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Old 06-12-2008, 08:06 PM   #17
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Default Whats wrong with this picture?

Who says you have to look on the water for speed traps? There were two instances in the recent past where cars were clocked at 135 MPH,,,FROM THE AIR!! If that Cessenna can track the speed of a car at 10,000 ft up and it stands up in court, do you really think it won't work on the water? I can see it think youre soooo cool, going soooo fast, but the MP is at your destination before you are with a printout of your speed and an 8 X 10 glossy to boot! Then we will watch your dream team flush your wallet with one hand while slapping you on the back with the other telling you "We got'em right where we want them now, you'll be winning any day now, not much longer, we're wearin' 'em down, only a few hundred more dollars"
I just don't understand why some people just refuse to believe the technology is out there. Just because you don't understand it, it must not exist. Thats elementary school mentality.
Just look at some of the technology you do believe in and ask yourself if you would have believed 25 years ago that this would be possible in 25 years.
I personally am looking forward to sitting back and watching the first one that gets nailed next year.
"He who dies with the most toys wins"
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