Thread: Boating Safety
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Old 09-01-2023, 11:57 AM   #13
Lake Fan
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Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
Hoping things are better after this weekend,,,

Sounds like some of you have had even worse experiences than me.

The close proximity to other boats is clearly getting worse, but I dont normally worry about it until we get under say 50 feet. Not saying its right, I just dont get worked up over it. But under 50 feet and when the other operator does not seem to know what they are doing or are clearly being reckless is when it quickly becomes concerning to me. Once you get much closer than 50 feet and are at speed it can go wrong really quickly.

I am also surprised at how many people are either going way too fast under the Weirs bridge, or so slow they are struggling to control their boat. Same for people running really fast and only throttling back the second they pass a no wake marker, or taking off the second they clear the marker. Its as if they dont get that the high water levels are extra problematic when your in no wake zones and to just take it a bit easy.

Be safe out there, clearly it goes wrong too easily and the result is never good.

I've also noticed a big increase in operators who refuse to give way when required, or who, with a little situational awareness, could change course a bit to eliminate a pinch point. I believe it's a combination of entitlement, coupled with strict adherence to the navigation lines on the GPS.

The "boat rage" is off the charts also. I've been flipped off for just for trying to avoid some bonehead who's on a collision course with me.

No doubt about it, it's been like the wild, wild west out on the water this summer, but Fall is coming...
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