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Old 05-16-2008, 08:44 AM   #277
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Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
So who's fault is that? These examples could be at any speed including 30MPH. What are YOU doing to avoid these situations? Are you paddling during twilight in the middle of a channel. I'm just not seeing how 30MPH is going to "save you" in these situations.

This is precisely why I am careful to kayak in coves along shores and if I venture across open channels I do so judiciously. I do it for my safety and the safety of the power-boaters. Enough with the "it's everybody else's fault but mine attitude."
Evenstar's entire arguement frames exactly what is wrong with our country today on so many levels. 1 person doesn't like something and grandstands for a law. I am not picking on her, but her unwillingness to take any responsibility on making sure she does what is needed to be safe is exactly the point. I won't change so we must make a law, get out of my way...

Kids in sports all get trophies, which reduces the meaning of what sports and competition is all about.

I hear the word hero so much is has no meaning anymore.

And on, and on, and on....

The good news is shortly my interest in the speed limit bill will be over, I will write to the Govenor expressing my desire to have him veto the bill. Whatever he does, he does. My life will not change, and neither will my boating habits. Kids will still get trophies for being in 422nd place, and useless laws will still get written. 100 years from now I'll be gone, but I'll have spent many great years on the lake and we'll all have that.
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