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Old 05-20-2008, 09:20 AM   #287
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Originally Posted by Mashugana View Post
That is much simpler than all the above kayak math.
The "kayak math" insult was from another thread. And I was asked to show why I thought the speed study was invalid - which I thought that I did a pretty good job of proving. What many of the critical, insulting forum members didn't seem to understand was that their was nothing wrong with my math - the problem was in the data that the report produced - which I tried to explain. But some were too busy insulting me to notice.

You sound like you have too much boat for our lake. Over equipped and overqualified to be paddling around Winnie. The vacationers I see with kayaks don't have anywhere near all that equipment you take along. PFDs, paddles, sunblock, maybe a chart and a cooler but not much else.
Now you are actually trying to twist being prepared, experienced, and trained into something negative. Give me a break!!!

Originally Posted by EricP View Post
I'd bet money that if the speed limit passes you and your friend will not feel any safer next year or the year after before the law is up for expiration. I mean if after everything you've done you don't feel safe, you never will. I kayak on the lake quite a bit and I don't feel unsafe. I also don't put myself in harms way, you apparently like to and continue to do so.
So why do I feel safer on Squam, where there is a 40 mph speed limit?

I am not a person who is easily afraid - but having a high-speed powerboat bearing down on me and swerving at the last second would probably frighten any normal person. No matter how prepared I am, I cannot control the unsafe actions of others - that's where laws come in.

I do not "put myself in harms way" - I put myself on a lake that is supposed to be protected as a place for all users. Allowing powerboats to travel on the lake at unlimitted speeds is what puts me "in harms way."

Why should I be glad I don't have to deal you in real life? You're being silly there.
I was just trying to make a joke. Don't be such a grouch.

Originally Posted by Taz View Post
I assume that since Evenstar paddles a sea kayak then she has used the kayak on the ocean. If Evenstar feels unsave on Winni without a speed limit then I have to assume she would also feel unsafe on the ocean with out a speed limit.
I have stated many times on this forum that I have kayaked on the ocean. I also have sailed on the ocean a great deal, since I'm a member of my university's varsity sailing team and my school is located on the ocean. But I have never felt unsafe on the ocean due to high-speed powerboats. Perhaps that is because the ocean is so much larger then Winni.

So my question to Evenstar is: Are you advocating for a speed limit on the ocean? And if not, why not? is't that where the speed limit proponents believe ocean racers or high performance boats belong
There are bays and inland waterways that are part of the ocean when there are speed limits. But there is no speed limit on the open ocean, and I am not advocating for one.

It has been said before in many previous posts that ocean racers or high performance boats belong on the ocean. Maybe sea kayaks belong on the ocean also. Leave the lake to us mere mortals in our lake kayaks to muddle around in.
First of all, there is no such thing as a lake kayak catagory - there are recreational kayaks and there are sea/touring kayaks.

How does a sea kayak have any negative impact on others on the lake? Since you're suggesting that they be banned from the lake, you really should have a better reason than just their name. A sea kayak is designed for large bodies of water - such as large lakes - and is much safer in large waves than any recreational kayak.

And my sea kayak has less of an impact on the environment than any powerboat, so it would make way more sense environmentally to ban powerboat than to ban sea kayaks.
"Boaters love boats . . . Kayakers love water."
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