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Old 04-30-2007, 07:28 AM   #6
Dave R
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Originally Posted by Excalibur
If the law passes it will just be similar to the speed limits on our roads.

When we are in a hurry to run from a thunderstorm or meet friends at the Naswa for dinner. We will speed along above the speed limits and possibly put others in danger.

How many of us make excuses for speeding along a country road? Maybe a ball followed by a child will cross our path and maybe our reaction time due to speed will cause something terrible to happen. But people will be people and forever flawed.

Only when the law enforcement is there will we slow down to 65MPH for a mile or so and then we will be back up to the speed we feel comfortable with.

Is a new law really going to change anything?

You make some points that I don't necessairy agree with, but at least we both agree that new law really would be a silly waste.

On the road, there's no need to slow to the speed limit when you see a cop, odds are good he/she knows how fast you were going and has already made his/her decision to ticket or not. Suddenly slowing on the highway is less safe than exceeding the limit a bit. The best bet is to run a reasonable speed whether there's a cop around or not, and stay out of the passing lane unless you are passing. They seem to be cracking down on people hanging out in the left lane now.
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