View Full Version : ForumFest VI Potential Location

Rattlesnake Gal
04-27-2009, 07:25 AM
In the 2009 M/S Mount Washington Cruises thread (http://www.winnipesaukee.com/forums/showthread.php?p=93490&highlight=Mount+Washington#post93490) it has been suggested that we hold our ForumFest VI on the Mount Washington. What do you think? Would you please give us some feedback on this location, along with the timing? Perhaps we should hold a July or August ForumFest this year? Thanks!

Personally love this idea! Lake Winnipesaukee and the iconic Mount Washington just seem to go together perfectly.

04-27-2009, 08:28 AM
It's got my vote! :D

04-27-2009, 08:38 AM
Wonder if this thread can be turned into a survey ?!?

Rattlesnake Gal
04-27-2009, 09:05 AM
Wonder if this thread can be turned into a survey ?!?

I did think of that, but I thought that it would be good idea to see how people felt about having The Mount Washington as a location before adding it to an upcoming poll. Cost and inability to bring our own food is potentially a big issue. Just how big is what we need to discuss. Also having an absolute time that you had to be there by along with the duration of the ForumFest could be big factors on whether this idea will work or not.

Once we have a feel for whether The Mount should be added as a possibility we can work out a poll. Here is an example of what I did back in 2005 for the ForumFest II Poll (http://www.winnipesaukee.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1741&highlight=ForumFest+Poll). Any poll possibilities are much welcome too.

So far our Fest locations have been Cate Park, Lake Shore Park and The Loon Preservation Center. Do you think those options are better than The Mount or do you have any other places to recommend?

Island Girl
04-27-2009, 02:20 PM
Forum Fest has also been a lot of work for a few ... on the Mount most of that work would be eliminated. The food has always been good.. but do we really need it?

Meeting all my forum friends and taking pictures of the event is what I love. Being on the water... a hugh plus.


04-27-2009, 02:47 PM
I'd be OK with the 'Mount....been too long for me since I've been for a cruise!

Jonas Pilot
04-27-2009, 02:55 PM
What better place to have a celebration of the "Lake" then on the lake. I think it is a great idea and would definitely go if it were to be held on the "Mount".

Resident 2B
04-27-2009, 05:53 PM
I'm for it!

I also like the July or August timing.


Mr. V
04-27-2009, 06:17 PM
How about having it at Ames Farm?

I know they rent covered space to groups, at least they did a few years ago.

Or, how about Ellacoya?

04-27-2009, 06:18 PM
How does time work out? Meaning how long is a cruise vs. how long you all met at the other locations????:)

Rattlesnake Gal
04-27-2009, 06:43 PM
I believe the cruises are 2 1/2 hours long. Our past ForumFests have been about two or so hours long.

04-27-2009, 06:48 PM
I was just thinking. The Forum Fest has a great track record of picking a "cause" or "charity" for the event. And, the way things are today, anything we can do to support a worthy cause seems like a good idea to me.

Mrs. SteveA is very involved in a charity event for the "Boys and Girls Club" of Laconia. They are sponsoring a "Show House" event that begins on 9/17.

They will be open to the public for a $15 dollar donation. I'm thinking this would be a great way to support the Lakes Region. $15 dollars admission would equal $15 dollars of raffle tickets. All proceeds to the "Boys and Girls Club"

Here is the website:

Be sure to check out the entire site. They would be happy to set us up in a seperate area on the property for our Forum Fest with tables for the raffle and food.


Argie's Wife
04-27-2009, 09:19 PM
I think we need to have a meeting to really discuss this.... How can we possible make such an important decision without meeting face-to-face to discuss it? This requires our undivided attention, serious thought, and frank discussions.


China Bistro... Gilford... over Scorpion bowls...

Anyone game? :D

Hermit Cover
04-27-2009, 11:11 PM
:)Any where....any time....2 1/2 hours....2 1/2 days....The Mount and a Showhouse....I love it when a plan starts to come together....can you tell this Cover is excited?? :)

04-28-2009, 08:00 AM
Per my earlier post in the other thread I would definitely like to see this year's forum on the Mount. August would be a great time.

