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Old 12-22-2010, 11:34 AM   #13
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Statistics are not the only thing that you should be looking at when considering a law like this. While the statistic don't lie and BI is correct this seems like this legislation is trying to fix a problem that isn't there. One must take a step back and think about things. 1st for an accident to have to be legally reported to the Marine Patrol, there needs to be X-amount of damage... (sorry I don't know what that limit currently is)... Now if the damage is under the limit, then guess what there is no record officially of it. So now we need to guestion how many kids take a rowboat with a 10 h.p. motor, and bump into things, and Dad and Mom, then pay for the repair? Now top that off on how often the Marine Patrol puts out a verbal warning to kids and parents, once again this doesn't get logged, in the statistic mentioned here....

Additionally I believe this legislation is aimed at solving problems in the insurance industry... how many people have damage to their rowboats and docks because Junior doesn't dock well, a law like this will give insurance companies a chance to fall back on something, when they are dealing with frivolous claims....

In short it takes more then statistics, to back things up, at times, and this is one of those times... now I am sure that someone is going to take issue with the fact that the speed limit opposition always trys to sit on these types of statistics, and that is true... But you know what that is an issue, that is hard to cloud over the statistic with.... Don't compare the two... the issues are different
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....
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