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Old 07-14-2008, 04:59 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Evenstar View Post
It's really obvious that you are outmatched in trying to debate me, since your replies are now nothing more than personal attacks - why don't you follow your own advice and ignore me? Or, better yet, put a paddle where your mouth is and then try to keep up with me - or are you too much of a chicken?
No, you're just not that interesting of a debate partner. Your whole world centers around your fear of kayaking on Winnipesaukee and your misguided thoughts on a "fair" resolution.

I find it mildly amusing that you continue to respond over and over and over again with the same material. My recent posts have just been low-effort attempts to keep you going (thanks for playing).

My disinterest in kayaking with you has more to do with you than with a lack of desire on my part to kayak on the lake. It would serve no purpose to me, other than being a giant time-suck. I spend plenty of time on the lake in my boat, and see many kayakers enjoying the lake along powerboats. I also see boneheaded operators on both types of vessel. I do not need to spend time on the lake with you to know that you are wrong.

I do very much appreciate your invitation though. You seem like a nice girl, a tad bit tightly wound with a touch of tunnel vision, but I'm sure you're tolerable in small doses.
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