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Old 12-11-2004, 11:40 AM   #7
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Exclamation Winnipesaukee needs a "Sonic-Cleaner"

Originally Posted by HUH
You do realize that restrictions on emissions and the cost of achieving these set goals is severely hurting the national economy .. Manufacturing is being outsourced abroad due to the high cost of doing business in the US ..
Two stroke engines are such a minute part of the equation its laughable...You mean to tell me that an outboard engine that operates maybe 3-4 months for a total of about 20 hours has a detrimental effect on the environment..
Folks can ignore most "bad air" and noise issues if they stay indoors. My preference is to enjoy all of Winnipesaukee's wonders outdoors (except when it's rainy or dark). Stink up the highways all you want -- save jobs.

Originally Posted by HUH
If you really care about the environment then do your homework and stand up to the real culprits.. The clinton administration and al gore claim to be such advocates of cleaner air etc .. Yet while they were in office More full sized V8 powered SUV's were sold than any other type of vehicle ..
Say, what happened to your 2-stroke polluter photo that followed Tyler's response?...My neighbors (who read this Forum) wanted to know how you planned to "aim" its pollution.

(And how HUH can be a responsible representative for snowmobiler issues).

Anyway, the real culprits are 2-strokes and carbureted 4-strokes. This year, Winnipesaukee air wasn't too bad, as the weather didn't cooperate most weekends.

We still had a 2-stroke, dual-Mercury-powered, Sonic troll by almost daily for two weeks in late August. While birds didn't fall from the trees, the exhaust plume -- at every pass -- gagged everyone nearby.

It was suggested previously (by Tyler) that injection was the solution for bad air. Now it appears that bad air can be expected due to some cheapening/lessening of gasoline detergents from America's gasolines (excepting Shell/Mobil).

Here's an excerpt of what appeared in this morning's paper:

"As automakers, oil companies, mechanics and motorists continue seeking answers to what may be fouling fuel injectors, recent reports by the auto industry cite a startling nationwide decline in fuel quality.

"One study, to be published next month, shows rampant violations of the EPA's detergent requirement, said Pete Misangyi, a fuels expert with Ford Motor Co. who is familiar with the study.

"The Environmental Protection Agency began mandating in 1995 that all gasoline sold in the United States contain a minimum level of detergent to keep fuel injectors and intake valves free of deposits and to keep engines running smoothly.

"About half the gasoline sampled from pumps did not contain the minimum level of detergent, Misangyi said...

"The findings back a broad 2002 study by Ford that also showed half the gas sampled failed the detergency test, and ongoing nationwide testing by the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers that shows detergency levels dropped 50% from the late 1990s to 2002, Misangyi said.

"Misangyi would not reveal the names of the companies that did or did not pass the test, but said the industry is considering naming them if the situation doesn't improve.

"Misangyi said automakers originally supported the EPA requirement because back in the 1980s when fuel injectors became popular, many became clogged, and the problem was traced to a lack of detergent.

"We thought 'Great, the problem will go away.' But the problem is they go with the cheapest version." It turned out that those already using detergents decreased amounts to simply meet the minimum requirement, he said.

"Even some in the petroleum industry say the standard needs tightening..."
Even the most optimistic among us can see that 2-stroke and 4-stroke injector problems will stymie the best intentions for cleaner air.

(AND it looks like it's not-just-me, either).

Originally Posted by HUH
No one wants dirty water and air ..But extremist and alarmist tactics will not work .. How about these 41 homes that were burnt in MD bordering a state forest.. How much damage was done by the fires themselves, not to mention the senseless waste of timber and resources to build them ..
What's extremist and alarmist about asking for clean air among those of us in New Hampshire -- the way it used to be?...and whose lungs are at work?
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