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Old 04-25-2008, 09:02 AM   #725
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Default yesteryear vs. today

Originally Posted by Bear Islander View Post
There is a huge hole in your theory. We can't fix drunks. There is no way to keep them off the lake. BWI was against the law in 1975 and he violated the law BECAUSE HE COULD.

A drunk can not get in a high horsepower boat and hit a cottage if there are no high horsepower boats on the lake.

I do understand he could get in a lower horsepower boat and have a similar accident. The damage however would be far less, and with a little luck, not fatal.

It wasn't the boat that killed him... He killed himself and the others...

He violated the law not because he could, but because he was DRUNK and didn't care... didn't think it could happen to him... etc, etc... and it cost him and 2 others thier lives! I refer to this as AIS (Alcohol Induced Stupidity)

WE CAN FIX DRUNK BOATING/DRIVING! There has been a HUGE cultural shift in attitude towards DWI/BWI! Aggressive enforcement coupled with harsh BWI/DWI penalties is the key! Thats what the LEO community and the government have been telling us! In 1975 when this accident occurred, you could still legally drink & drive in NH! You really can't apply todays moral attitude to an accident that occurred 33 years ago.

For example... 33 years ago "All In The Family" was a top rated show! Widely considered an icon of american television, the humor on that show would at best be described as racist & homophobic today. That show would never be produced today!

As far as HP limits go... how do you propose to enforce them? Is the NHMP going to dyno test every alleged violator? Yet another unfunded mandate the NHMP would be charged with enforcing?


PS: Still waiting for the High Speed SOBER accident data!
The only way to eliminate ignorant behavior is through education. You can't fix stupid.
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