uses many unique terms like executive session, early bill, crossover, etc. Many committees will say in the calendar that the committee may meet in Executive session at any time, as time allows. This could mean a vote, or simply discussion, a report from a sub-committee or a proposed amendment. An "early bill" usually means one that goes to a second committee, such as Finance. Since the bill has already had a public hearing, the second committee may or may not have a second public hearing, but they will likely hear from the prime sponsor and somebody to represent the vote(s) of the first committee. There has to be an affirmative vote on the floor (OTP or OTP/A) before the scheduling with the second committee.

Last point: Reps have lives and families too. That means dinners and Boy Scouts, etc. S/he may not be home or read email the night before a hearing or a floor session. If you wait until the day/night before, you're too late. Things move very quickly at this time of year.

John Mercier 01-27-2024 02:57 PM

When writing the email.
Attach one name at a time... multiples may end up in a SPAM folder.
You can copy and paste the field, but don't use a form letter as that has less impact.
Send to the email address of each of the sponsors of the bill, and to each of the committee members.

If you have the time, attend the public hearing and sign in either in support or opposition... and fill out the card if you feel the need to speak.

Keep any testimony on track, you can even read it from a paper if that helps.

Sue Doe-Nym 01-27-2024 05:53 PM

No more pollution, please!
My husband has tried to reach one of the sponsors of the bill, a Mr. Griffin, I believe, and has had no response from him. We both shudder at the thought of more lake pollution. Unfortunately, some people are ignorant about the importance of keeping our waterways clean, and some just don’t give a healthy damn just as long as they are having fun and the keg doesn’t run dry. Hopefully, the bill will be defeated.

John Mercier 01-27-2024 08:05 PM

Usually a sponsor of a bill cannot be swayed from their support of the bill... so really not someone the opposition should try to contact.

It is up to the members of the House when it hits the floor. Most often, an ITL from the committee will signal its defeat.

Major 01-29-2024 11:55 AM

Irwin Marine
Irwin Marine has weighed in. I received this email message today.

TOMORROW! Public Hearing for SB 431:
Support the Wake Responsibly Campaign

SB 431, the bill that codifies the 200 ft setback distance for wake surfing promoted by the Wake Responsibly campaign, is scheduled for a public hearing on TUESDAY, JANUARY 30TH AT 1:00pm before the Senate Transportation Committee in Room 101 of the Legislative Office Building in Concord.

The NH Marine Trades Association, Water Sports Industry Association, National Marine Manufacturer Association, USA Waterski & Wake Sports, Lakes Region Tourism Association and many boating families support SB 431 as a reasonable regulation for wake surfing that DOES NOT define any boat type or ban the sport. The 200 ft setback has passed in a couple of other states to date (TN, SC, GA) and is backed by a peer-reviewed scientific study. This bipartisan effort promotes the “Buffer NOT Ban” approach. We will continue to oppose HB 1301 & HB 1390, which would severely limit or potentially eliminate the ability to wake surf, but support SB 431.

How Can Boaters Support SB 431?
1. Testify in Support. We are pleased that we already have a number of boaters able to testify in favor of SB 431. All of the Senate Transportation Committee members are co-sponsors of the bill, so we hope it is a good hearing.
2. Attend and Stand in Support of SB 431. There will be sign-in sheets for those who want to support SB 431 but not testify. If you are able to attend the hearing, please do. The more people that stand in support, the better!
3. Register Support on SB 431 through the On-Line Sign-In Portal: See below for directions. We were very successful in the sign-in against HB 1301. Let’s do the same to SUPPORT SB 431:
- Utilize the sign-in form located on the General Court website: CLICK HERE TO ACCESS FORM.
- You are encouraged to sign-in well in advance of the hearing. This online form will allow you to sign in on a bill as soon as it has been scheduled for a hearing.
1. Click on the date that the bill you are interested in is being heard: January 30th.
2. Under the drop-down menus:
Select the committee that is hearing the bill: Senate Transportation.
Select the bill you are interested in: Senate Bill 431.
Select a category: Member of the Public.
3. If you are representing an entity or someone other than yourself, enter that information.
4. Indicate that you SUPPORT the bill by checking the appropriate circle.
5. Click continue.
6. Enter your name and contact information.
7. Click continue.
8. Carefully review that the information you have entered is correct. If it is correct, check the box and click continue. This completes the sign in process.
** Note – there is an option to email the full Committee with a statement. If you decide to email them, be positive – note that all of the members are co-sponsors of SB 431! Thank them! **

Biggd 01-29-2024 12:27 PM

I'm sure that any marina that sells wake boats is going to be against any legislation that will affect sales.

