Introduction-Hello from Nicole
Posted 05-19-2008 at 02:47 PM by nicole
Hello everyone. I think it is so wonderful that a blog feature was added to this site! I am a newbie to this site but have learned so much about the Lakes region from all of you veterans. I have always wanted to start my own blog as I have a lot that I like to talk about. Whether or not anyone wants to listen is a different story
My name is Nicole and I live in Laconia-Weir's Beach- with my husband and my cat- I have lived here since November. I have lived in New Hampshire since 1999. Prior to that I was born and raised in New Jersey. I was run out of NJ by overpopulation, Liberal tax and spenders and other things. Believe it or not-New Hampshire reminds me of the NJ of my youth. I grew up in an area with farms, open space, etc. Anyway-we moved here because we like NH as is-we did not move here to change it. I fear that NH will have massive changes like my native state did- I hope not. We were actually married at the Cathedral of the Pines in Rindge, NH, 5 years before we even moved to NH. My husband went to Franklin Pierce college in Rindge-before I met him.
I am going to try and write everyday about my interests which include-politics, sports, animals, genealogy, running and weightlifting, exploring the lakes region. I have other interests that I am sure will pop up too.
I hope that people will read my ramblings
-if not that is ok. I have had a stressful few years and I think that putting thoughts-any thoughts down in writing will help relieve the stress.
Have a good a day everyone! I look forward to checking out everyone's blogs and "chatting" with everyone.

My name is Nicole and I live in Laconia-Weir's Beach- with my husband and my cat- I have lived here since November. I have lived in New Hampshire since 1999. Prior to that I was born and raised in New Jersey. I was run out of NJ by overpopulation, Liberal tax and spenders and other things. Believe it or not-New Hampshire reminds me of the NJ of my youth. I grew up in an area with farms, open space, etc. Anyway-we moved here because we like NH as is-we did not move here to change it. I fear that NH will have massive changes like my native state did- I hope not. We were actually married at the Cathedral of the Pines in Rindge, NH, 5 years before we even moved to NH. My husband went to Franklin Pierce college in Rindge-before I met him.
I am going to try and write everyday about my interests which include-politics, sports, animals, genealogy, running and weightlifting, exploring the lakes region. I have other interests that I am sure will pop up too.
I hope that people will read my ramblings

Have a good a day everyone! I look forward to checking out everyone's blogs and "chatting" with everyone.
Total Comments 3
Posted 05-20-2008 at 07:31 AM by Gilligan -
Thanks Gilligan! I am looking forward to a great summer-hope you have one too!
NicolePosted 05-21-2008 at 06:07 AM by nicole -
Posted 03-26-2009 at 06:39 PM by Pineedles