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Old 07-01-2008, 06:29 AM   #28
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My midnight view of landforms miles away was possible due to the fully lighted night sky silhouetting them. One solar light on unlighted islands' docks would contribute nothing to night sky pollution, but benefit the night boater. If the N***A was truly an organization for Winni boaters, it's a suggestion they never published during their entire existence.

Originally Posted by Airwaves View Post
I guess I missed the point of you latest post. I was responding to your acertion that something Les Hall of ATC wrote was fact. I pointed out that Les Hall is nothing more than a poster on a forum much like this and that unless he is directly involved in the investigation, he is just speculating without direct knowledge.

When we learn the facts of the case then we can discuss them, til then I'll wait.
Les doesn't have the advantage of having viewed the scene as I have. But he's "The Mod", as Vermont Steve would call him at, and is characteristically very much on-target with his observations.

Given that, which opinions do you disagree with?

This will fuel the speed limit fires and most likely cause speed limits to be established. The facts remain that a boat was traveling at excessive speed at 2 AM without electronics on a night with limited visibility. You can try to dance around these facts as much as you want but they remain facts. The operator, a professional, is 100% responsible for this death. There's no doubt in my mind that the courts will also find similarly, if not in criminal court, certainly in civil court.

Les Hall, ATC Forum Host
Right out of the box, Les turned out correct on the Governor's signing of HB847!

The woman hit an island, ripped off the front third of the boat and then bounced back 20 or so feet. That fact that she hit the island and did as much damage as she did is prima facie evidence of excessive speed.

Les Hall, ATC Forum Host
Indisputable evidence.

The two accidents that we have discussed here, both resulting in fatalities, were caused by people who certainly should have known better than to operate in the manner that caused the deaths. But we all get complacent. After running in the same waters year after year, it's just human nature to get a little cocky and relax our standards. However, one of the quotes from a previous thread sums it up best:

"The sea is selective, slow at recognition of effort and aptitude but fast in sinking the unfit"

Or, in this case, the irreverent.

Les Hall, ATC Forum Host
No comment needed.

headline reads Boat crash: Beer cans, a night out

THAT, of course, led to this

headlined Governor to sign boat-speed bill

Les Hall, ATC Forum Host
THAT is what I said, but it got deleted here! "Sterile objectivity" not allowed here.

The legislation had passed prior to the accident. However, he hadn't decided if he would sign it or not. However, the head of the organization, misleadingly called the NH recreational boaters association that was formed for the sole purpose of fighting the limits, decided to drink (we don't know how many yet), take her go-fast out on a dark night and run, at speed, into an island, killing one of her best friends. At the very least, it nullifies all the arguments they had been making about self regulation. After this, the public would have been all over him if he had vetoed the legislation.

Les Hall, ATC Forum Host
"The organization" was resurrected by to fight speed limits. (And stole "The Mods" logo for a long time).

As a result of the collision, the Governor had no options left to veto the bill, and used the airwaves to sign it, even before it could arrive at his desk.

A nice use of the word "airwaves" right, "Airwaves"?


Safe Speed
Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.
In determining a safe speed the following factors shall be among those taken into account:
(a) By all vessels:
(i) the state of visibility;

Les Hall, ATC Forum Host
If anyone should side with Les Hall on this, it is Airwaves, but I could be wrong.

It's one thing to be distracted by dropping your cellphone at night while driving, and another to speed merrily along in foggy conditions. Even totally wasted drunks can keep their cars between the curbstones, with the occasional big maple interrupting progress. Here, we have Diamond Island.

Airwaves wants to wait for the answer to come from the back of the courtroom, like Perry Mason.

That's not going to happen.

Bear Islander,

I threw that one in, knowing who said it, but I happen to like the lighthearted way Cal expresses himself here though we disagree. The opponents are truly two-faced, there and here.

I was looking for intellectual honesty from Vermont Steve, but didn't get it. There was no correct attribution, and no link to any of three sites the quotes were taken from. We got spoon-fed "answers" instead, and no mention of the beers they prefer while boating.

BI, since you surf the SL opponents' site, how about the origin of this quote?

id find out the trouble makers on the lake and make their lives a living hell...
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