WinnisquamZ 01-29-2024 01:22 PM

Just one more thing MP will attempt to enforce. But, unable to.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

tis 01-29-2024 03:10 PM

Major, I got that also today.

tummyman 01-29-2024 03:34 PM

I cannot support this bill and encourage others to oppose it as well. It only increases the setback from 150 ft to 200 feet from docks, shrelans, etc. We already have the 150 ft headway speed now. Adding another 50 feet does nothing. Instead support that is real change...500 feet. Read that bill on line before you agree to anything. But this senate bill is useless in my opinion.

tis 01-29-2024 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by tummyman (Post 390810)
I cannot support this bill and encourage others to oppose it as well. It only increases the setback from 150 ft to 200 feet from docks, shrelans, etc. We already have the 150 ft headway speed now. Adding another 50 feet does nothing. Instead support that is real change...500 feet. Read that bill on line before you agree to anything. But this senate bill is useless in my opinion.

Why do you suppose the wake boat people want it? :)

Descant 01-29-2024 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 390811)
Why do you suppose the wake boat people want it? :)

Same reason the recreational boaters supported a NWZ 20 years ago between Eagle and Governor's. They wanted to prove that they were safety supporters. Unnecessary, if MP could/would enforce the 150' boat to boat law.

John Mercier 01-29-2024 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 390811)
Why do you suppose the wake boat people want it? :)

Because if your choices are 200 feet or 500 feet, 200 feet is the lessor of evils to them.

They know that it is coming, so lessening the impact is a reasonable strategy.

tummyman 01-29-2024 06:18 PM

This is HB1390 that absolutely should be supported STRONGLY.

HB 1390
1 New Paragraphs; Boating and Water Safety; Definitions Added. Amend RSA 270-D:1 by inserting after paragraph XIII the following new paragraphs:
XIV. "Wakeboat” means a motorboat that has one or more ballast tanks, ballast bags, or other similar devices used to enhance or increase the size of the motorboat’s wake.
XV. “Wakesports” means:
(a) Using a surfboard, wakeboard, hydrofoil, or similar device to ride on or in the wake directly behind a wakeboat with or without a rope, including wake surfing; or
(b) Operating a wakeboat with someone riding the wake directly behind the boat.
XVI. “Wakesports zone” means an area of a waterbody that has a minimum of 50 contiguous acres that are at least 500 feet from shore on all sides and is at least 20 feet deep, located on a lake, pond, or reservoir on which vessels powered by internal combustion motors are allowed and may be used at speeds exceeding 5 miles per hour.
2 New Section; Boating and Water Safety; Wakesports. Amend RSA 270-D by inserting after section 3 the following new section:
270-D:3-a Wakesports.
I. In addition to requirements in this chapter and rules adopted thereunder, the following prohibitions and limitations shall apply:
(a) Wakesports are prohibited between sunset and sunrise.
(b) Wakesports are prohibited behind a vessel propulsion system that extends beyond the swim platform.
(c) Wakesports shall not be permitted:
(1) On a body of water smaller than 50 contiguous acres.
(2) Within 500 feet of a shoreline or in-water structures.
(3) In waters less than 20 feet deep.
II. The commissioner shall develop and make publicly available wakesports zone maps of legal areas on New Hampshire public waters that meet the requirements of paragraph I.
3 New Paragraph; Rulemaking; Wakesports. Amend RSA 270-D:8 by inserting after paragraph II the following new paragraph:
III. Regulation of wakesports under RSA 270-D:3-a.
4 Effective Date. This act shall take effect July 1, 2024.

codeman671 01-29-2024 06:25 PM

I think 500 feet is a bit much. 200-250 would be a good compromise.

As an add on, how about making the safe passage around a water sports vessel 200-250 feet? I can’t count the number of times I have been encroached on when towing by other vessels. At minimum 1 or more times every time we go out.

Descant 01-30-2024 01:40 PM

I don't surf anymore. (since 1970). I don't live anywhere that has a problem with those who do. I do see several flaws in the language in HB1390.
More important is that I think it is misdirected at wake boats. In the 60's and 70's we had surfing without wake boats. Using a 20-22' boat, it was easy to seat 2-3 people in one corner of the stern and create a wake for surfing. Just as the laws restricting jet skis were overridden by making three seat 13' "boats", there will be means to create wakes without ballast tanks. Or, a new (bothersome) sport will come along.

There are (to me) technical flaws. The bill is supposed to be effective July 1, 2024. That would be the date when the DOS is authorized to make wake zone maps. Can't do that simultaneously. I'd guess the DOS needs to bid that out with required time frames for the bid process and then time to actually make the maps. There's no funding provided. If my wake boat with a surfer needs 200' to turn, shouldn't the map show1200' instead of 1000'?Bills that involve penalties for violations are usually effective January 1. This allows time for training, printing new guides, educating staff and the public, etc.

