Thread: The Woodshed?
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Old 12-04-2007, 09:44 AM   #30
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Default No Complaints

Let's not over do it! We have been going to the Woodshed since the mid seventies and have always enjoyed it. Although I have never had a complaint in well over 200 visits, my wife had two unhappy experiences a number of years ago. Quite frankly, we haven't seen a drop off thus far this year. Any restaurant, such as the Woodshed, that is upscale creates expectations that can be hard to meet with a critical audience all the time. As we all know, tastes and opinions vary all over the lot. If Eagle or anyone has an issue, they really should mention it to management at the time. As Canoe pointed out, the restaurant owner has many other things on their plate besides monitoring our forum. I do hope that the Woodshed and all the other area restaurants continue to provide good food and excellent service so that we will have the choices that we currently enjoy. Just my two cents!
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