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Old 07-02-2008, 11:52 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by 2Blackdogs View Post
That's not what they're saying at Lake George.

Additional Lake George crash commentary from the Web.

Here's a different link, one that has comments.

Among the comments at that site are revealing.

Our boating season has only just begun, but Winni is not alone regarding drunks and insufficient patrol.

A response time of 45 minutes in Winni's latest case, tells me that somebody rolled out of bed for that 2am call.

On the other hand, when the State Police are cancelling their only boat, somebody goes on a bender on a lake with a night speed limit of 25mph.

To Sandy Beach, this revelation.

You can only boat "prudently".

You cannot boat "safely" should you ever, even once, anchor your boat or shut off the engine while out on the lake.

I never say, "Have a safe trip".

I tell them "Take care".
2 BD, What are you talking about? Your rambling, cobbled together posts are difficult to follow and read.

A 29 Cobalt may be able to go fast, but it is certainly not a GFBL boat.

There is currently no speed limit on the lake at night and your idle speculation (which may or may not be validated) that someone was on a bender is just that - speculation.

A 45 minute response time at night and in fog (regardless of what your observations were) is not slow nor is it an indication that someone rolled out of bed.

I have both shut my boat off and anchored on Winnipesaukee and felt safe (as safe as one can be in life). Would I do so everywhere on the lake? Absolutely not. My kids play ball in the street in front of my house, not on I-93 (to use an analogy).

You have been casting aspersions towards NHMP and others. I know one thing- they will be there if you or I need them, as fast as they can "prudently" get there. If I choose to on the lake at night I do not expect a NHMP boat to be within 5 minutes of me at all times. I am prepared for emergencies.

What is your agenda? I am hesitant to call anyone that posts on forums a troll, but your posts have made me reconsider.

Have a good day.
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