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Old 10-30-2007, 06:39 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Dick
When people buy lakeshore property that is adjacent to a public park (makes no difference if that park consists of grass or water), they should go into the purchase with the realization that the public is going to want to use their park (gasp!). Some of the public will even play music and make some noise (what a surprise). If you buy a home adjacent to a park with a ball field, you shouldn't complain when the kids hit the ball into your yard. Nor should you be able to sneak in a petition (because no one knew about it) to close that area of the park from any ball playing.

When people put a dock into a public water park, they should not be surprised when bass anglers fish the public water that their dock is in.

The lake belongs to everyone . . . equally. I pick up the impression that you do not like bass boats or bass tournaments. Do you think we should restrict them in some way . . . e.g., don't let them take off to go fishing until after 9:00 AM -- after most lakeshore property owners have had their first cup of coffee? Do you think that they are doing something illegal or inappropriate in their water park?

If people do not want any portion of the public to be around them, they should not live right next to a park . . . They should live far out in the country.

There is a difference between folks using a park and a hundred or so Bass Boats taking off at full throttle at the crack of dawn. I think folks need to compromise and maybe getting rid of the Bass tournaments is a good place to start.
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