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Snow and Wind
Yesterday 10:30 AM
Today 01:15 PM
14 Replies, 2,199 Views
01-31-2025 09:54 AM
02-17-2025 10:14 PM
11 Replies, 8,112 Views
» Made in USA |
Overview |
The Winnipesaukee Classifieds is a free service for members and visitors to this site. Registered members may place ads for Lakes Region goods, properties and services for up to a year and edit or delete them at any time. Some "Outside the Lakes Region" categories have been provided for other ads.
This site does not verify or endorse any classified ads posted by members. Use at your own risk. |
Ad Posting Rules & Guidelines |
A few basic rules & quidelines to follow when posting an AD on our system...
- Only post ADs for Lakes Region properties, goods or services except in an "Outside the Lakes Region" category.
- Your membership must have a VALID email address. It is required so the AD system can send you replies to your ad and other notifications. Please verify that your registered email address is accurate.
- Post your AD in the most relevant category.
- Do not type your AD or title in ALL CAPS. Use upper and lower case when filling in your information. ADs in ALL CAPS will either be deleted or converted to lower case.
- Do not place multiple ADs for the same item or property. Duplicate ADs will be deleted.
- Do not delete and resubmit an AD. You may edit an AD until it expires or relist it..
- Check your spelling!
Please observe these rules or your ad may be edited or deleted. |
Notifications |
The Classifieds will send notifications and ad replies to advertisers by Private Message. To receive those messages "Enable Private Messaging" must be checked in User CP|Edit Options.
To receive email notifications "Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages" must also be checked in that section. |
Disclaimer |
- The winnipesaukee.com Web site (This site) is not responsible for any ads placed here or any transaction that may take place as the result of any ads placed on this site.
- This site is provided to allow visitors to offer, sell, and rent goods and services but is not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers.
- This site does not transfer legal ownership of items from the seller to the buyer.
- This site is not liable for any loss of money, goodwill, or reputation, or any special, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of your use of this site.
- Your ad must not contain any inappropriate or otherwise harmful content, including but not limited to adult or indecent materials.
Enforcement of the Rules |
The webmaster of this site will review all ads posted and apply the above rules and guidelines when necessary. All moderation decisions are final and we reserve the right to edit or delete any ad at any time for any reason. |
Privacy |
You can maintain complete privacy and anonymity while using this Classified system. If you are concerned about your privacy simply do not include any information in your ad like a name, address, email address or phone number. Members interested in your ad can easily contact you through one of the blind links on your ad display. Then you can choose when and how to make contact with them. |
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