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Old 04-24-2008, 05:36 PM   #711
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Here you say that its only for new boats:

Originally Posted by Bear Islander
My idea, as you know very well, is a 300 HP limit for boats made after 2008.

I am not targeting any boats on the lake now.
Only ones made after 2008.

This has been my position for the last 5 years.

Got It?
But here, in response to my post, you said it would be for all boats:

Originally Posted by chmeeee View Post
Even if they enacted a horsepower limit, which I sincerely doubt they would, it would have to only cover boats that were produced after the date the law was enacted. I am going to assume that the boat that crashed into the house was produced before today, no?

They're not going to enact a law that renders their own residents' possesions illegal and nearly worthless, it just would never happen. Given that, it would take at least 20 years, if not more, to get the high power boats off the lake with a HP limit, since it would take that long for them to wear out. In fact, they'd probably last even longer since there would be added incentive to keep them up.
Originally Posted by Bear Islander View Post
It has happened before many times, it will happen again. Many years ago I was involved with another lake passing similar limits. At the hearing many residents asked who is going to pay for their useless boats. The unspoken answer was nobody.

Besides a horsepower limit doesn't make your boat worth less. Sell it, or use it elsewhere.

In this accident scenario we are supposing that a speed limit or horsepower limit was in place at that time. I thought that was obvious.

The point is that once you regulate a boat off of the lake it can no longer have accidents here. And a boat that leaves voluntarily because of a speed limit can't be involved in accidents either. Problem Solved!
Do you enjoy contradicting yourself so much?
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