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Old 05-03-2008, 11:05 AM   #140
Bear Islander
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Originally Posted by VtSteve View Post

...There are idiots out there, so get them to comply, or get them to leave....

...They probably feel the same way about those boats that I felt living on Winni with those obnoxious Cruisers making obscene wakes. Hint: The wakes from boats on plane are usually fairly small. The Cruisers wakes are always damaging whether they are going 10 mph or 30. Check your boat at the dock when they go by...

5) Large cruisers. Your wakes can be very destructive, and even dangerous. A primary reason for shore stations. Try to at least give the impression that you care.

6) Go Fast Boats. All of the above apply to you as well. It's simply not OK to be launching your boat at 70 mph and doing Whoopies in congested waters where other boats are going far slower. The 150' limit is breached with ease, and the speed does not allow you time enough to weave in and out of traffic.

It's dangerous, and would be covered under the reckless boating laws in place now. It's simply not OK to do as you please, as with all boaters, and you've painted a target on your backs as a result. This obviously applies to the small percentage that just don't have any common sense or courtesy. I know many of these people, and most are responsible, safe boaters.
Thanks VtSteve, for pointing out that large cruisers and GFBLs are create big destructive wakes and dangerous situations.

I don't think we can get them to comply so I think we should "get them to leave" as you suggest.
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