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Old 08-14-2008, 11:03 AM   #7
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Thanks for allowing this battle to continue for as long as you did! Your efforts our sincerely appreciated by myself and many others. The Great Speed Limit Debate has run its course... HB-847 has been signed into law (for at least 2 years)... I know some who will or already have traded in thier Hi-Perf boat for a big cruiser, I know some others who will take thier chances, and unfortunately I know still others who will leave and spend thier hard earned $$$ elsewhere. Maybe some smaller family boaters will come to fill the void these big spenders left, maybe they wont. Given the current state of the economy I seriously doubt anyone will be filling that void soon. Maybe the NHMP will write lots of tickets, maybe they won't. Maybe you can beat the ticket in court, maybe you can't. The point-counterpoint battle seems to rage on ad nauseum. Only time will tell. This whole speed limit issue has poisoned not only this forum but the whole lake. Once friendly people now bicker incessantly with each other! People wonder where "the wave" went to? It went out the window when HB-162 was first introduced... a divisive bill that pitted boaters against each other. To all I say be careful what you wish for!! You might just get it... and a whole host of unintended consequences!

Its time to say good bye to the Great Speed Limit Debate!

Peace Be the Journey!

The only way to eliminate ignorant behavior is through education. You can't fix stupid.
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