Can I surf near Middle Ground Shoals in the middle of the broads? How about the Witches? And the bay opposite Patrician Shores?

When there are multiple bills on the same subject it is not uncommon for the committee to kill all except one, and vote the last one as "Interim Study". I would support Interim Study. That means the bill will get a report to the House at the end of the session and a new bill will be filed next year. 2025 is a budget year so that will solve the issue of the cost of mapping.

tummyman 01-30-2024 02:07 PM

There probably would not be a need for any legislation if the wakeboat/surfers were more considerate of where they are operating. Operations in smaller coves and going back and forth for hours on end are causing all sort of erosion etc. to shore-lands and thus people feel the only remedy is some sort of legislative fix. In the cove where my property is located, we have these boats going back and forth for hours on end without interruption. I have had broken boat lines, broken mooring whips, etc. and we cannot even sit on the end of the dock near the shore because of waves that break over the rocks and splash on the dock from enormous waves. With such a large lake with long straight runs, I do not understand why the small coves need to see this activity.

John Mercier 01-30-2024 06:51 PM

So maybe amend the bill for all vessels within 500 feet of shore are subject to the speed restrictions of a ''No Wake'' zone...

New maps would be an addition, but the MP could ticket for any violation of the 500 foot rule without the maps.

I believe that two-seater and stand-ups have a 300 foot shoreline rule, and they can't displace more water than a large boat operating in the same manner.

Lakegeezer 01-31-2024 07:43 AM

500' is a good compromise
1 Attachment(s)
Looking at LWA's map referenced in their earlier post (or image below), 500' makes a lot of sense (inside blue lines). It pinches off the narrow areas that are most effected by wake boat tsunamis. 200' has little impact. 1000' would be better! As LWA points out, there is still plenty of space in the lake to wakeboard, but keeping the sport out of the narrow areas is a good compromise. With increased frequency and duration of cyanobacteria blooms, it is time to address the low hanging fruit of root causes.

longislander 02-05-2024 07:52 AM

2024-01-30 House Committee Report: Inexpedient to Legislate 01/24/2024 (Vote 18-2; Regular Calendar)

John Mercier 02-05-2024 12:20 PM

Regular calendar means we should know the outcome of the House vote soon enough.

longislander 02-05-2024 12:46 PM

Inexpedient to Legislate 01/24/2024 (Vote 18-2; Regular Calendar)

Means it's dead!

Descant 02-05-2024 02:04 PM

Gasping for breath but not dead

Originally Posted by longislander (Post 390988)
Inexpedient to Legislate 01/24/2024 (Vote 18-2; Regular Calendar)

Means it's dead!

Gasping for breath but not dead yet. So far, ITL is just the recommendation of the RR&D Committee. Their report is printed in the House calendar published Feb 2 for full house consideration on Thursday Feb 8. The full house can accept the report, amend the bill and pass it with amendment or return it to committee. There is no minority report in the calendar, so it is unlikely that there will be floor debate or any action other than ITL, but you won't know for sure until after the House takes action on Thursday.
Here are the calendars. #5; Scroll down to page 15 for RR&D reports

John Mercier 02-05-2024 03:53 PM

I knew paying attention in elementary school would come in handy.

longislander 02-05-2024 04:23 PM

... and those that get to go high school really excel!:)


Their report is printed in the House calendar published Feb 2 for full house consideration on Thursday Feb 8. T

Where is it?

The Bill on the Floor of the House or Senate
All bills may be acted upon the day after the committee report appears in the House Calendar. Any amendments proposed by the committee which make material changes in the original bill must be printed in the calendar.

Action on bills is taken on the second reading on the floor of the House or Senate. Debate, if any, is held and amendments are made at this time.

A bill is considered killed when the House or Senate votes to adopt the committee report of "Inexpedient to legislate," or when a motion from the floor to "Indefinitely postpone" is adopted.

A bill is considered killed when the
House or Senate votes to adopt the committee report of "Inexpedient to legislate,"

So why have a committee if not to follow the recommendation? Really important stuff, huh!:D

Descant 02-05-2024 05:55 PM

your two questions

Originally Posted by longislander (Post 390999)
... and those that get to go high school really excel!:)


Where is it?

The Bill on the Floor of the House or Senate
All bills may be acted upon the day after the committee report appears in the House Calendar. Any amendments proposed by the committee which make material changes in the original bill must be printed in the calendar.

Action on bills is taken on the second reading on the floor of the House or Senate. Debate, if any, is held and amendments are made at this time.

A bill is considered killed when the House or Senate votes to adopt the committee report of "Inexpedient to legislate," or when a motion from the floor to "Indefinitely postpone" is adopted.

