Thread: Major Bonehead
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Old 08-11-2008, 09:20 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by JTA View Post
Much of boat navigation is common sense IMHO. You can look ahead and adjust course to avoid many "right of way" situations. I don't over-worry about who has the right of way as I realize that fewer people have common sense these days (I don't know why). I gave up road rage and the finger a long time ago, it's better for my health. I will give way to the "bonehead" and go on with my life realizing that somewhere he'll/she'll learn a lesson.
I had an interesting "discussion" with Captain Bonehead/tuber this summer. Large beach, tons of boats at anchor. He insisted in tubing close to the anchorage, sometimes turning in and going In Between anchored boats, probably 30' or so to each vessel. I watched intently, and saw him go back to the beach, anchoring in an area not too close to other boats. Our little discussion started nicely, telling him politely that boats at anchor rock quite a bit when slapped with his waves, he was too close, people swim in beach areas, etc..

He politely told me that He had much experience, tubed this way all the time didn't see the problem. So, that was that, wished him a nice day. I motored off at headway speed for ten minutes or so. We turned around, and headed to the best angle towards my intended target I felt right around 15 mph trimmed high would be appropriate. Mr. tubing dipstick and all aboard were sitting down in their vessel. I smiled intently, even took their picture, as my biggest wave rocked them good. Yes, I did make sure that in no way would my wake disrupt anyone else, or I would have just grumbled and left. After a couple of these sophomoric displays, I idled over to Tuber idiot, who at this point was staring at me in a not so happy way.

I smiled, he yelled "What the heck are you doing?". I smiled again, and simply said "I took your advice, and decided that I had tons of experience, was not bothering anyone. I also said I didn't see what the problem was. I could see his wife smiling. I idled away at headway speed. Who knows if he got the point, but at least now he has more experience.

The next time these type of events occur, I will have it on video, and will use the VHF to hail down whomever will listen and come to see for themselves.
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