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Old 06-21-2014, 09:36 AM   #27
Seaplane Pilot
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Originally Posted by brk-lnt View Post
Expressways, like route 93, were built with federal subsidies for the specific (we could say "express") purpose of high speed vehicle traffic. They are an alternate to the many surface roads that will get you there just the same, but at a slower pace.

Winnipesaukee is a (essentially) naturally occurring body of water that the state has declared a general-use waterway. If you were arguing about restricting kayaks near locks on the ICW, I could relate to your analogy.
I used the highway comparison/analogy strictly from a common sense point of view. Obviously someone at some bureaucratic level felt it necessary to restrict bikes, horses and the like from these roadways for specific reasons, but the fundamental reason was that they felt it was dangerous. Which is exactly my point. What is so wrong with requiring a kayak to have a flag for visibility? Same reason that lights are required by any vessel (motorized or non-motorized) at night - so they can be seen by other boaters. These kayaks are difficult to see on sunny days and/or in choppy water. Therefore, they should be required to do something that improves their visibility to other boaters.
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