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Old 06-08-2007, 08:30 AM   #18
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GoneTooLong WELCOME to the forum! (it's been so long since I've been able to visit and post that I think your screen name fits me better than it fits you! )

Sorry I didn't get a chance to visit with the three of you earlier this spring, but I promise to stop by sometime soon. Waldo says you guys have done an AMAZING job with that kitchen! It's terrific to see you all working so hard to return the Tamarack to it's former glory, and we wish you the very best!!!!

Dreamer55 I am compelled to reply to your statement that restaurants should give you a choice regarding oil. Your wish is, quite honestly, a complete impossibility.

Fry oil is not exactly something which can be changed in a few moments, so that option is out. Reserving a fryolator for patrons who wish to have their products fried in a particular oil is totally impractical as well. Fryolators are typically the busiest piece of equipment in our business, and patrons expect consistency in flavor, texture, etc so it's important to make one choice and stick with it.

With regard to the "new oils" I must comment that the vast majority of our customers are very pleased that we cook with an oil that contains zero trans fat. Today's consumer is very health conscious, and providing the majority with what they want makes much more business sense than trying to accommodate a few consumers who want something different.

All that being said, the truth of the matter is that the potato is what truly makes the fries, not the oil! If the supplier who provided the wrong product where on this forum I'd blast him but good! Fresh-cut fries MUST be made with FRESH POTATOS, because if they potato sits in a warehouse the starch-to-sugar process begins, and the older the potato gets the harder it is to cook it without burning it. Sounds crazy, but trust me it's true. Been there, done that, and gave up on the fresh-cut fries because of it. I sincerely hope the Clayton's have much better luck with it than we did!
Never waste time lamenting what was. Simply celebrate what is!

Last edited by Pepper; 06-08-2007 at 08:34 AM. Reason: potatoe is not tomatoe, it's potato! (blush)
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