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My Cat-Beavis

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Posted 05-21-2008 at 06:04 AM by nicole

Today I feel like writing about animals. I love animals. My whole life I have had animals-cats and dogs from the shelter and strays. They are like family to me. I know some people think that is crazy but the love one can get from an amimal is amazing. Times when I have been very sick or extremely upset/stressed-my animals sense this and do not leave my side.

In 2006, I was very sick. I had to undergo 3 separate ERCP's to remove a huge stone from my bile duct. I also had a gallbladder infection and finally my gallbladder removed. This whole thing lasted from July to November. My cat was with me the whole time-the minute I got home from the hospital he would not leave my side. When I was in the hospital and my husband went home to get things/check things out-my cat would stare at the front door the whole time and basically did not leave that spot until I came home.

Well this past week- the tables were turned. My cat had been more or less "living" in his litter box. He refused to get out. Then I noticed redness and bruising on his belly. We took hm to the vet-all blood work was normal. It was determined that he had bruised himself by his missing his jumps on the bed. As he is 13 and overweight, he misses his mark more often these days.

Fast forward a few days to yesterday-Tuesday. He is still in the box but now eating and licking his cat litter! I took him right to our vet and had to leave him there all day as they did more blood work and xrays! He was not himself at all. I was a total wreck all day-did not get a thing done and just worried about what was wrong. Luckily the x-rays came back negative. The redrawn blood showed a huge spike in white blood count-which my vet says could be due to infection or inflamation-maybe from the bruising. He was given a shot for his pain and antibiotic for the next week. We got him home and he was not happy with me! However, for the first time in a week-he is not sleeping in the litter box!

Have a good day everyone!

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  1. Old Comment
    Wolfeboro Matt's Avatar
    Good luck with your cat. We also had a cat named Beavis - he was a Maine coon cat that weighed 20 lbs and the best cat in the world. Unfortunately he got really sick and wasted away till he was all skin and bones and could hardly move. We had to put him down and although I didn't think it would bother me as much as my wife, it was horrible. I hope yours gets better!
    Posted 05-21-2008 at 10:49 AM by Wolfeboro Matt Wolfeboro Matt is offline

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