Early Morning
Posted 05-27-2008 at 06:32 AM by WeirsBeachBoater
Well my allergies woke me up with that great sinus pressure this morning at 5am!!!! For those who know me, that is way too early!
Well I decided since I couldn't stand the discomfort, so I got up and moving. I can't tell you how much I have done already this morning! No distractions, no phone ringing, this might be habit forming. Maybe if I got up earlier than usual, I could actually fit in some things I have been meaning to, like a little more exercise! Well I just thought I would take a couple minutes and add to the blog. This is still a new thing for me, but it is interesting to read all the different posts. I refreshing escape from the never ending bickering in the boating forum! Well I better get back to work, or the Boss will fire me. Lots to do this week, Having the Grand Opening Open house this coming Sunday June 1st. Winnipesaukee Motorsports and NHTOYSTORE.COM If you are in the neighborhood stop by 12-3pm. Ride your motorcycle in and enter to win a door prize. For those interested we are at 185 Waukewan St Meredith NH Easy to find just off rte 104! Back to work now

Total Comments 1
Posted 05-30-2008 at 12:40 PM by Rattlesnake Gal
Updated 06-05-2008 at 09:22 PM by Rattlesnake Gal