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Old 08-29-2008, 07:26 PM   #2
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Default No Dogs Please!

I've got neighbors that have dogs that bark all the time. On one side it is a big dog that thinks he has to bark loud every time I am out in the yard or drive in or out.

On the other side are neighbors that have a yippy little dog that barks at all hours of the day or night. One night they came home in their boat at 11:00PM and the dog barked for 15 minutes straight. I finally walked out on the front deck and said "Could you do something about the dog please" They replied "Go back inside and watch TV. The dog is barking because he is happy to see us, that's what dogs do" Ignorant!

I don't know weather to start calling the police or get a loudspeaker aimed at their house and play recorded dog barking every morning at 3:00AM until they get it.

Sorry, but the fewer dogs there are at the lake (at least in my neighborhood) the happier I will be.

And before you ask the question, I have never done anything, in any way, that impacted the peace and tranquility of my neighbors. I should not have to listen to their dog bark at any time. If I honked the horn on my car the amount of times and at the odd hours their dogs barked would they find that acceptable? I think not.

A little mutual respect for your neighbors would go a long way.
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