A bill is considered killed when the
House or Senate votes to adopt the committee report of "Inexpedient to legislate,"

So why have a committee if not to follow the recommendation? Really important stuff, huh!:D

First Where is it?
You asked "Where is it" then posted the link to the House page. So far, so good. From there, click on Calendars. On the pull down, click on Calendars and Journals. Then select Calendars, 2024 and #5 from the menu blocks. The "View PDF". And go to page 15.

Second, Why have committees?
Each session (January to June 30, there are over 1000 bills filed in the House. hundreds more in the Senate. Each is entitled to a public hearing and a vote on the floor. Committees in NH cannot kill a bill with a pocket veto as they do in other jurisdictions. The committees do the screening, amending, combining, etc. to take the bills to the floor. Some bills go onto the consent calendar where 50-60 bills may be acted on with one single voice vote. Then the remaining bills on the calendar are acted on individually. While each bill on the regular calendar has an individual vote, not all bills are debated. That's up to members who wish to, or decline, to speak.

John Mercier 02-05-2024 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by longislander (Post 390999)
... and those that get to go high school really excel!:)


Where is it?

The Bill on the Floor of the House or Senate
All bills may be acted upon the day after the committee report appears in the House Calendar. Any amendments proposed by the committee which make material changes in the original bill must be printed in the calendar.

Action on bills is taken on the second reading on the floor of the House or Senate. Debate, if any, is held and amendments are made at this time.

A bill is considered killed when the House or Senate votes to adopt the committee report of "Inexpedient to legislate," or when a motion from the floor to "Indefinitely postpone" is adopted.

A bill is considered killed when the
House or Senate votes to adopt the committee report of "Inexpedient to legislate,"

So why have a committee if not to follow the recommendation? Really important stuff, huh!:D

High school didn't teach you why we have committees?

longislander 02-05-2024 06:59 PM

This is what it says:


HB1049, relative to the prohibition on overnight mooring of houseboats. INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE.
Rep. Suzanne Vail for Resources, Recreation and Development. This bill repeals RSA 270-A:3 to allow owners and operators of houseboats to drop anchor and/or beach a houseboat overnight on water body that is held in public trust (inland waters over 10 acres in size), as long as the boat has both temporary or permanent sleeping facilities and a temporary or permanent sanitation facility that would have to be pumped out or dumped once back on land, thus not in the lake. The committee learned that this repeal lifts restrictions on houseboats in a broad manner. It applies to any boat, from any place, mooring anywhere on any inland waterway greater than 10 acres in size, for any reason and any length of time. This might open up inland waterways to houseboats parked indefinitely as housing, commercial enterprises such as restaurants, short term rentals, and other difficulties, as there is no restricted usage or provision for mooring and beaching of houseboats. Vote 18-2.
It says :


The House will meet on Thursday, February 8th at 10:00 a.m
Does it mean they met regarding HB1049?


Where is it on Feb.8


There will be a Republican Caucus on Thursday, February 8th at 9:00 a.m. in Representatives Hall

There will be a Democratic Caucus on Thursday, February 8th at 9:00 a.m. in the State House Cafeteria.
Again, where is it scheduled for reconsideration?

It lookslike an amendment was made on Feb. 2

Floor Amendment to HB 1049
Amend the bill by replacing section 1 with the following:
1 House Boats; Overnight Mooring Prohibited. RSA 270-A:3 is repealed and reenacted to read as follows:
270-A:3 Where Overnight Mooring Prohibited. Unless it is allowed pursuant to RSA 270-A:2, no houseboat, as defined in RSA 270-A:1, II, shall be anchored
overnight for more than 3 consecutive nights in any one-week period.
This will overturn the ITL? Sure!

Not why we have committees ... why not follow committee recommendations.

How many "inexpedient to legislative" bills have become law! Number or a percentage will do.

longislander 02-05-2024 07:21 PM


High school didn't teach you why we have committees?
Didn't have to to ... already knew ... even in grade school.
Didn't learn any more about why we have committees or better yet ... what do committees do, especially when appointed or elected officials.

Can't believe, no help in comprehension from my three degrees in Business including an MBA and thirty years in industry, (yes college degrees .. thanks to Veteran benefits). My paralegal certification hasn't help either. Well maybe, a few times I've been in court pro se and prevailed .

I remember now why I shouldn't comment on this forum. Keep up the info on the new retaurants and businesses, at least that's useful.

John Mercier 02-05-2024 10:09 PM

By breaking it down into committees, the more bills can be reviewed in depth in each session. Especially important when similar or opposing bills are entering.

They can get roughly 14 times the work done, than if the public spoke on the floor for each bill.

The committee does most of the work roughing out the bill; but it is not the final word. If it was... a large part of the State residents would have no representation on the final bill.

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