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Old 07-22-2007, 02:39 PM   #4
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Default Camping

My brother and his wife did island tent camping at Lake George, NY and my future (now present) wife and I visited there ... a beautiful lake. Some of their camping friends had heard of a land subdivision on Cow Island (this was in the late 60's) and they purchased a lot. Most of our neighbors (at that time) did tent camping while they built their camps. Over time, we became the owners and have raised our 3 kids there in happy summer days.
There are a few things that I've come to dislike. The cost of living has become enormous for islanders via taxes and the cost of keeping a boat on the mainland. The huge "stinkpot" cruisers that motor by leaving enormous wakes is bothersome. And small things like the replacement of the attractive old wooden buoys with those plastic sticks is a visual loss.
On a positive note, owners of the big-engined cigarette-style boats seem to be conforming to the decibel law.
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