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Old 05-13-2008, 07:54 PM   #46
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Cool Celebrate

So, HB847 is scheduled for a vote in the NH Senate on Thursday. Since I've tried my hand at summarizing something that has already happened, I thought, what the heck, I’ll try summarizing something that hasn't happened yet. As Phoenix says, it's tough to make predictions especially about the future, so I'll hedge my bets:

If HB 847 is enacted:Celebratory meeting at an undisclosed island location.
Attendee #1. Kindly pass the cracked pepper water crackers.
#2. Would you care for some brie with that?
#3. Hey, this Cheez-Whiz'll really perk that up for ya. $2.99 a case at Wal-Mart
#4. These canapés are exquisite.
#5. I wonder if this champagne would lose its effervescence in outer space.
#6. If I use my telephoto lens and take a picture that's slightly out of focus while hanging from the chandelier, that wine bottle and shrimp cocktail will look like an ocean racer running down a naked kayaker at full throttle in the Weirs Channel.
#7. Stop it. We won. You don’t need to do that stuff anymore.

Chairman: the meeting will now come to order. First, I'd like to congratulate all of you. Thanks to your hard work, those rubes in the NH Senate fell for it! Now, for our first order of business, all in favor of the motion to petition the NH Legislature for a law banning black flies say "Aye."

Chorus of "Aye."

#8. Sorry I'm late. I had to paddle all the way over from Squam. We've got to do something to keep those big, scary, fast cars off of 25B.

If HB 847 does not pass:Celebratory meeting at an unnamed beach bar.
Attendee #1: Let's get that keg tapped
#2. These Cheese Doodles rock.
#3. Did you see those wimpy kids start crying when I swamped their canoe? What are they so afraid of?
#4. Yeah, I thought the camp director was gonna wet his pants. Way cool!
#5. I heard it's supposed to rain on our poker run this Saturday.
#6. Bummer, dude. All my buddies from Lake George, Sebago and Oregon are trailering their Cigarettes here for the weekend.
#7. Some guy in a beige boat told me that 35 was inappropriate for the Channel. I said, “You're right, pal. But if you fire up those blue lights and clear some of these boneheads out of my way, I could make some real good time.”

Chairman: the meeting will now come to order. First, I'd like to congratulate all of you. Thanks to your hard work, those rubes in the NH Senate fell for it! Now, for our first order of business, all in favor of the motion to petition the NH Legislature for a law banning black flies say "Aye."

Chorus of "Aye."

#8. Sorry I'm late. My NorTech needs a full head of steam to make the jump from Squam to Center Harbor but some elderly couple in an old wooden Chris Craft kept getting in the way.

Well, at least everyone agrees about the black flies.
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