Meredith lady
04-28-2009, 08:12 AM
Fest on the Mount sounds great, and meeting to discuss it sounds great too...Count me in!

Island Girl
04-28-2009, 10:06 AM
As they say, keep it simple.... If we have it on the Mount, the mount is the recipient of our good will with our purchase of tickets.. 50-100 people, and any food that we buy. We can suspend the raffle in lieu of spending money on tickets. If quilt lady has a quilt this year we can raffle that off to all the people that are on the boat that day and make money for either another cause or for a cause that Quilt Lady wants, or to the Mount. We can buy them another webcam and router for the back of the boat! That would benefit us all.


04-28-2009, 12:12 PM
When some of us live 300+ miles away, it's a little difficult to plan a get-together for a planning meeting. I'd love to help out, but meetings force those of us from away to have to decline.

In the past, a few people mentioned that they couldn't stay 2-3 hours, but dropped by for a short stay at Forum Fest. Having the Fest on the Mount would leave them out.

Rattlesnake Gal
04-28-2009, 12:14 PM
I think we need to have a meeting to really discuss this.... How can we possible make such an important decision without meeting face-to-face to discuss it? This requires our undivided attention, serious thought, and frank discussions.


China Bistro... Gilford... over Scorpion bowls...

Anyone game? :D

Sure! How does this Saturday work for you? Can anyone else attend?

As much as I like having the ForumFest on the Mount, it will really inhibit many of the drop by members of the past.
Not that this is a drawback, but there is no smoking on the ship. Two and a half hours without a fix may keep people from attending. Feedback please!

So far I think we should consider a July or August date. Many have asked for it in the past, but we've always landed back in September. Anyone disagree?

So far here are the suggested potential ForumFest locations:

A local park

Lake Shore Park - Is this even an option anymore? As I recall is this was limited to Sundays after Labor Day, which was difficult for goers.

The Loon Center

M/S Mount Washington

The Lobster Pound – they have a marquis and maybe they would advertise
Any other restaurants come to mind that could handle a large crowd and could help spread the word with a marquis?

The Belknap Mill

The Boys and Girls Club of Laconia "Show House"

Ames Farm - is this place viable given their troubles?

Ellacoya State Park

Lake Winnipesaukee Historical Society

Please give us your feedback of the pros and cons of each location. Do you have any other locations in mind? We can have 10 choices in a poll.

Lets make this the biggest ForumFest yet!

Meredith lady
04-28-2009, 02:49 PM
I am available on Saturday...

Island Girl
04-28-2009, 09:34 PM
Personally I like locations accessbile by boat, near or on the lake.


05-03-2009, 07:06 PM
Sure! How does this Saturday work for you? Can anyone else attend?

As much as I like having the ForumFest on the Mount, it will really inhibit many of the drop by members of the past.
Not that this is a drawback, but there is no smoking on the ship. Two and a half hours without a fix may keep people from attending. Feedback please!

So far I think we should consider a July or August date. Many have asked for it in the past, but we've always landed back in September. Anyone disagree?

So far here are the suggested potential ForumFest locations:

A local park

Lake Shore Park - Is this even an option anymore? As I recall is this was limited to Sundays after Labor Day, which was difficult for goers.

The Loon Center

M/S Mount Washington

The Lobster Pound – they have a marquis and maybe they would advertise
Any other restaurants come to mind that could handle a large crowd and could help spread the word with a marquis?

The Belknap Mill

The Boys and Girls Club of Laconia "Show House"

Ames Farm - is this place viable given their troubles?

Ellacoya State Park

Lake Winnipesaukee Historical Society

Please give us your feedback of the pros and cons of each location. Do you have any other locations in mind? We can have 10 choices in a poll.

Lets make this the biggest ForumFest yet!

Any of those locations would be great! LSP would have to be after Labor Day. I'm in no matter where it is held. :)

We went to a Rotary Club event recently at the Laconia Mill. They have a very nice hall and the museum is very interesting.