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Old 05-17-2007, 07:02 AM   #31
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Exclamation Move for illegal traffic ??

Originally Posted by Phantom
Mark -- I can't believe you're serious !! The sign says "Slower traffic keep right"
There are many things I can't believe Phantom. I can't believe that people think that speed limits do not apply to them. They say that 60 mph really means 65 or 70 mph. What's that all about? It's about how far one can bend the law usually without getting caught. Great lesson to teach our youngsters.

65 mph means what again? It means 65 mph, not 70 or 75. Is there any room for disagreement here? The police enforce the laws they do not make them. Not all officers are as liberal as those who promote driving above the speed limit.

The sign says "Slower traffic keep right", that does not mean move right to assist drivers who insist on driving illegally or unsafely.

You are an accomplice when you help another break the law.
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