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Old 05-16-2008, 11:04 AM   #30
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Default Here it is

Gov says he will sign the bill:

Boat Speed Limit Approved For Winnipesaukee
Gov. Lynch Says He Will Sign The Bill
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) ― It looks like some boaters will have to slow down on Lake Winnipesaukee next summer. The Senate passed trial speed limits Thursday for the state's biggest lake in a 14-10 vote.

The plan is on its way to Gov. John Lynch's desk. He has said he will sign it.

The bill sets speed limits at 45 mph during the day and 25 mph at night. The speed limits would go into effect beginning Jan. 1.

Boat speed limits have been debated for years. A group of year-round homeowners and vacationers on the lake pushed for the limit.

The plan that has been approved differs from past plans because it applies only to Lake Winnipesaukee and would go off the books in two years.

Manchester Democrat Louis D'Allesandro said speed limits amount to government overkill. "I always thought we were the Live Free or Die state, but here we are, restricting every phase of our lives," D'Allesandro said. "When does this end?"

He also suggested the speed limits would cause even more speeding.

"Who is going to arrest the boat police?" D'Allesandro said. "'Cause they're going to have to speed to catch the speeders."

Sen. Robert Letourneau, a Derry Republican, also opposed the limits. He said the possible speed limits have made boaters hesitant to put their boats in the water, which hurts businesses on the lake.

But Sen. Peter Burling, a Cornish Democrat, said it's important to consider those who say fast boats are bad for the lake. He said lawmakers tried to strike a balance.

"It's 'Live Free or Die' for everybody, and that includes the family in the kayak," Burling said.

Lawmakers would need to pass a new law to keep speed limits in place after Jan. 1, 2011.
Excuse me: but what crap
Capt. of the "No Worries"
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