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Old 11-12-2008, 07:27 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Comparing the Ford Focus and the Toyota Corolla, I like the two door, Ford Focus coupe w/5-speed. Better quality paint, sportier looking dashboard, good overall handling and gas mileage.

Hey, I drive a nine year old Ford Contour-5 speed-4 cyl and it drives ok.

Detroit has a big hospital named Ford Hospital. The United States has the Ford Foundation. Japan has Toyota Hospital.

So when you buy a car, where does the money go?

People used to say 'Remember Pearl Harbor,' and never consider even a Japanese toaster, much less a car.

I understand there is no market for Japanese cars in China. China will not buy Japanese, period! The Chinese like Chevrolet or a very expensive Buick.

Where does the $$ go? Both of our Toyotas were made in the USA, so they provided Americans jobs and helped add to the local economies. Our prior Corolla that we traded in recently was made in the USA as well. Just curious if you know where your Ford was made? I know a lot of American cars are now made in Mexico. I know some are still made in the USA but that number is dropping.

It is kind of disturbing-at least to me- that American car companies-who have a lot of manufacturing plants in Mexico now are asking for a bailout. So, won't that taxpayer bailout $$ be indirectly making it's way to other countries?

I guess I am different than most people, but I try to seek out American made whenever possible. I know most people don't care about that anymore-but I do. I would rather purchase an American made product-regardless if it is an "American" company than a product made in Mexico, China or elsewhere just because it happens to be by an American owned company.
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