April was another good month for sales on Winnipesaukee when compared to last year. There were ten sales on the big lake at an average sales price of $1,057,900 compared to only five in April 2009 at an average of $946,000. Sales ranged from a low of $340,000 to $3.8 million with a median sales price of $618,000. For those homeowners that think they have to wait until summer to sell their waterfront because...
The housing market continues to show some improvement in the Lakes Regionwith 71 residential home sales in the month of April, 2010 compared to just 50 in April 2009. That’s a strong 43% increase! The average price was also up from $266,598 in April 2009 to $274,203 last month. Once again, over half the homes that sold were under the $200,000 mark. On a rolling 12 month basis ending on April 31, 2010 there were...
There were 1169 residential homes available as of May 1 in the communities in this Lakes Region of NHreal estate report. That is up from the 1083 homes that were on the market in May 2009. The current inventory level represents an 18.4 months supply of homes on the market.
Home sales will have to increase significantly in order to bring this high inventory level down to a more reasonable level. Unfortunately...
All right, I admit it, I am a little obsessed with real estate. Like the other full time agents that are making a go of it in this difficult market you almost have to be. You have to take this job very seriously or you won’t survive. It also helps to be a little crazy. You have to work long days, be available whenever and wherever at the drop of a hat for your clients or customers, and deal with new...
"Ice-Out" on Lake Winnipesaukeewas officially declared on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 2:00 pm and was the earliest ice out ever recorded. While the global warming advocates will undoubtedly point to rising temperatures caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases, I know better. The following statistics will prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the early ice out was caused...
It is great to finally start reporting increases in the number of residential homes sold in the Lakes Region. Scary, isn’t it? It is hard to get used to and I hope I am not jinxing anything by speaking positively, but things do seem to be improving a little as we head into spring and summer selling seasons. In March 2010 there were 59 homes that changed hands. That is a 31% increase over the 44 posted...
Posted 04-08-2010 at 04:21 PM byRoy Sanborn Updated 04-08-2010 at 04:20 PM byRoy Sanborn
April showers bring May flowers and more real estate listings, but the unseasonably warm and sunny days have also brought out the buyers. Let’s hope they actually buy something! The number of single family homes in the towns in this Lakes Region report jumped from 993 last month to 1070 as of April 1. That number is also up compared to the 1000 homes listed as of April 1, 2009. Based on the number of homes sold...
“Fer Sale. Two room log kabin with stone fireplace, specil wood floor, gun ports front and back, and privy out bac on over 50 acres of prime land on the Kanta-ke River in Boonesborough. Lokated at first bend below fort, along stream to large boulder, straight back to top of third ridge. Grate privacee. Owner needs more elbow room.”
I just finished reading a book about Daniel Boone while on vacation. Yup, the same guy Fess Parker played on TV who could, among other things, wrestle...
There are many Forum members with loved ones in the military. Since this topic is non lake related, I am starting this blog dedicated to our nation's heroes.
It would be great if you could post here and share your stories and experiences with your Forum family.
Since becoming friends with WinnDixie and learning about her grandson, it has really personalized our troops for me.
I have a renewed mission to do a little something to support our troops. Thanks...
We are through an almost snowless January and half of February with but 4-6” or so and I’m thinking this is pretty great as I haven’t had to plow my driveway much and I haven’t sanded it once! However, the lack of snow in the Lakes Region of NH definitely has a negative impact on the local businesses and is certainly not good for the local economy. Although January residential home sales weren’t really stellar we had an avalanche of activity compared to last year. You may recall, last February I reported that January of ’09 had to be just about the bottom of the market with...
Posted 07-06-2009 at 04:01 PM bytrfour Updated 08-07-2010 at 03:25 AM bytrfour(Add Link)
Family album from Life, 1953
My Sister and I are in the process of taking the album apart to scan all of the photos so as to give copies to all of our family members.
Loading the luggage trailer, and heading west, only to return to Lake Winnipesaukee, several years later.
Posted 07-05-2009 at 11:54 PM bytrfour Updated 02-14-2010 at 03:00 AM bytrfour(Additions to text)
My Mom and Dad were thinking about moving to California from the east coast back in 19and 51. This adventure would have to be thought out well in advance because at the time we were a family of 9 children. First of all, as we all know today, how can we make this gigantic move, and secondly, do we have anymore families of this size today?.... Food for thought. If you are thinking that maybe times were better back in the day, try it!!
Second of all, logistics, feeding the family while...
Posted 06-09-2009 at 11:40 AM byupthesaukee Updated 06-09-2009 at 03:44 PM byupthesaukee
Back in the early years of travel to the lake, as has been well documented by McDude in his historical postings, rail travel was a prominent mode of transportation. Here is a perspective on that mode of travel.
During the winter, we were talking with our friends, who moved from Laconia to Georgia, about going down to visit them. We talked about driving down vs. flying down and then my wife got the idea that perhaps we should look into taking a train down. She had never been on a train,...