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Old 07-13-2023, 09:53 PM   #3
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Default Swim and Tube....

Hey CatchNRelease..

A couple questions.....

What kind of boat are you renting? Wolfboro is great, but getting to the rest of the lake includes crossing the Broads... which, depending on the weather can be daunting.

I am way more familiar with the central/northern sections but know a bit about the Wolfboro/Alton areas.

For tubing... you want a relatively unbusy area with fewer obstructions and fairly light boat traffic. Wolfboro Bay (early) and Winter Harbor come to mind (sorry WH residents). For lunch... maybe the Varney or Kensington Island areas... be careful... rocky shallows but places to anchor. A bit further is the beach at Ragged Island... never been there but I've heard it's great. There is also a sandbar in West Alton, probably not quiet, but I've heard it's nice.

Enjoy the weekend!


PS Keep your eye on the weather! Things can get sideways in a hurry on the big lake!
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