View Full Version : I've tried to upload

04-05-2006, 11:54 AM
a few pictures and I aways get this message:

Error creating thumbnail! Error code: 11


"/usr/bin/mogrify" +profile "*" -size 100x64 -quality 70 -geometry 100x64 -unsharp 10 '/home/.sites/70/site4/web/photopost/data/502/thumbs/windysail.jpg'

All the pictures I've tried have been about 250K, I don't have any pictures yet so I'm not over the limit, I took them with my Canon S400 and reduced them with their Photostudio software. Anyone have any clues?

04-07-2006, 10:33 AM
I'm not sure why that happened. Since other pictures are being successfully uploaded every day it could have been a temporary glitch or possibly something about your picture could be preventing the program from generating the thumbnail.

All I can suggest at this point is to try again or try uploading a different picture and see what happens.