Thread: MP - Seriously?
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Old 08-04-2008, 08:57 PM   #51
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I'm just back from a lovely vacation on the coast of Maine. While on the coast I was listening to the USCG.

I found it interesting that the USCG Sector Northern New England issued a severe thunderstorm warning for INTERIOR NH a week ago Sunday. The same area that was devistated by wx leaving one woman dead recently.

Funny the USCG will warn boaters and of severe weather for an area outside of their AOR but the NH Marine Patrol doesn't take a similar responsibility for their own AOR! Go ahead and justify why the Marine Patrol won't do it for the boating public while they do make the announcements to their own crews all you want.

I was also surprised by the different approach of public safety people regarding interaction with tourists. The local PD did a sweep of the beach several times while I was there and listening. How many arrests? Zero. How many warnings? 94 during the first sweep. Warnings vs tickets.

It seems that some resort areas are much better at dealing with their "Golden goose" than others.

Looking back at the post that started this thread I'd say NH needs to get its act together or folks (like me) will continue generating money in NH but spend it in Maine.

Go ahead bash away
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