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Old 05-19-2008, 01:58 PM   #283
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Originally Posted by Evenstar View Post
My "entire argument" is that paddlers should be able to use the lake without worrying about high-speed powerboats running us over.

I'm far from the only person who feels this way - my best friend is worse than me (as far as fearing being run over. I'm just more vocal (and just be glad that you don't have to deal with me in real life). According to polls, the majority of the residents of NH want a lake speedlimit. And I heard a bunch of other people testify in the State House for it.

And I take a great deal of responsibility on making sure that I'm as safe as I can be (and please don't bring up those silly little flags again - because I've already explained why they are not a good idea). I bought the brightest colored kayak available, I bought paddles that are extremely visible. My sea kayak is made for large bodies of water - which is where I use it. I've taken courses on navigation, advanced paddling, and first-aid, I had lessons, and I have learned how to do self rescues. I even carry an extra paddle, a bilge pump, and a tow line, as well as extra clothing. Plus I have a compass and a chart of the lake - and I have cold water gear, including both a wetsuit and a drysuit. And I wear a PFD, use a spray skirt in rough conditions. I paddle hundreds of miles each summer and have never needed any kind of help from anyone. How much responsibility do you want!!!

There is nothing wrong with standing up for something that you believe in - and I happen to believe in supporting things that I believe in. I've stood up for my beliefs on this forum, when I knew I was in the minority, and when I knew that people here with find fault with everything that I post, just because my view is different. If you think that is so wrong, than I feel sorry for you. I'm my opinion, the biggest thing that is wrong with this country is that to many people are apathetic - and would rather complain about things, instead of putting in the effort to improve things.
I'd bet money that if the speed limit passes you and your friend will not feel any safer next year or the year after before the law is up for expiration. I mean if after everything you've done you don't feel safe, you never will. I kayak on the lake quite a bit and I don't feel unsafe. I also don't put myself in harms way, you apparently like to and continue to do so. Why should I be glad I don't have to deal you in real life? You're being silly there.
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