A Different Way to Travel
We took the train twice only to Lorton virginia because we took the auto train. two round trips was more than enough for the rest of our lives.
I couldn't get up on the top bunk so I slept on the floor. plain to Florida was much cheaper more relaxing. The trip to Massachusetts stopped in the middle of the night because a car got stuck on the track. On the way back to Florida, the train was four hours late; so by the time we boarded it was 7:30. Luckily we had first seating to eat{9pm}. Others had to wait until midnight.
PS: we had to eat in our room on the way up.
NEVER EVER AGAINPosted 08-17-2022 at 07:37 PM by Soaringeagle -
A Different Way to Travel
Very Interesting - Thanks For Sharing Your Story!
Thanks for the great story Dave. Felt like I was along for the ride with you.
Please say hello to Jane for me.
CeliaPosted 09-14-2009 at 01:24 PM by Rattlesnake Gal -
Posted 06-29-2009 at 12:23 PM by mcdude -
A Different Way to Travel
Amtrak is the best
After reading your story, I had to add my own experience with Amtrak. My mother-in-law and I took Amtrak from Worcester MA thru Chicago to Fort Worth TX to visit my brother.
We got a sleeper coach which is larger than the roomette and includes a full bathroom with door, well I say rull bathroom, there is a tiny room with a toilet and a hand shower. If you are a larger person like myself, it is a one way in and one way out area. But at least there is a door and it is private.
The food we had was delicious. My mother-in-law even had rack of lamb. The price for the two of us included all the meals and we were on trains for two days, with a few hour stop over in Chicago.
I recommend Amtrak travel to anyone who has the time and the money, as it is somewhat pricy. It was so relaxing to be able to just relax and enjoy the view. I am hoping to take Amtrak across country all the way to the west coast.Posted 06-21-2009 at 02:21 PM by ILoveWinnipesaukee -
A Different Way to Travel
Sounds like a wonderful trip !
Thanks for sharing your story Dave, it sounds like you and the Mrs. had a wonderful trip. I will have to talk "Mac" into a train vacation some time. I loved reading your story. You are a great story teller....keep them coming. Hope we get to see you some time this summer.
- "Mee"Posted 06-19-2009 at 06:32 PM by Winnipesaukee_Girl -
A Different Way to Travel
Thanks for the comment. We really did have a lot of fun on the trip, but those #$#%^&% golf clubs...
The cost of the trip was just a little under $1100. That was reserved seating coach to and from Penn Station and Boston; to and from Penn Station and Gainesville we had a roomette. It was a leisurely way to travel, and very relaxing. Other costs: Alcohol, some appetizers, tipping cabin attendants (sleeper car), tipping waitstaff in dining car, tipping Red Caps (when you could find one, or did he find me), snacks sandwiches etc on the Boston NY segment, and I guess the cost to get to and from Boston to the house, but you would have that cost flying.
Time from get on the departure train to arrive at destination station was about 23 hours...plane trip from airport arrival (1.5 hours ahead) to baggage in hand at destination (Atlanta) total probably just under 5 hours. So, the train took 4-5 times as long, but we travelled in a very relaxed environment, a lot of "us" time for my wife and I, and again, we would do it again in a hearbeat.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for your comments. amtrak.com is a wealth of info, too.
Regards, DavePosted 06-17-2009 at 10:04 PM by upthesaukee -
A Different Way to Travel
Thanks for writing that. A great read. I've always been very curious about train travel. And, thought it would be a nice way to see the country side go by. Maybe one day...
It's funny. As I was reading about your trip, I kept thinking, "wow, if you had just thought to Fed Ex your clubs, and not have to deal with them, things would have been soooooo much easier". So, at the end, I laughed upon reading the UPS part.
Thanks again....
Curious if you might share some $$$$ aspects of train travel?Posted 06-17-2009 at 05:55 PM by sa meredith -
Semi-Retirement and other of Life's Jewels
Hi Dave.
Just to let you know how much that I've enjoyed your many postings out here over the years, and that I think that you could very easily write at least one best selling book!
I am now retired myself and enjoying every minute of it and looking foward to get together for a round of golf, maybe next summer.
Take care and best wishes,
TerryPosted 12-15-2008 at 12:48 PM by trfour