Thread: Proposed Law
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Old 01-25-2008, 08:58 AM   #128
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Originally Posted by Bear Islander View Post
The opposition can't have it both ways. Is there a speeding problem on Winni or not?
I think the opposition is quite clear, speeding is not a problem. This is why the opposition's stance is that a speed limit is clearly not needed. The studies are inconclusive of a speeding problem on the lake. The lack of speed related accidents and deaths further proves this.

Woodsy's problem with enforcement is the cost. Who will pay to purchase the new gear? The training? Added manpower? If we are going to take the time to put this law into place then it should be enforced. Laws written with the intent of never being enforced are not worth the paper they are written on. Whether or not there is truly a problem is up to you. The fact remains that it will cost $$$ to patrol and enforce it regardless of if they catch anyone. So, if they patrol for 90 days and do not catch anyone should they simply stop? What will happen then if there was an incident after those 90 days and someone got hurt? Who takes the heat then? MP for not enforcing would be the first target after the parties involved. Maybe then the crosshairs should point to Bear Island for not caring about protecting anyone because they did not care about enforcement and simply wanted a revenge law passed.

How can you honestly want this law so bad yet care less that any enforcement takes place??? What is the real motive? I think we already know...
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