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Old 02-18-2006, 12:55 PM   #29
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Exclamation READ, Senators, READ!

Originally Posted by codeman671
Let's see the rest of it, what you posted does not mention if this is the actual drivers or passengers posting these responses. I like to have a few while I am on the water but this by no way means that I am the driver when doing so!!!
I've made no assumptions: Had the poll been, "What GPS do you use on your boat?", I doubt that a passenger would have answered. It is what it is.

The site is neither BoatUS, which needs to keep their towing capability up-front as possible, nor BoaterEd.

BoaterEd's motto, incidentally, is "Dedicated to Boater Education and Training". BTW, it was BoaterEd who turned up the nickname "GFBL", and the Moderator who said, "The ocean's only an hour away" (about Winnipesaukee's growing speed concerns).

Mee'n'Mac found it, and OSO will likely pull it as a result—probably because "It doesn't pertain to the issue", as these pulled threads seem to always be.

I found this quote honestly refreshing, but this—and the others—remain distressing:
Capt. Absolut checkng in! I know I'll catch hell for this. But we don't boat without the bottle. Absolut and Sprite or Orange soda for the women. I know this isn't PC on this board but I think some of the people on this board don't tell the truth about this subject. Right or wrong I answered the question HONESTLY!
Vodka is also difficult for the officers to smell on your breath.
When anchored or on a sandbar during the days it's Miller GDL but at night in the marina SKKY and any juice in the cooler.
Tanqueray Tonic & Lime..................MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Crazy Tasty.
Or Captain Morgan's and Ice...I never put enough coke in to make it worth while anyway.
I usually don't drink and drive the boat but I have on a few occasions done so. Very stupid but luckily no one got hurt.
What I referred to is 1/3 of this poll is not drinking alcohol and 2/3 are.
I don't think these poll replies should be lightly dismissed.

I've already written Senators to read OSO. A whole new "take" on boating there, and not much on education. (It IS entertaining, though).

I REALLY hope the Senators are reading this one!

(Read it—quick!).
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